Chapter 1

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I tapped my pencil against the hard wood of my desk. I matched the tapping with my heartbeat. "Dun..Dun..Dun". I wasn't really paying attention in class, but once in a while the teacher looked at me annoyed. Other classmates also looked back at me, and gave me death stares.

"Dun..Dun..CRACK". My pencil split into two pieces. I reached down to my backpack, which was resting against the metal leg of my desk. I stealthily unzipped it, and put my hand inside. I found my red pencil case with pirates on it.

I smiled,"You're still a kid at heart." I remember Freddy saying to me. I looked inside my pencil case, but no pencils were inside. I sighed, hoping that the bell would ring any second so I could get out of school. I looked at the clock in the front of the class.

Five minutes left... I knew I could last that much time. "Foxy?" I heard someone calling my name. I really didn't want to be bothered right now. I was to busy not listening in class. "Foxy!" the voice said louder.

"Aye, what do ye want?" I said mumbling under my breath.

"Can you read the next paragraph, and give us your ideas on it?" Oh crap... It was the teacher. I reached down into my backpack and pulling my History textbook out of it. Earning some low chuckles from my class. I flipped to chapter ten, and read it in my pirate accent

"Aye, someone won tis' war. Blah, blah. Teamd' up wit' other country. Blah, blah." Now everyone was laughing, and staring at the teacher to see how he would react.

I was about to keep on reading, like he told me to, but then he interrupted me in an angry voice. "Do you think that is funny Mr. Fox?" As soon as he said that the bell rang, signifying the end of the school day.

Sighing,"I'm finally free..." I started packing up my backpack just stuffing random things in it when I heard the teacher call my name again.

"No you're not. You're coming with me." I heard some students giving more low chuckles, while packing up. I stood up, walking to the teacher. He grabbed my shoulder, pulling me out of the classroom. "We're going to the principal's office, you and me."

I just stared at him. He has never gotten this aggressive before. I tried to break free of his grip, and run away, but he caught me again and gave me an evil glare. I gulped walking into the principal's office. I looked around the office, seeing if it changed. I have been in here many times before, each time getting another warning from the principal. He never punished me, just gave me warnings. He wasn't the one to punish people.

The principal was dressed up in his usually black suit and red tie. He had bags under his eyes though. I wonder if he got enough sleep?

"Hello Foxy, how are you today?" the principal said with a warm smile. Talking like those bags under his eyes didn't exist.

"Aye, this guy is tryin' to strangl' me!" I said fighting to break free from my teacher. The principal's smile just grew larger, what is wrong with this guy?

"So Mr. Richards, what did he do this time?" A 1000-watt smile radiating off his face.

"He was fooling around in class, and wasn't taking the work seriously." my teacher said, gritting his teeth angrily.

"Because its boring.." I mumbled. Apparently my teacher heard that, and pushed me up against a wall.

"Now now, Mr. Richards no need for violence." said the principal, finally having a frown on his face. "I want to talk to Foxy ALONE" he said glaring at my teacher. My teacher mumbled a little yes sir, and walked out of the building.

"I didn' do anythin' wrong!" I said trying to plead with the teacher. If he expelled me now, my parents would just beat me more.

"Foxy, I know you don't like school, but you can't just keep causing distractions." he said shaking his head, like a disappointed parent. I was about to say something but he continued,"Foxy, I know that your parents are going to be mad at you for getting in trouble again." he said sadly.

I cut him off,"More like they're going to beat me..." I mumbled under my breath.

He just continued,"I'm sorry it had to come to this.... But Foxy I have to expel you..."

I knew he wasn't joking. I was mad... Really mad.

Well if it was my last day, I better go out with a bang. I turned around to face him, and gave him the finger on both hands. He looked surprised as I ran out of his office, and out of the school building. My life was about to get really interesting!

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