Chapter Two

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Flint walked around, trying to see if he could find the others. "They said they'd be in this area..." he mumbled.
"Flint should be here soon right?" He heard Shard ask.
Walking over to the building he heard Shard from, He leant through the door. "Nahhhhhh."
"Oh? Hey Flint!" Thorn greeted.
Bee just waved. Flint jumped up onto a ledge and sat down. "So why are you all in here?" He asked, kicking his legs in the air. "Oh yeah," Shard seemed to remember something. "Hold on a sec." He stood up and walked around a corner.

"So what's he doin'?" Flint directed the question at Thorn. She looked up at him from where she was sat. "We just met someone so we assumed you'd want to meet them too." She answered and Flint nodded. Flint heard Shard call something in his own language and the watched as he jumped back onto the countertop he was sat on, a figure with long robes and a helmet on behind him. He seemed to explain who Flint was in before introducing the figure to him, as they seemed to be a tad calmer after Shard said something to them.  Shard looked back up at Flint. "Okay, Flint, this is Crieks," he said, then he continued in his own language. Flint assumed he said something a long the lines of 'And this is Flint.' to him. "Crieks is a nice name."  Flint said.
"One thing, he only speaks Fallen." Twilight added.
"I assumed that."
Crieks looked at Flint and tilted his head the tiniest bit, before seemingly asking something in Fallen. Shard turned to Crieks and said something.

"So what's the point of me meeting someone who I can't understand, exactly?" Flint looked up at Shard, who, even though Flint was six foot one, towered over him. "I was hoping you'd be willing to learn?" Shard answered, though it was just as much of a question. Flint nodded. "As long as we can find the time."

A month has passed since Flint had last seen Crieks, and he had a general grasp on speaking Fallen, thanks to Shard. Flint was sat up, late at night, while everyone else was either off doing stuff, or asleep. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of being so alone. Flint jumped up and sprinted out of the building, jumping on his Sparrow, and sped straight to where he last saw Crieks. While he was driving, he kind of half zoned out.
Leo betrayed me. I've never loved anyone before him. He tried to kill Shard and he betrayed me. Why do I miss him? Hell, I'm the one who killed him. I'm sick of it. I'm always alone. I'm sick.
Flint only zoned back in when he realised he'd made it to the building he's last seen Crieks, and he leaped off his Sparrow and wandered in through the door. He looked around. It looks empty. Please, please say he's okay... After looking around, he stopped. I swear I heard something. What was that? Flint walked towards the sound he heard, a hand on the sidearm he had with him. "Hello? Is someone there?" Flint heard a voice call, and he instantly recognised it. Crieks! He immediately bolted towards Crieks, who looked up at him and seemed slightly shocked, but not scared. He obviously remembered Flint. "Flint?!" He squeaked.
"Hey! Crieks! Guess who can actually speak to you now?" Flint said, Crieks responding with a small, happy squeal. Flint sat down next to him. "So what's happened while I've been gone?" Flint asked. Crieks sighed. "I may have to move to somewhere else... I knew you'd come back though, so I stayed." He croaked, suddenly not happy anymore. "Why?"
"Someone found me earlier. I'm scared they'll come and attack me."
"If.. if you need somewhere to go then I'm sure the others would let you into where we stay." Flint told him, worried that Crieks wasn't telling him something, as he seemed a lot more down that when they first met.
Flint nodded. "We let Shard stay, didn't we?" Crieks nodded. "I guess so. Are you sure, though?"
"99.99999991% sure."
"What about the point 00000009%?"
"Ignore that. It's irrelevant."
Crieks stood up, and Flint followed him. "So why do you have such baggy clothes on?" Flint asked, walking behind him. "...I can trust you right?" Crieks asked, turning back on himself to look at Flint. Flint nodded. "You can trust me."

Crieks sighed and nodded, glancing around to make sure only Flint was there, then he went to lift his helmet off. He stopped half way through taking it off. "...Can I really trust you...?" Crieks asked, incredibly nervous. "Me and the others trust Shard, Shard trusts us. If anything's up, you can tell me." Flint explained, and Crieks nodded, taking his helmet of fully.
Flint widened his eyes slightly. He's another Fallen like Shard! Flint had previously assumed that they had just learnt the language to try and reason with the tons of Fallen around, and possibly forgotten most of their English, but no, they never knew any at all. "You're-"
Crieks nodded. "If you want to leave me here, feel free."
Flint shook his head. "No," He summoned his Sparrow in. "I'm taking you with me. Come on." Crieks let out a small gasp, before smiling and giving Flint a hug. "No one else gas ever been this kind to me before." He mumbled, letting go of Flint, who nodded and jumped on his Sparrow. "You should be able to jump on the back."

Flint jumped off his Sparrow, Crieks following behind him. Crieks had put his helmet back on by now, but was still hiding behind Flint. "Hey guys." Flint called into the building after jumping up, calling Crieks up with his hand. "Heya Flint." Shard replied from round a corner.

"I may have brought a friend." Flint said, looking at Crieks, who was still trying to climb up. Turning to face him, he lent down and held his hand out. "You want some help there?" He asked as Crieks grabbed his hand and pulled himself up. Crieks kind of hid behind Flint once he got up. Flint wandered into the main room where Shard was, with Crieks just behind him.
"Crieks, you do realise that the one talking there was Shard right?" Flint turned and mumbled to him. Crieks shook his head then nodded, seeming a tad more confident.
"Shard, come here." Flint called into the room, and Shard stood up and walked over, spotting Crieks. "Crieks!" Shard looked shocked.
"We haven't seen you in... how long?"
"...Around three months ago." Crieks answered.
"That long." Shard did finger guns at Crieks. "Come in." Shard gestured towards the door. "Bee, Thorn! Come downstairs!" Shard yelled up the stairs. "Uuuuuhgggggg whyyyyyyy????" Bee groaned from up the stairs.
"Do you remember Crieks?"
"Flint brought him over."
"Oh really!? I'm commiiinnggg!!"
Flint shook his head. "God damnit, Bee..." Flint shook his head and sighed. "Bee is the warlock, right? And if I remember correctly Thorn was wearing a titan mark..." Crieks sort of mumbled the last bit to himself. "Yep. Shard's a titan, Bee's a warlock, Thorn's a titan, Shard's girlfriend, Twilight, is a hunter, and I'm a hunter." Flint explained. "I knew Shard was a titan.. he's got the mark." He paused and added quietly, "...And the scariness. And the shoulders." Flint had to hold in a chuckle.
There was a sudden loud crash and then Bee appeared on the floor next to the stairs. "...ow."
"Did you-... did you just fall down the stairs...?" Flint shook his head. As Bee stood up, ignoring Flint's question, her ghost appeared next to her. "Yes. Yes she did." He answered for Bee, looking at Flint. "You're a snitch." Bee crossed her arms. "Hiya Bee." Crieks waved one of his arms, then looked at Shard. "Oh, Shard. I never noticed you were missing an arm."
"Huh? Oh yeah."
Shard sat down. "Lost it just before I left. Another Captain blew it straight off in a fight with me. I clawed his throat out with my bare hands after that."
"That's impressive." Crieks said as he walked over and sat next to Shard.
Shard nodded. "Had five Dregs watching me. One of them sprinted, the other four tried to fight me... They lost."
"I was a Dreg once. I managed to escape and take the stuff off my arms. It's been so long that they've grown back now. Why can't yours do that?" Crieks tilted his head.
"It's too crippled for that now."
Thorn soon stepped down the stairs and stood next to Bee. "Heya. What 'cha talking about?" She asked, leaning on the wall. "Shard's explaining something about how he lost his arm."
"What about your eye, Shard? I don't think you've mentioned it before."
Shard turned to her. "Hunters have knives and they will use them." Were his only words.
"That would do it." Thorn nodded.
"Eyes don't like knives." Bee said. "Mine didn't like a Dreg's claws raked through them." She looked at the ground.
"We should really teach you English, Crieks." Shard shook his head as Crieks nodded. "That would be good."

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