Chapter Four

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"I wonder where Twilight and Shard are." Flint fiddled with one of his throwing knives.
"They said that they were heading off to do something. They might not be done yet." Thorn was the only one sat still, as Bee had made an orb of void energy and was throwing it back and forth. "They give you void powers and you do this with it?" Flint snickered. "Well okay then mr fancy knives." Bee responded as she let the orb dissolve into the air. "Hey, don't you insult my knife tricks."
"I'm not insulting the tricks themselves. They're pretty cool, actually. It's just the fact that we stand still for five seconds and you start flipping a blade around."
Flints only response was a sigh.
"We should just head back to the 'house', in inverted commas." Bee decided.
"Yeah probably." Thorn agreed.

Flint opened the door slowly. "Crieks?" Bee and Thorn were stood just behind him.
No answer. He opened the door fully. "You guys wait here." Flint said as he walked up the stairs. "Crieks?" He called again, leaving Bee and Thorn downstairs. Flint slowly opened the door to his own room, and looked around. Those covers on the bed have been moved.
"Crieks. 'Cmon." He walked over to the bed and sat down. Crieks, who had bundled himself up in the covers, whimpered. "...Go away."
Flint walked over to the other side of the bed and moved the covers on that side. He laid down on his front and nudged Crieks, who moved the covers slightly so he could see, then immediately covered his face again.
"Crieks, come on. What's wrong?"
Crieks was silent.
Flint shuffled closer, awkwardly, and put his arm around Crieks, who made a small, only just audible squeak. He moved the covers away from his face and looked at Crieks, a slight blush over his face. "What's wrong?" Flint repeated, but this time Crieks looked around, then back to Flint. "They tried to kill me." He mumbled, but in his own language. "What?" Flint moved a bit closer to Crieks. "I-" Crieks sniffed and rubbed one of his eyes. "I went outside and-" he paused again. "And one of the Fallen Captains that was there when I-" Creiks went to rub his eyes again, but Flint but his hand on his cheek and basically did it for him. Crieks put his hand on top of Flint's.
"..-When I left. He-...He tried to kill me."
"Crieks..." Flint rubbed Crieks' cheek with his thumb. Crieks sat for a bit, then pulled Flint into a hug and wrapped all four of his arms around him. "What I I got hurt? I could have died!" He started to sob.
"What would you have done if I got myself killed?"
"Crieks, it's fine-"
"It's not fine!" He yowled, half into Flint's armour. "I could have made you feel horrible!"
"Crieks," Flint started, and then Crieks went to cut him off, but got a hand over his mouth. "Crieks, listen. It's fine. You're fine. I'm fine." He looked straight at Crieks, who kept glancing away repeatedly. "What happened to the Captain?" Flint asked.
"I hid inside the church and they got killed by a random Guardian that appeared." Crieks was getting a bit less sniffly.
"Flint? Ya still there?" Flint heard Bee call from downstairs. "Yeah." Flint called back.
"'Cmon, Crieks. Let's go." Flint went to sit up, but Crieks pulled him back. "I don't want to yet." He sniffled, pressing himself into Flint. Flint sighed. "Fine, Crieks." He mumbled, letting Crieks pull him closer.
"Why are you so clingy?" Flint mumbled, mostly accidentally. Crieks loosened his grip a bit, then let go completely. "Sorry..." he murmured.
"No- Crieks, it's fine- I just-" Flint sat up and stuttered, but Crieks seemed to be ignoring him.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll leave." Sadly, Flint walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. "Heya Flint. What's up with Crieks, then?" Bee asked as Flint sat down next to her. "Not much." Flint lied. He hated lying, but he didn't want anyone to worry. "Good." Shard responded from the other side of the room. He and Twilight were sat next to each other, and, by the looks of it, Twilight was mostly asleep and leaning on Shard's shoulder. "I'll take that as a 'Hey, Shard and Twilight are back'." Flint faked a smile. He was pretty good at it at this point.
Especially since I killed Leo. Shard grinned. "I would too." Bee laughed and Thorn sat down next to her, on the opposite side to Flint, and put her arm around Bee, who, a tad shocked (it's Bee. Thorn could breath in her direction and she'd die), looked up at Thorn.
Flint stood up. "I'll be back in a sec, guys." He said over his shoulder as he walked back to his room where Crieks was. Just as he was about to open the door, his Ghost, Crimson, appeared next to him. "And you called him clingy." He sighed.
"I can't just leave him."
"You can, you don't want to."
"Shut it."
"At this point the others will just be able to guess you like him."
"Shut. It." Flint snarled. "You've seen what I'm capable of."
"Yes, I have." Crimson glared at him. "And you're scared of it."
"I've seen everything you're capable of," Crimson said as he floated over to Flint's left side from his right. "I've also seen what Leo was capable of."
"And you-"
"Shut up, Crimson." Flint growled and cut his Ghost off before opening the door, Crimson sighing then following Flint as he walked through.
"Crieks?" Flint called into the room, purposely lowering his voice after his fight with Crimson. "...go away..." Crieks shuffled around under the covers.
"Crieks, listen. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it."
"You're just saying that."
"I'm not. I promise. I'm sorry."
"You're not."
"Crieks, listen to me."
Crieks was silent. Flint waited for him to reply, but didn't get anything.
"Right, Crieks. I need to know you're listening. Say something."
"I'm listening." Crieks mumbled after a second.
Just to make sure, Flint sat next to him and asked what he just said. Crieks got it right.
"Good. Right," Flint paused and slid slightly closer to Crieks.
"I know I've only known you for a few months, Crieks, but, so far, you are literally the best person I've met during the years I've been in this Clan with the others. You're a good person."
"...thanks..." Crieks mumbled quietly and moved the covers away from over his face slightly so he could see. "It's just..." Flint looked down at his feet.
"Affection kind of scares me now. I've been through a lot, and I'm sure you have too." Flint fiddled with the dagger he had in its sheath. "You probably won't know him, but there was someone in our Clan about a year ago. If I can remember correctly, his name was Leo-4. He-" Creiks suddenly sat up and cut Flint off. "Leo? You knew him? What happened?"
"You knew Leo?"
"He betrayed me."
"How is that?"
"Back when I was still with the Fallen. He was on our side. He said he loved me. He lied."
That's exactly what he did to me.
"He's a horrible person." Crieks continued. "He left us - no, he left me to try and kill my old House's Kell. He failed, so he ran away. I haven't seen him since."
"He tried to destroy the entire House?"
"Yeah. The Kell nearly broke his spine. I think around five dregs, including me, and a few captains were watching."
"Did the Captain's try to interfere?"
"They tried. One of them died from a knife to the heart, another died from blood-loss after."
"Were there others?"
"There was, yes. The other one there was called Driak if I remember that right. He was the one there when I ran away."
Flint paused to take in what Crieks said. So he knew Leo too, and he was just as shit. Cool.
"What did he do to you?" Crieks asked.
"He tried to kill Shard. His reason was something along the lines of 'I knew a few Fallen back in my younger days, and they betrayed me' or something else stupid."
"What happened to him?"
Flint sighed, and held out his hand to summon Crimson. "I've wanted this off my chest for a while now. I feel like it's just weighing me down."
Flint looked at Crimson, who glared at him, clearly still upset after the fight. "Go on." He snarled.
"I found him sat on a ledge and I-" Flint felt like his heart fell out of his chest, and stopped. "And I pushed him off."
"Crimson, you have the recording from his Ghost, Spirit, right?" Flint looked to his Ghost, who nodded. "Yeah, sure." Crimson started the recording.

"If you want, yeah. I used to think I could trust Leo. He was the best Guardian ever. Then he joined the Fallen's side, and he changed." Spirit paused and sighed. "I feel like someone flipped some sort of switch. He wouldn't take my advice anymore. If I did anything even remotely 'wrong' to him, he wouldn't even listen to me for the rest of the day, never mind take my ideas into account. I still trusted him, though, so I kept reviving him. I still thought he could change again. Back to the old Leo. The good one. I've been through a lot. And I want it over." You could faintly hear Flint say; "so you want me to shoot you?"
"Basically, yes. Do it. I would myself if I could." The recording ended after a loud gunshot and the sound of metal hitting the dirt.

Crieks sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. "You killed his Ghost?" He eventually asked. Flint nodded. "I broke his spine from the push too. Dented his armour with my elbow. I nearly fell over due to the light that rushed from his Ghost. I'm torn. I don't know whether to feel bad or not."
"Why'd you do it?"
"I thought he loved me. He lied so that I wouldn't suspect a thing."
"Flint caught him just as he was about to pull the trigger on Shard's Ghost, Lune. He tackled Leo out the way and revived Shard. Lune was traumatised. She was barely there anymore. She's a bit better now, though."
"What did the others think?"
"They don't know. I don't want them to know. No one but you, Shard, Crimson and me knows."
"Did you tell Shard?"
"No. He brought it up in a conversation, and said he suspected it was me. I just broke down."
Crieks suddenly grabbed Flint and hugged him.
"And I thought what he did to me was horrible."

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