Chapter 6

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Gold stared at the tv, dumbfounded. His mouth hanging wide open, and his fingers still brightly brushing the controller. His dark eyes were jumping around looking for answers to the dilemma. At last, he finally spoke.

"Ummmm guys?" He said his voice shaking and cracking like it was the end of the world. "Whaaaat happened..." All the while Freddy was trying to stifle a laugh, his hands plastered on his face, trying to hide it.

"Oh no Goldie!" Freddy's mom said in a horrible surprised voice. Her voice was going up and down like a prepubescent kid. "Looks like your gonna have to come with us for the day!" She continued.

Gold stared at us in horror. His soulless eyes looking eerily like a demon's. Then suddenly the mood changed completely, and he was just looking at us with a confused glance. Was I just imagining a scary scene?

I counted to ten under my breath, hoping that this plan would work. At ten we all latched out and grabbed Gold. I grabbed his wrists, and started dragging him to the mini van. His feet were skidding against the ground, trying to escape from my grasp. What he doesn't know is.... That's impossible for someone like him.

There was three rows in the car. The first row had the driver's and passenger seat's. Then the next two were both rows of three. So in total it could fit eight people.

We threw Gold in the very back row. He was sitting next to the driver's side window all the way to the left. Chica tried to sit next to him in the middle, but he kept pushing her away. Freddy was in the passenger's seat in the front next to his mom. Then Bonnie and I were sitting next to each other in the middle row. Why was it always Bonnie and I? To be honest... I wasn't complaining!

Freddy's mom started up the van, and we headed off for the long six hour drive to Disney Land. She turned on the radio pretty loud, so that it wouldn't be as awkward because everybody was super quiet.

Suddenly a deck of Bicycle cards were flung in my direction, hitting me square in the face. I looked around to see who threw it, when the van erupted in laughter. Well I guess I can at least use these...

The cards were still in their wrapping. The sun slightly glistening off the plastic of the rectangular box. Pulling out the fresh cards, Bonnie tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at her, and all she did was point at the cards.

"Do you want to play?" I asked giving the cards to her. She bobbed her head up and down, and took the cards in her hands. Her slender fingers rested calmly on top of the deck while she began shuffling the cards. Then a thought popped into my mind.

"Well.... What game do you want to play?" She looked over at me like it was obvious. She sighed, and held her thumb upwards and pointed her index finger outwards. It looked like a little gun.

Then my brained started to work as I started to get what game she wanted to play. She nodded her head, telling that I finally understood. Well if its a war you want.... Its a war your going to get.

Bonnie gave half of the deck of bicycle cards to me, and we began playing. We both threw down our first card as Bonnie put down an Ace, and I a two... So that's how its going to go huh? She smirked as she took both cards away from the middle and put it into her deck.

The game went a while like this with Bonnie kicking my ass in every round. I thought the game was all up to luck, but she had this weird strategy that was clearly working.

After another minute about 2/3 of the deck belonged to her, and I had only a measly 1/3 to cope with. Then the impossible happened. I won a round! I looked over at her smirking, she was literally shocked. Was I really that bad...

I was a one hit wonder though, as the next seven rounds went to her. Then after another minute or two she had the whole deck, winning her the game. I smiled, happy for her, even though she kind of destroyed me.

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