Chapter 2

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I sprinted down the sidewalk towards Freddy's house. My cross-country practice finally coming in handy.

When I got to him house, I paused at the doormat. The word "Welcome!" embroidered on it. I looked up at the house. I've been in his house before, but it looked..... different.

I rapped my knuckles against the door, causing me to see if they weren't bleeding. When was convinced I wasn't hurt I looked up to see Freddy standing in the doorway, staring at me.

He looked a mess. His hair was all curled up and in nots. His clothes were all wrinkled, and to top it off he was wearing white which made it worse. He also came to the door in slippers that looked like bears.

"What are you here for Foxy?" he said while yawning. The better question would be, what is wrong with him?

"I have somethin' to talk about with ye'!" I responded in a cheery voice. He stared at me for a couple of seconds, then ushered me into his house.

He had a two story house with moth of the commotion going on downstairs. I looked to my right and saw his little brother, Goldie or Gold, sitting on a tan couch watching "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide".

When I looked to my left I saw the kitchen. His mom and someone else where in there making burgers for dinner. I looked at the girl who was standing next to Freddy's mom. She had blonde hair and a short red skirt. She was a bit on the chubby side, but she had a big smile. Also she was wearing a bib with the words "Let's Eat!" printed on it.

"Freddy, who is that at the door?" she asked in a kind voice, walking over to me. She ended up standing right next to Freddy, trying to keep eye contact with me as my eyes wondered the house.

"Oh.... This is my friend Foxy, Chica." Freddy said in a kinda monotone voice. He was about to go upstairs when "Chica" grabbed his shoulder. He let out a small sigh and turned around, facing me again.

"Nice to meet you Foxy!" she said sticking her hand out. I shook her small hand and she giggled. I didn't really know what to say. People know me as a "player" but I really didn't know how to talk to girls.

"H-Hi!" I just said awkwardly. She giggled again, and even Freddy started to chuckle. After that he just kinda stared at me, giving me this off feeling.

"OH!" I remembered what I came here to do. "I got expelled from school...." I said, trying to make myself sound sad. I really didn't enjoy school anyway.

"That's to bad Foxy." Freddy said running his hand through his tangled hair. "You know what your parents are going to say....."

Why did he have to bring that up now? I really didn't what to talk about it in front of this girl I just met.

"About that.... I was wonderin' if I could stay ear' for da night?" Chica covered her mouth, like any second she was going to die from laughter.

"I'm not sure Foxy...." Freddy said looking at Chica worriedly. She nodded and he continued his speech. "What if your parents find out you're here?"

I could feel myself getting angry. I let out a low growl, and Freddy put his hands up, ready to apologize. Chica looked worriedly at Freddy, fright being in her eyes.

I calmed myself down, but Freddy and Chica were still on high alert.

"I-I'm sorry Foxy!" Freddy quickly said, still thinking I was in attack mode. I dropped my hands in defeat, even though I wasn't going to do anything in the first place.

They looked more calm after I did that, sighing in relief. I knew I had to apologize, even though Freddy would say it was alright.

"Freddy.... I'm sorry. You know I'm a little irritable." I said while looking down at the ground. Trying to look anywhere but his gaze.

"Its alright Foxy." Freddy said, trying to cheer me up with his words. "So.... Are you going to stay the night or what?" he asked in an excited tone.

Even though it didn't seem like one. This could be a big choice in my life. If I stayed at Freddy's, my parents could get really mad at me, and ground me for life. On the other hand, if I went home they would still be very mad because I got expelled.....

"Sure Fred. I'll stay the night!" It was Freddy's turn to let out a low growl, as he heard the nickname I call him from time to time.

The only difference this time was that everyone in the room started laughing, even Gold.

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