Chapter 11

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I was quickly ushered out of the small hospital room. After they closed the door on me I stood there just staring at the wall. I didn't really know what to do next. Should I keep waiting? Should I go home? It was probably best to spend the night at Freddy's...

I reached into my right jean's pocket, and pulled out my little Samsung phone. I racked my brain for Freddy's number, and when I finally remembered it, I typed it in slowly. It rang exactly three times before he picked up.

"Hello? This is Freddy speaking." His voice sounded scratchy on the other side of the phone. Also I could hear people talking in the background...

"Hi Freddy. It's Foxy..." I said quietly not wanting to disturb the other people in the hospital. I could hear shuffling on the other side then he spoke up again.

"Oh! What do you need Foxy?" His voice sounded much happier now. I didn't really know why, but I was glad he was happy.

I walked to the sliding glass doors of the hospital. It was pouring rain on the outside. It was kind of memorizing to look at. How the small drops fell onto the ground, making puddles that slid down the street...

"FOXY!" I was snapped out of my daze by Freddy screaming in my ear. I thought he would be annoyed by me not responding, but he just sounded... Worried.

"Yeah?" I responded softly. I just wanted to get to his house and fall asleep. I wasn't really in the mood to talk anymore...

"Do you need me to pick you up?" I guess he knew that I was still at the hospital. I wasn't going to leave here, originally, but I wanted to be somewhere warm. Which was either next to Bonnie, which I couldn't be right now, or, at Freddy's house.

I nodded, not thinking that he couldn't see me. Then, noticing my mistake, added a quick "yes". I walked closer to the glass doors, letting them slide apart quickly. I walked outside to the "pat pat" sound of rain hitting the ground. 

There was a small overhang which ran across the top of the building that didn't let rain hit people standing under it. Plants lined the walls to probably try to make the place look a little more happy.  When I looked outwards I could see a rotary and a parking lot behind it. A normal looking place.... 

I decided to lean against the wall, avoiding the plants, and look at my phone. There wasn't much to do on it, but I loved it anyway. The light from the phone illuminated the dark night around me, as it absorbed all of my attention to it. It wasn't a good hobby to have... I heard somewhere that if you stare at screens to long you can go blind. Hopefully that wasn't true...

The time went by as I waited for Freddy to pick me up. Occasionally my index finger hovered over the "Call" button, wanting to make sure that he was coming. I trusted him though so I never pushed that button. I also gave the hospital my number in case I needed to know anything important...

Suddenly there was two yellow lights that were blinding me. I covered my face with the hand that my phone wasn't in to block the light, but the familiar sound of Freddy's horn rang through the night. I moved my hands away, stepping into the night, and letting the cold rain drench me in it's tears.

My hair fell in between my eyes and my checkered shirt stuck to my thin body. I reached his truck and grabbed the handle that opened the door. It was locked, but he quickly unlocked it, letting me in.

The car started and I looked over at Freddy, who was concentrating on the road in front of him. It was pitch black outside except for the occasional street lights and Freddy's head lights.

"Foxy..." Freddy started slowly, still keeping his eyes plastered to the road. The truck came to a stop and Freddy turned his whole body to me.

"I need to know how you are doing." His brown eyes were tearing into my soul, trying to find out what was up with me. I didn't respond, I just stared back into his eyes, my lifeless ones making him flinch.

"I know this is hard for you... I know how you feel." How could he possibly know how I feel? He's never had this happen to him before! I could feel myself starting to get angry. More thoughts clouded my mind as my hands balled into fists.

"How could you possibly know how I feel?" I asked through gritted teeth. My notion caught him off guard as the light turned green and he didn't move. The thing that brought him back to reality was a honk from someone behind him. He started the truck again slowly, rolling down the street once again. 

He didn't answer which I expected, but the quiet was unsettling. I stared out of my window not really looking at anything. The darkness was somewhat inviting... It seemed to be calling to me to join it.

I shook my head violently, catching Freddy's attention.  He turned towards me with a worried expression on his face. I saw him open his mouth but then close it again, turning his focus back on the road. I buried my head in my hands, welcoming my damp clothes to my face.

Soon enough we arrived back at the hotel. I could hear Freddy locking his truck door and we both started to walk up to our hotel room. We took the stairs instead of the elevator and the walk up was cold and quiet. 

Once we got to our room Freddy unlocked the door with a key card and we walked in. It didn't look much different except there was a crying Chica on the bed. When she heard us her head perked up in surprise. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears. Her clothes all had a bunch of wrinkles in them and her shoes were scattered across the floor.

"Foxy I'm s-" I cut her off by putting my hand up in the air. It was a bit cruel but I didn't want to talk to anyone. I walked over to my bed and sat down alone. Freddy and Chica were both on their bed, cuddling and watching tv. Chica was crying into Freddy's shoulder and he was telling her that it would be alright. At least they had each other.... I had no one....

Freddy turned the channel to the news and it showed a hospital. There was a purple haired girl laying on the bed and many doctors were scattered around her. My heart slowly sank as I realized who the girl was.

It cut to a picture of Bonnie on the gurney being taken to the hospital. Her clothes were blood stained and  her hand was still clutching her stomach. After that a brunette news woman appeared on the screen with a stack of papers in her hand.

"Recently a seventeen year old girl was shot at Universal Studios." She started, her eyes scanning the papers from time to time. "She was with her friend nicknamed "Foxy" when a bullet came flying out of nowhere and hit her in the lower abdomen." It showed a picture of Bonnie in the hospital again, but this time she seemed perfectly fine.

The tv suddenly shut off and I looked over at Freddy. He was clutching the remote in his hand and was glancing over at me. Again anger filled my body. What the hell was he doing? I walked over to his bed, my hand in my pockets, and kept staring into his brown eyes.

"Foxy?" He said nervously. His eyes were rimmed with fear as I lunged myself at him. I pushed him again a wall while my hands held his shirt collar. My vision started to go red as I felt someone trying to pull me off him. 

They finally got me off him and my vision returned to normal. I looked at Freddy in horror, as I saw a bunch of red scratches around his neck. Did I do that? I don't remember doing that....

I got back in my silently, not talking to anyone. I was about to change into my pajamas when my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I slowly reached inside my pocket and pulled it out. It was an unknown number...

I pressed "answer" and put the phone to my ear. There was a lot of static in the background and I could barely make out the voice.

"We're sorry Foxy, but Bonnie has to go back into surgery...." Once I heard that I was done. I threw the phone against the wall across the room. It shattered into many pieces that spread across the floor. I growled, looking at Freddy and Chica.

"Fuck life! I'm done..." I stormed out the door and into the hallway of the hotel. 

I had to see her again...

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