Chapter 8

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My eyes fluttered open, as I find two strong hands gripping my shoulders. My hands were really sweaty, and there was a tear rolling down my face? What? I looked over at the girls. They were both looking at me with shocked expressions on their faces. Chica was covering her mouth with her right hand, and Bonnie was just staring at me.

I tried to sit up, but Freddy pushed me down again. I wonder why they all are acting so weird...

I grabbed his hands and moved them off me. He put his hands back down on the bed in defeat. When I tried sitting up I heard the squeaky sounded off the bed's frame. The sun was shining brightly in the windows and the tv was turned off.

"Foxy you ok?" Chica asked obviously concerned. What I wanted to know was why though. I turned my head to face her's and saw the same shocked expression.

"Yea of course! Why wouldn't I be ok?" I said trying to lighten up the mood. All I got was a bunch of low grunts. No one seemed to get the slightest bit better.

"Well... It was just that you were screaming for Bonnie in your dream..." Chica stopped and stared at Bonnie for a second. "We thought you were crazy, then you started crying..." I was screaming for Bonnie? Why would I do that?

Then it dawned on me. The purple haired girl in my dream... Was that suppose to be Bonnie? If it was then am I that obsessed with her? All these questions needed to be answered, but I was the only one that could answer them.

"I'm fine..." My tone changed into a low voice. It didn't really help my cause, as they looked even more worried. Today was the day that we were suppose to have fun though. I would have to act happy at least until someone can actually make me happy.

There was a loud knock at the white painted door. We thought it would be Gold, for obvious reasons, but it turned out to be Freddy's mom.

Her brunette hair was hanging down behind her head to her shoulders. She was wearing a Hawaiian styled shirt with black shorts. I think she is a little confused...

"Guys today we are finally going to Disneyland!" She said in an excited tone. "I actually can't believe we got Gold to go with us." She pumped her fist in the air for celebration. We all gave her confusing glances as she stared at us like it was so obvious. Who is the kid now?

I went into the bathroom to change clothes. We were going to take turns changing, so no one had to change outside. I was putting on my new jeans as a thought popped into my head. Why did that dream happen? Was it trying to tell me something? No Foxy! Don't let that stuff get to your head, it was just a dream...

I guess I was daydreaming for a while because I soon heard a knock at the door.

"Foxy?" A soft voice said from the outside. Well I should hurry up... It was probably the most awkward for her. "Can I come in?" She asked quietly. I quickly pulled up my shorts and buttoned my checkered shirt before opening the door.

I was about to walk out when she shook her head in disapproval. I stopped, dead, in my tracks and waited for what she had in store.

"I wanted to talk about your dream..." She said innocently. I didn't want to tell her, but..... I couldn't resist.

"I'm fine." I decided to answer. All I got from her was a blank stare. She knew I was exact opposite of "fine" but it looked like she wasn't going to take no for an answer anyways.

"I know something is up Foxy..." She said, slamming her hand down on the sink for emphasis. "... And I want to know what that is!" She gave me a glare. Her crimson colored eyes staring directly into my amber ones.

Should I tell her? If I don't she could just get mad at me, and I really don't want that. I couldn't imagine what a mad Bonnie would be like...

"Well my dream was about you, yes..." I started off slowly at a tremendously slow speed. "We were hanging out then something happened..." I didn't want to tell her what happened after that. I didn't want her to be scared of a dream.

"And??" She pressed on, tip-toeing so that she was on the same level as me.

"And something happened..." I responded with, trying to delay the inevitable. She stared at me with an "Are you serious" expression on her face.

"Are you sure?" She said, now leaning against the door. I had to tell her sometime...

"Do you really want to know that bad?" I said trying to get her to change her mind. To my dismay she nodded her head slowly, her purple hair swirling around her head. I sighed, "I was crying because you died in my dream..."

Her expression slowly faded, and a frown appeared on her face. I looked downwards knowing she was probably mad at me. It seemed like everything went quite, like we were the only two people in the whole entire world.

Seeing her sad made me feel like my heart was breaking. She mumbled a little "Oh" and walked out of the room. Shit! Foxy you idiot! You shouldn't have told her... Well a great start to a great day...

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