Chapter Fourteen

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"I've always enjoyed the Moon." Bee said as her, Thorn, Shard, Twilight, Flint and Crieks walked along. The group were just doing patrols and trying to help hold back the whole Hive problem.
"We should head down there." Thorn gestured at a cave with a few Hive surrounding it. Two Acolytes and a Wizard.
"We probably should, yes." Bee flung herself off the edge, and while she was still midair, threw a Nova Bomb at the three Hive, killing them all. She landed with a thump and the others followed.
Flint watched as Bee struggled to get up the ledge. Shard just walked over, grabbed her, and dropped her on flat ground, climbing up easily. The rest of the group followed. Bee and Thorn were at the front, while Flint and Crieks were at the back. They kind of split into four different conversations.

A sudden loud Hive screech pierced the air, and everyone stopped, looking around.
"That didn't sound like it had seen something. It sounded like it got killed." Bee pointed out.
"True." Thorn responded. "But what killed it is the issue."
The group continued, a bit faster this time, heading in the direction of the sound. When the reached the area, Flint spotted a figure stood holding a rifle of some sorts, attempting to deal with a hoard of Hive. "We should help." Shard said, his fists glowing with arc energy and he flung himself into the air, crashing down on top of the swarm of Hive, killing off an area of them. Flint ran into the room fully, Crieks just behind him. Crieks readied a bow of Void Light, then fired a bunch of shots right in the middle of the swarm, tethering a bunch of them. Flint decided to follow it up with his own super, a fan of flaming knives.
The swarm had soon cleared off, and just as Flint was about to shoot the last Acolyte, Bee charged in and punched it. Flint turned to the figure, who was stood panting, their armour scratched and dented. Their helmet had a hole in it, as well.
They looked up, and Flint was shocked to notice that they were Fallen, like Shard and Crieks. A third Eliksni Guardian?
"Hey. Thanks for that, you guys. I'd be dead if it wasn't for you." Their voice was feminine, and they reached out to shake Flint's hand. Flint obliged. "No problem. We're here for a reason, and clearing out Hive definitely is said reason."
Flint noticed the others had gathered around.
"It's Flint."
The Guardian nodded. "Amelia." She smiled.
Bee strolled over, stopping just next to Flint.
"Hello." Amelia looked at her, and her Ghost appeared. Amelia introduces her Ghost as Sapphire, and Bee nodded. "It's Bee."
Sapphire paused. "Bee? Aren't you like... the main reason that we won the Red War?"
Bee looked slightly taken aback. "I..- I just go by Bee, now."

Everyone introduced themselves, and Bee offered for Amelia to join their Clan. Amelia seemed shocked and amazed at the same time. "You've basically just met me...!"
"I know," Bee was probably smiling under her helmet. "But you seem pretty cool. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's only three Eliksni Guardians out there, and you're one of them. The other two are here."
Bee gestures at Shard and Crieks.
"Oh, really? I just assumed it wasn't that rare." Amelia stretched. "Sure. I'll join." She smiled, and Bee nodded and grinned. "Cool!"

The group headed back to Earth, Amelia residing in Flint's ship, as she didn't have her own yet. She was clearly a new Guardian, especially due to her beaten and torn armour.
"So where are we headed?" She looked at Crieks, who was sat next to her.
"Trostland, EDZ. It's basically where we live at this point." He answered, smiling at her. "Oh, cool." Amelia looked at Sapphire. "I've only ever been on the moon."

Sapphire glanced at Amelia, then at Crieks. "You will have been other places, just not after your revival. So, not that you'll remember. "True," Crieks looked at Flint. "Not for me though."

"Hm?" Amelia looked at Crieks, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"I never left Earth. Even before I was revived. I was never high enough in the House ranks to leave, and I couldn't be bothered to get high enough. I ran away." Crieks looked upset from mentioning his past, and Flint looked over his shoulder at him.

"You don't have to talk about it, Crieks." The plates on Flint's face had moved to resemble a frown.  "I know." Were the only words that came from Crieks' mouth.

"We're here, anyways. C'mon." Flint stood up from his seat. "Transmat us out, Crimson."

Amelia awkwardly strolled through the door behind Crieks and Flint, fidgeting with her hands, with her secondary pair flopped to her sides.
Bee was chatting with Thorn, occasionally getting really flustered for a second.
Flint had sat next to Crieks, who was leaning on Flint's side with his eyes closed.
And Shard was talking to Twilight, and she was giggling.
Amelia looked around and decided to sit next to Bee, who looked at her. "Hiya Amelia!" Bee grinned. "Heya." Thorn looked pretty chill.
"Hi." Amelia let a small smile form on her face. I miss Roxy. Who's Roxy? I miss her anyways. "Hey, Sapphire?" Amelia looked at her Ghost.
"Yes, Guardian?"
"Do you know any 'Roxy's?"
"Yes, but why?"
"Random memories."
"I've heard of one. Rumor has it she's part of some kind of clan."
Thorn suddenly looked over at them, a slightly visible frown on her face. "Spirion? Is that the clan you're thinking about?"
"I think so, yes." Sapphire nodded, well, she more bobbed down then back up again.
"What are you wondering?" Thorn looked at Amelia, who glanced at Sapphire then back to Thorn. "Was there anyone called Roxy?"
"Yes, actually, I think she's still there. Why?"
Amelia heard Bee ask something along the lines of "How do you know so much?", but she ignored it.
"I just had some random memories of someone called Roxy pop up."
Amelia stood up off the chair and strolled over to the door. "I'll be back in a bit."

She headed outside and strolled around, looking at the painted on symbols on the wall, one of which, was a heart with the letter 'R' in it. Odd. Amelia soon noticed that she was wandering into an alleyway, it's walls coated with the symbols. She continued onwards, noticing animals like rabbits and birds eyeing her up unnaturally.
Stopping to look at a brick on the ground with a massive bite mark in it, Amelia bent down, then gasped as she was yanked back up, and hand over her mouth, Amelia clawed at the figure's arm, and the threw her to the floor, but when she turned, the only thing there was a cobra with card markings on its hood, but it was about five feet tall. It stared at her, wide-eyed, and Amelia noticed it had no pupils and it's eyes were pure white. It suddenly hissed and flung around, hissing again, louder, and all the random animals scattered around followed it as it slithered through another alley. Amelia decided not to follow.
Amelia was once again grabbed from behind, this time by a large dragon-like creature, who snarled and carried Amelia off down the alley that the cobra went down. Amelia couldn't do anything but flail around pathetically in the dragon's jaws as it held her by an arm.

Amelia slammed against a stone wall and heard the clanging of metal hitting metal. When she looked up, she saw that she was in some sort of cage. She sat up, looking around, and spotted that cobra hissing at a rabbit, who reared up, flicked an ear, and bounced off. The cobra turned to look at Amelia, who backed up against the cold stone wall. It slunk through the bars, looking at Amelia with those clear white eyes. "So it is you." It hissed, a rather shockingly feminine undertone in its voice.
"You're back. You're really back." The cobra's voice sounded oddly shaky.
"Amelia?" It asked.
"Y-Yes." Amelia felt the need to still be scared. "Being in this form won't help you remember me really, will it?" It mostly mumbled to itself. Amelia watched in shock as the cobra morphed into a female human figure, who turned around and looked at her. "How's that?" She spread her arms apart like you would if you wanted a hug.
"R-Roxy?" Is this the Roxy I have memories of? She's... pretty?
"So you do remember!" Roxy grabbed Amelia and helped her up, holding onto her sides.
Roxy suddenly hugged Amelia, who gasped then hugged back. "I've missed you so much! I'll get you out of here, hold on a second." Roxy flipped back to the cobra, slunk through the bars, and unlocked the door, letting Amelia out.

Amelia stepped out slowly and Roxy morphed back into her human form. "How about you... Come back with me? I'm in a Clan but I'm sure you could join." Amelia asked, and Roxy turned to look at her. "I can't."


"The Clan relies on me. If I left the Clan would crumble. I lead this place."

Amelia was shocked to hear that her old best friend was leading such a horrible thing. "You lead this place?"

"I never wanted to, originally. I was forced into it. I joined at my own will, and then got promoted to deputy, then the original leader was killed by an old member of ours. Thorn, was the name of the one who killed our leader."

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