Chapter Twelve

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Crieks stood and stared as Leo carried Flint off, morphing into a large War Beast and starting to sprint. The Nightmares around them all suddenly vanished, and the others stood up slowly. Bee looked like she had a few new dents, Thorn was scarred and her helmet had cracked, Twilight was nudging Shard to get him to stand up, her gloves ripped and her hands bloody. Crieks was the only one without any damage or wounds. He stood, staring at where Leo had vanished off to with Flint. "Crieks..! Where-" Bee stopped and panted. "Where's Flint?"
"He-.. He took him." Was all Crieks could get out, his eyes wide and not moving from where Leo left.
"You've got to be kidding me." Shard was limping, and his Ghost, Lune, was worriedly floating around him. Twilight had wrapped her arms around Shard's lowed down arm, whimpering. Thorn walked over to Bee, weakly, and patted her on the head. "We'll find him, Crieks. He'll be okay."
"What- What if- What if he's not..?"
"We'll have to look tomorrow, Crieks. Everyone is tiered and battered." Shard looked at Twilight then picked her up. She looked like she was ninety-nine percent asleep.
"I... okay.." Crieks turned around and began walking back to the landing zone with the others.

Crieks flopped down onto his and Flint's bed and wrapped himself in the covers. They still smelt of Flint. Crieks felt himself start to tear up, then he suddenly started to sob. Crieks didn't hear Shard walk into the room. "Hey, Crieks."
Crieks looked up at him and wiped one of his eyes. "H-hi Shard.." Crieks sniffed, flopping back over so his face was buried in the bed. Shard sat on the edge of the bed. "Get some sleep, Crieks. We'll find him."
Crieks stayed silent as Shard stood up and left. "See you in the morning, Crieks."
He heard the door shut, and started to sob again until he fell asleep.

Crieks opened his eyes to yelling downstairs. He stood up and headed downstairs, his eyes dry from crying. He peered around the corner and saw Shard yowling at a Fallen Captain, who looked horrified. "Listen here, you! I'm not going back, ever! You hear me?!" He grabbed them by the shoulder and threw them to the floor. "Shard- Shard I'm sorry-"
"Sorry won't bring me back!" He grabbed onto the Captain's neck, shaking them, before dropping them to the ground and sighing, turning away. "Leave, Quartz. Get out of here."
"Shard- no, brother, I though that you would-"
"OUT." Shard hissed at his supposed 'brother'. I didn't know Shard had siblings.. "Shard! You're being unreasonable!"
"I. Am. NOT!" He grabbed his brother's throat again, but this time he didn't let go as quickly, and Quartz went limp. Shard let go and hissed one last time, before picking Quartz up and lobbing him out the door, then turn around and notice Crieks, who ran off. Crieks heard him walking up the stairs. "You tell no one. Okay?"
"O-okay..." Crieks stuttered and Shard nodded then walked off. Crieks walked down the stairs slowly, and noticed no one else was awake. He growled and walked out the door, standing on a ledge and sighing. "Guardian." Aviary appeared in front of his face. "Hi." Crieks mumbled, looking down at the drop. He spotted a cave at the bottom, and could swear he saw a snake tail just slip through. "Send a message to the others. I need them here." Crieks glared at the cave. "Are you sure? Everyone but you and Shard are asleep."
"Ugh.. can you scan that cave from up here?"
"...okay." Crieks flung himself off the edge and jumped just before he hit the ground so he didn't injure himself. "Get the others. Now."
"Okay then.. I think you're seeing thing, though."
"Aviary. Just do it." Crieks snarled and walked forwards, into the cave. He could hear yelling in the distance, but couldn't make out what due to the echo. Crieks stopped as he heard footsteps behind him. "Crieks! What are you doing down here?" Bee asked. "Shush, and listen."
The yelling continued. "....Oh.."
"Go." Crieks hissed, running forwards through the cave.

Crieks slid round a corner and saw a figure sat on the floor, sobbing. He stepped closer. "...Flint...?" Flint looked over his shoulder. "...I- I-" he stumbled over his words. "C-Crieks- Crieks I-"
Crieks put a finger over Flint's mouth and pulled him into a hug. It was only then that Flint noticed that Bee, Thorn, Shard and Twilight were there too. "Guys... guys I-"
"Flint- it- it's fine just- just get up." Crieks stuttered, and Flint did so. He looked at Crieks, who was tearing up, then grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. Crieks suddenly pulled himself away, blushing. "At least give me a warning..." He mumbled. "C'mon, you two. We need to get out of here before-" Bee was cut off by a yowl. "-before he gets back." She finished as Leo in his War beast form padded into the room, growling. He lunged at Crieks, but Flint screeched and grabbed his leg with both his hands, yanking him back and slamming his head into the floor, but taking Flint down with him. "Flint!" Crieks yowled as Flint closed his eyes and Leo stood up, his head bleeding, and his mouth foaming. "You little..." He growled then flung himself at Crieks again, knocking him over. Bee yowled and ran over to pull Leo off, but Flint heaved himself to his feet, jumped up in the air, and using his super, Blade Barrage, flinging Leo off balance and therefore crashing into the wall. Flint landed and pulled Crieks up. "Run." He hissed. The others obliged. They all sprinted out the cave and jumped back up onto the ledge, Flint basically being dragged by Shard. Crieks just saw Leo pad out of the cave and scream, spitting, "YOU BITCH!"
As Shard dropped Flint on the ledge, Crieks ran over to him and hugged him, kissing him again. Crieks could just hear Flint snicker. "And.. and you told me to give you a warning..." his voice was staticky and crackly. "Flint, are you okay?" Crieks said as he pulled away. "Yeah- I... agh... I'm fine.." Flint was obviously lying, and Crieks picked him up with all four arms, carrying him through the door after the others had walked through. Crieks took Flint into their room and dropped him on the bed, but Flint stood up. "Flint- you need to-"
"I need to go wash this out, is what I need to do..." he opened the door to the bathroom they had attached to their room. "Be careful." Crieks called after him, and he nodded before shutting the door.

Flint walked back into the room after about half an hour, and coughed a bit. "Right." His voice was nearly perfectly clear again. "I can tell that you're a bit better." Crieks was laying on the bed with the covers over him. "Yeah.. I got all I could out.." Flint flopped onto the bed next to Crieks, pulling the covers over himself too, then snuggling into Crieks' side. "Love you." He mumbled.
"I- I love you too, Flint." Crieks whispered back.

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