780 43 7

Published : 20200824

Edited : 20210210

Word count : 0,3k



It has been approximately three months since Jooheon left. Everything came back to how it was. Wonho Oppa was getting a little bit more protective. And, I honestly wouldn't blame him.

Everything felt pretty normal. Except that he's not here with me.

I've missed him, even if it doesn't quite make sense.

But, I can't do anything about it. All Jooheon left for me are the book, the letter, and memories.

And so, I tried living my life as normal as possible. I went to my classes, did those projects, and drank coffee. My visits to the club become less frequent, since both Lisa and I are busy with school. But, we always stick to each other, which is somewhat great.

And now, I'm all dressed up. I have a class in 40 minutes and so I decided to get coffee. The scent of roasted beans filled my nose as I entered the cafe. I walked to the counter and ordered an americano for Lisa and a caramel latte for me. Without sparing any more minutes, the barista did his magic and handed me the coffees. I then paid and thanked him.

I figured I would go to the mini park near the campus and read. I turned around and headed to the door.

But, it seems like a figure in-front of me stopped my mind and apparently my whole motor skills, too. I could only freeze at the sight before me.

It's him. It's Jooheon.

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