1.5K 68 4

Published : 20200601

Edited : 20210123

Word count : 0,7k



I walked through the dark alley as I talked to Wonho on the phone, in between the walls of houses in Seoul.

"Oppa, I'm gonna go out with Lisa again tonight. I'm just letting you know."

"Well, I'm gonna be home late tonight. So, just go home with Minhyuk and Lisa after, okay?" he said.

"Ah, okay. Bye," I said.

"Bye, be safe," he said as I hung up the call.

I then put my phone back to my purse and continued walking.

Suddenly, somebody grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth and nose withsomekind of cloth, and before I could fight back, everything went dark.

Wonho's POV

I walked into the apartment building as the sun started to rise. I've been working on this other case all night, with Kihyun. I then unlocked the apartment door and entered the unit, quick to put down my things and sit down on the sofa. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my whole body but then I remembered about Y/N and decided to check on her.

I knocked on her door and slowly opened it but her bed looks untouched, like how she positioned it yesterday. "Well, maybe she's still with Minhyuk and Lisa," I thought.

I then dialed Lisa's number and brought the phone up to my ear. Not long after, her voice appeared at the other end of the line. "Hello?"

"Hi! Lisa, is Y/N still with you?" I asked.

"What? No. She never even showed up last night. She didn't even call me," she replied.

Hearing her answer made my heart sink. Deep.

She then asked, "Why? Is she not at home?"

"No, I don't think she even came home at all. Look, I have to go. I'll probably give you updates," I said before quickly ending the call.

I then tried to call her phone, but not surprisingly she didn't answer it. I tried calling her for the second time. I brought the phone up to my ear with high hopes.

The beeping stops.. She picked up!!

"Hello? Y/N?"

But, instead of hearing her voice, a male voice appeared from the mini speaker, "Hi. She's asleep. And I've been waiting for you to get in touch, Lee Hoseok."

"Who is this?" I asked quickly.

He lets out a mocking laugh and says, "I thought you would've known, since you've been keeping me under your microscope for about 2 years."

"Lee Jooheon," I whispered.

He laughed, "Hi, hyung."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. What do you want?" he asked.

I then firmly said, "My sister back."

Jooheon then said, "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to keep her for a while now. But don't worry, I'll give her back. Probably."

The feeling of fear and anger was merged and stitched to my heart. I then said once again, "What do you want?"

"Where should I start? Oh, do you wanna know about how I discovered your sister? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyways. So, about two days ago, I sent two of my guys to kill you. The instructions were so clear. They're gonna watch you from the top of another building and kill you through your window in the room you spent most of your hours in. But, they called me and said that they've seen your sister there. So, I thought, "Let's have fun." And so, here she is now, sleeping, just a few feet away from me."

I then yelled, "STAY AWAY FROM HER."

"Well, no. Of course not. I won't stay away from her. I'll just test how smart she is. And I promise you, that I'll try my best to keep her alive. But anyways, first of all, I want you to call off the official investigation on me that has been going on in the station. Second, I'm gonna need you to send me a copy of the newest police officers database. So, the rules are simple, if I caught you doing stuff that I don't like, then consider yourself as the reason for anything terrible that happened to your sister. I'll contact you again when I find out that you've done the first task. Until then, you'll hear nothing about your sister's wellbeing," he said.

"LISTEN HERE Y-" I yelled in frustration but before I can finish my sentence he hangs up the phone, making me groan in anger. I harshly threw my phone at the table as I tried to process everything.

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