1.9K 69 19

Published : 20200529

Edited : 20210123

Word count : 0,9k



I finally woke up after pressing snooze a couple of times.

As I opened my eyes, I feel like somebody banged my head with a baseball bat. I feel like not moving my body at all. I feel like eating pizza all day. In a sense, I feel like shit.

Well, it's summer, so, I have absolutely zero classes to get to, and a thousand pizzas to eat.

I finally decided to get out of bed. I then sat up and tried to adjust to the spinning feeling. I walked out from my room and to the kitchen. I didn't see Wonho anywhere, so I'm guessing that he's at work.

I then spotted a note saying, "At work. Shift today ends at 12. I'll pick you up @ 12:30 for lunch. Go help yourself. Luv, W"

Okay, yeah, he's not here.

I then decided to take a shower and put on this oversized shirt that actually belongs to Wonho. But it's comfy and it kinda looks good on me. Besides, I'm pretty sure he won't mind.

As I wait, I opened up my novela and began to read until I realised that it's 12:18. "Shit, I should get ready," I thought.

I carelessly took a thin belt and wrapped it around my waist. I also took my bag and put in my usual stuff. After pulling the zipper, I sat down with boredom on the sofa as I waited for him. My eyes then started to wander around the room and it stopped on Wonho's office glass door.

For a minute, I mentally debated myself about whether I should try to get in his office or not. My legs then started to impulsively walk towards the room. I reached for the door handle to try to open it and the unusual thing is that it's not locked. He probably just forgot to lock the door.

And the the fact is that him forgetting about locking the door wouldn't really stop me from entering. Foolish and stubborn, I know. But my curiosity is too strong for me to surpress.

But, really, how bad could it actually be? It's not like those guys are gonna capture me just because I know that they're selling candies, right? Right. Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine.

I then opened the door carefully and entered his room. The space that I can only see from the other side of the glass everyday.

I started walking into the room and looked around it. A movable board is randomly placed in the room, filled with pictures, sticky notes, strings, and thumbtacks. And wow, his desk is a fucking mess. I then sat on his chair and read some files that he left open on his desk.

"Lee Jooheon"

Wait, isn't he the CEO of that company? He was on TV like a few days ago. It says here that he's the mafia boss or something. I don't really know. It says here that he has been accused for murder, but apparently he got away with everything.

"Other possible associates : Jackson Wang"

My eyes scanned the paper and noticed that there's another one under. My hands then slided the top one to the side to read the one under.

Oof, there's a lot of things about drugs and weapons. Yikes, I surely keep reading because it feels as great as reading fanfiction.

I then heard footsteps outside the door and not long after, somebody tried unlocking the door from outside. SHIT. It must be Wonho.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Put everything back!

My mind is blowing up while trying to put everything back in the right positions.

"What the hell are you doing?"


I froze at those words as I realized that I fucked up. I slowly turned my face towards the door and saw Wonho leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. Fuck.

Wonho then walks up to me and takes the papers off of my hands. He tidies it up and puts it back in the file holder, placing it on the center of his desk.

And with that, he gently shoved me outside and locked the door behind him. "How much did you know?" he asked.

"Just the guys who're named Lee Jooheon and Jackson Wang, why? What's with them?" I asked back.

"Just promise me you won't read anymore of them. They're seriously dangerous. The less you know the better," he said.

I then hesitantly replied, "O-Okay..."

He then walked around and said, "So, what would you like for lunch?"

I then searched my mind and discovered that I'm in the mood for some budaejjigae, so I said, "What if we go to that Chinese korean food stop down the block and sit our asses down there?"

He then walks to grab his keys and walks to the door. He replied, "Sounds good to me. Leggo."

I then quickly jogged behind him and followed him outside as he kept the door open for me.

Unknown's POV

I brought the phone up to my ears as I waited for someone. The view from up here is totally amazing. Especially when I can watch them from the rooftop.

Suddenly, a voice came from the other line and snapping me back to reality.

I then said, "Joo, you won't believe who we just saw."


"Remember the girl we were reading about? His sister, we just spotted her."

"Okay then, change of plans. Bring her in."

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