Chapter 10

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I stood there in shock. What just happened... Her thin fingers slipped threw mine and her hand fell onto the rest of her body. My breathing started to get faster and the world around me started to spin. Salty tears started to form around my eyes and fall fast onto the spinning pavement.

The shrill sound of a siren could be heard in the background, and people screaming still rung in my ears. Why was this happening to me? There was a tug on my sleeve then someone grabbing me. I turned around to see who it was and there stood Freddy.

His light brown hair was still in tangles and he had a crazed look in his eyes. Small tears littered his face and sparkled in the sunny weather.

"Common Foxy we got to go..." He said while literally dragging me across the ground. I couldn't believe him! Why would we just leave Bonnie like that? I tried to get away from him. I shimmied my way under his arm, even though I am taller than him, and ran back to Bonnie kneeling by her side.

The sound of the sirens were getting louder and I could hear people running towards us. I put my hand against her stomach and the tears began to fall again. Her purple hair was falling into her eyes lifelessly, and she was clutching her stomach. 

When I lifted my hand up it was covered in a runny red substance. It slowly dripped off my hand and onto the pavement, now covering the once gray ground in a bloody red. 

The people I heard eventually reached us. They were wearing blue suits with guns and tasers around their belts. There was also people in angle white gloves who were carrying a gurney. They carefully approached Bonnie and lifted her onto the gurney. Her hair moving onto her side now revealing her bloodshot eyes.

I tried to stay next to her, holding her hand softly, but the paramedics pushed me away and kept carrying her.

"I'm sorry but you can't be near her." I turned around seeing an officer with a bushy brown mustache just over his upper lip frowning at me. He was holding a walkie talkie in his hand and occasionally pressing down a button to give commands.

"Why?" Was all I said. My brain was full of questions that I wanted answered. Nothing mattered anymore except Bonnie. I could feel my hands clenching into fists as I stared down at the ground, which was blood red. With Bonnie's blood.... And it was all my fault.

"They're going to have to work with her at the hospital." He said, moving his hand closer to his belt inch by inch. "When she is stable then you can visit her." When she's stable? What does he mean by that. "All you can do know is wait in the waiting room or go home." I thought about these two options. I wanted to see her and be as close as I possibly could. I didn't want her to leave me...

The tears started to roll down my face again. My breathing got faster and my vision started to get blurry.

"I'll wait..." I turned around and started to walk away, stealing glances at the paramedics hauling her away. It wasn't right... She didn't deserve it... It should've been me...

-Time Skip To Hospital!-

I was in the waiting room, tapping my foot against the marble floor rapidly. My hands were folding together on my lap while my red hair fell into my eyes. The first thing I noticed about this room that it was so white... There were magazines on a brown coffee table spread out haphazardly, but that was about the only color in the room. The walls were white, the chairs were white, even the clothes of the doctors were white.

I decided to read a magazine to past the time. I reached quickly for a "People" magazine and expected the front page. It read, "Amanda Bynes is found Homeless!" I had to laugh a little bit at it. My laugh causing some people to look at me like I was crazy. These things were so filled with celebrity gossip.

"Mr. Fox?" I turned to my left, slowly putting the magazine back on the table. A female doctor stood there. She had long brown hair that fell to her back and thin black glasses that rested on her ears. She also had light brown eyes that seemed to stare into your soul.

"You can see Bonnie now.." She said without any emotion. I quickly got up and started to follow her. I looked around the hospital, noticing that there was a lot of kid's drawings over the wall. It looked kind of creepy to be in a hospital...

We went through a hallway and eventually ended up in front of an elevator. We took it to the fifth floor and turned left as soon as we got out. We went to the first door we saw and she lightly squeezed the handle.

The door slowly opened revealing a small bed surrounded by doctors taking notes. Once they saw me they moved out of the way but kept a watchful eye on me. I slowly approached the bed, not knowing what to say or if Bonnie was even awake.

I got there and couldn't help a few tears slide down my cheek. People might know me as "The Bad ass Kid Who Got Expelled From school" but when I came to something like this... What was I thinking? When I got closer to her my heart began to beat faster and faster. Do you like her?

The question made me stop dead in my tracks. Why was I thinking of that in a time like this? It was not the time to think about liking her! You can think of that later...

Now I was standing right next to the bed, gripping the side rail as hard as I could. The sunlight from the window was blinding so I tried to position myself in a way I could get a good view.

Bonnie was laying silently on the bed, her chest moving slowly up and down beat after beat. Her estatic purple hair fell to the right side of her face but... She looked peaceful... It was like nothing even happened.

My eyes moved down to her stomach, where shbe was shot. The covers of the bed were over her so I couldn't get a good look. A lump in my throat started to form. Should I ask them? No.... It would just bother them...

I smiled, glad that she was alright. I bent down and grabbed her hand, cradling her's in mine. She didn't even stir... My heart started to beat rapidly like it was trying to escape from my rib cage. I think I am in love...

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