Chapter Nine

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"Bop!" Bee landed on the floor with a thump after shooting a Vandal in the head.
"Can you not say 'bop' every time you get a kill?" Shard asked over his shoulder as he fought a Captain using his Shock Blade.
"That's a stupid..." Thorn aimed at a Shank that was shooting her from nearby. "...Question." She finished as she shot the Shank with her shotgun. "Crieks! How's the murdering going?!" Bee yowled in Crieks' general direction.
"Okay!? I'm not dead yet!" He howled back.
"Good!" Bee heard Flint say from next to Crieks.

"Ouch." Crieks squeaked. "That was a bullet to the arm."

"Arg! God-" Shard hissed as the Captain slammed him into the ground and managed to kill him. "You grab Shard, I'll finish the Captain off." Thorn said, and Bee nodded and ran over to revive Shard.
"-damnit!" He finished his sentence as he woke up again. "Urg..." he growled as he stood up to see Thorn shooting the Captain in the head with a shotgun, after pushing it to the floor.

Bee spun the Ace of Spades around then reloaded it. "You're just as fancy as Cayde was." Thorn noted as she spotted Bee reloading. "Nothin' wrong with that." Bee grinned. Thorn just rolled her eyes. "Are you like one hundred percent sure that you're just a lesbian and not bisexual? 'Cause I'm like eighty percent sure you had a crush on Cayde." Thorn joked.
"Pft. Nah. I'm pretty sure."

"The fact that there was no blush there is proof, I think." Thorn said as she ran off to help Flint and Crieks.
Bee would have rolled her eyes, if she had any. "Right, Shard, let's go." She looked over her shoulder at Shard, then turned back around and followed Thorn. Shard ran just behind her.
"Guardian down." Bee heard Crieks' Ghost say. "Oop. Is that his first death?" Bee asked herself. No one else heard. Flint revived Crieks, and he sat up quickly. "What the- ow... that was weird."
"Coming back from the dead does that." Thorn responded as she shot a Vandal in the arm with her shotgun.
Bee aimed at the head of a Wretch in a big group of other Wretches, then fired. "Boom." She giggled as they all exploded. She reloaded and the Ace of Spades let off a slight glow. "There's the perk..." She mumbled.
"Bee, you look like you're holding a gun-shaped glowstick." Thorn sighed.
"Good!" Bee laughed as she shot at a Heavy Shank about three times and killed it, then reloaded again to reactivate the perk.

"Why is it glowing?" Crieks asked Bee after they'd killed everything.
"It's the perk it's got. I can't remember what it's called but it loads some extra power rounds into the weapon. I think it's like six or something from my tests." Bee answered, and Crieks nodded. "That's cool."

Crieks sat down at the feet of a large statue. "I wish I could have known Cayde. He sounds like he was a pretty cool guy."
"Heh. 'Pretty cool' is way too much of an understatement. More like incredibly epic." Bee grinned, then it faded to a small frown. "Yeah. Cayde was cool." She sat down next to Crieks. Her grin came back as she elbowed Crieks' side. "So, tell me, how are you liking the whole Guardian thing?"
"It's cool. I'm not too big on the death thing though."
"You get used to it." Bee flicked an orb of void light around.
"How do you do that?" Crieks admired the purple glowing sphere.
"Honestly," Bee let the orb dissipate. "I have no idea."
Crieks laughed.

"I don't even know what class you are." Shard told Crieks, who shook his head. "We'll figure it out. I'm still working this whole 'Light' thing out." Crieks looked at his hands.
"Yeah. It took me a while, too." Shard clenched his fist and Crieks saw it get all electrical. "That's cool." Crieks watched as he slammed his fist into his palm and sent out a small lighting bold from the connection. "Yeah, arc is pretty cool." He kept crashing his hands together until he seemingly got bored. "Do you wanna go kill some stuff?" Shard looked at Crieks, who nodded. "It would be nice practice. Right, Aviary?" He held out his Ghost. "Yes, hopefully we can find out what class you are too." Aviary exclaimed happily.

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