Chapter 3

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After everyone was done having their laughing fits, I decided to go and wait in Freddy's room. It has been forever since I've been in there, so I wonder what it will look like.

I walked up the tan carpeted stairs, and into the first room on the right. I pushed open the door slowly, building up suspense.

When I walked in I slighty gasped. It looked totally different from how I remembered it.... His bed was really messy with just a bunch of pillows and sheets scattered around on it. He had a tv across from his bed that was standing on an old wooden desk. Also there was a trash can that was over flowing with papers...

I plopped down onto his bed, and began searching for the tv remote. It took a while but I finally found it under his bed. I pointed it at the tv, and it turned to some news channel.

I flipped through the channel, searching for something to watch, when I thought I heard a knocking at the front door. One thought just floated through my mind. Please don't let it be my parents....

I heard someone open the door and shout "Hi Bonnie!" Hmmmm Bonnie. I wonder who that is?

I was considering checking out who this new "character" is, but I was suddenly greeted with a slight push on the door. Freddy and a girl walked into the room. Freddy was smiling, but the girl was staring at me with her blood red eyes.

"Sooooo Foxy.... This is my friend Bonnie." he says tiredly, slightly motioning towards the girl. The first thing I noticed about her, was that she had a bright red electric guitar strapped around her shoulders. She had purple died hair, and purple jeans on.

She just continued to stare at me with Freddy watching us both. He quietly chuckled to himself while watching the two of us.

"Hi Bonnie!" I decided to start out with. She didn't look that excited to see me, which put a small frown on my face.

Freddy chuckled some more than interfered. "So guys, want to eat at this cool restaurant I found?" I was about to respond when he cut me off again. "Chica already said yes, so I think it'll be a good idea to get some fresh air."

Bonnie and I both nodded "yes" at the same time, which caused us to look at each other. I blushed a little bit and Freddy chuckled some more.

"Come on guys! We are going to leave soon." Freddy said shooing me out of his room. Bonnie and I just waited awkwardly outside Freddy's door when she finally decided to talk.

"How are you?" was all she said. I guess she is not really the talking type.

I decided to respond anyways, trying to at least get a small conversation going. "Good. How did you meet Freddy?"

She looked me dead in the eye and walked away. Sighing, I lightly leaned against the wall next to Freddy's door. Hoping that he would come out any second.

Once he finally came out, we both walked down the stairs to the front door. Bonnie kinda shot me an awkward glance, but then immediately looked away. Why do girls have to be so confusing?

Chica joined us at the door, and we waved to Freddy's mom and Gold. Once we were out of the house we all silently filed into to Freddy's truck.

We drove for about ten minutes then finally stopped at a restaurant titled "Jack's" I sighed telling Freddy that this wasn't a new place. He just responded with a shrug, and we went inside the restaurant.

"Hello and welcome to Jack's! How may I help you?" a sweet lady, wearing a black and white waitresses uniform said.

"Table for four please." Freddy responded quite cheerfully. She pulled out four menus from under a counter, and told us to follow her.

When we got to our table Freddy instantly sat next to Chica. I guess I had to sit next to Bonnie. She also kinda looked annoyed by that fact also, judging by the way she was picking at her guitar furiously.

We all sat down regardless, and pulled out the menus. I sneaked a peak at Bonnie before looking at the menu. She was looking down at her guitar and strumming a couple of chords. I guess she really didn't care what she ordered.

I finally looked over at my menu. It was decorated with a bunch of their "special food" which including a burger pilled high with bacon and tomatoes, pasta that had cheese and meatballs all over it, and ribs that was coated in "special sauce".

The waitress came back and smiled at us politely. "What what you all like to drink?" she said in a happy tone. I guess everybody that worked here had to pretend that they were happy with their jobs...

"Dr. Pepper."

"Water." Bonnie and I said at the same time. The waitress just giggled and turned to Freddy and Chica.

Freddy was intensely staring at his menu, trying to decide what to drink, while Chica said,"Orange Fanta."

Freddy finally snapped out of his trance and ordered a Diet Coke.

The waitress wrote all of our drinks down and asked, "Are you ready to order?" Chica, Bonnie, and I were about to say yes when Freddy shook his head.

I sighed. Of course we are waiting on Freddy. The waitress nods, and runs to get our drinks, giving us a couple of minutes to decide what we want to eat.

As soon as she is gone Freddy puts down his menu and begins to talk to Chica. Now, alone with Bonnie, I didn't know what to do. I have a feeling Freddy only wanted to come because he wanted to hang out with Chica.

I decided on watching Bonnie play her guitar. She was playing it really lightly, so you could hardly hear her playing.

I watched as her thin delicate fingers gripped the pick, and plucking cautiously at the strings. She looked up at me watching her, and rolled her eyes. Her attention went back to her guitar as the waitress sneaked up on us.

"Here are your drinks..." she said while slowly putting our drinks down in front of us. "..... And are you ready to order?" We all nodded our heads and she smiled, waiting patiently for us to talk.

I took a sip of my Dr. Pepper, while the others were ordering their food. Once it was my turn, I quickly ordered a cheeseburger plain.

She nodded, and walked off to put our order next in line.

We all quietly waited for some time, waiting for somebody to break the silence. Finally Freddy, as expected, broke the silence with a question.

"So guys... How do you like this place so far?" It was kind of a stupid question considering we haven't been here for that long.

Bonnie just muttered a quiet,"Yes...." while I took the opportunity to start a conversation.

"I really like it ear' " I said in my pirate accent trying to lighten the mood. I ended up earning a smile from Bonnie, and giggling from Chica.

After that I ended up just watching Bonnie play her guitar again. Something about it just kinda memorized me.

When our food came I was brought out of my trance, and my attention was on the food. I wasn't really that hungry, but I didn't want to get to know the two girls better.

Chica giggled when she saw her chicken tenders. Huh... She was just like a little child. On the other hand, Bonnie just kinda stared at her salad. Once in a while stabbing it with her fork. Kind of lime Bonnie and I, Freddy was watching Chica eat. Hmmm. Is this what normal people do when they are eating with girls?

We finished our food with little to no conversation. Freddy quietly paid for the bill, and we all filed back into his truck.

We were dead silent on the way back to the house. Just listening to the radio, and the sound of other cars rumbling.

I quickly jumped out of the truck with Bonnie right behind me. We slowly approached the house that was completely dark. I was a little cautious to go in, but after all this was Freddy's house.

When we finally got into the house it was 10:00pm. The lights suddenly flickered on, and we could see a long banner with the words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONNIE" written in black sharpie on it.

All of us had looks of surprise on our faces, when suddenly I heard a low growling from Bonnie. I looked over at her and she was gripping her guitar tightly, and had a scowl written all over her face.

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