Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sweet smell of bacon, and the sound of snoring. I shot straight up in the bed I was sleeping on, and started looking for who was snoring.

To my right, Bonnie was sleeping on the bed with me, but she wasn't the one snoring. I kept my ear- Wait... Bonnie was sleeping on the bed with me?!?!?

I looked to my right again, and there slept Bonnie. Her chest slightly moving up and down as she slept peacefully. Well this is awkward... Purple strands of hair were scattered on the red and black checkered shirt I was wearing. Did she put me in the bed??? Well anyway I don't want to wake her up, so I rolled quietly off the bed, and tiptoed to the door.

My hand brushed quietly over the bronze door knob, and I heard Bonnie move a little. Rustling the sheets as she shivered. I shook it off and open the door quickly.

Freddy fell onto my legs, snoring loudly, clearly asleep. Was he listening to our conversation last night? Ahhh, it doesn't really matter...

I moved him off me, his snoring getting louder, as I made my way to the stairwell. Quickly stepping down the stairs, two at a time, I landed in the living room. Walking silently to the kitchen, I peeked my head in to see what was going on.

Chica was in there with a pure white apron on over her clothes. I stopped peeking my head in and fully stepped into the kitchen.

"Oh! Good morning Foxy!" Chica said excitingly, her blonde hair flipping as she bounced slightly. This was going to be a long day...

"Hel-llo C-Chica..." I said while yawning, my hands stretching up in the air automatically. She giggled and turned back to her cooking.

"Breakfast will be ready soon. Can you wake everybody up for me?" She asked, the end of the sentence going up an octave.

"Sure." I responded sleepily. "I'll be right back." She waved me goodbye, as I rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Target 1: Freddy Fazbear.

I slowly crept up the stairs, being careful not to make any noise. He was still leaning against the door, snoring, like before. I tiptoed over to him getting only a couple of inches away now. I thought maybe I could wake him up by screaming!

3...2...1... "SCREEEEEEE" I yelled as I jumped on him. He suddenly woke up and tried to throw me off him, but I wasn't giving up that easily. We were basically wrestling now like we did when we were little.

I took his brown hair in my hand and pulled it hard. "GET UP FREDDY!" I screamed loudly, tackling him to the ground.

"Foxy get off me..." He muttered tiredly. I did as he commanded and got off him. He slowly stood up, wiping the invisible dirt off him.

"I need to go change anyways.... Is Bonnie still in there?" He said pointing to the door. I nodded silently and he sighed. "Well do you want to wake her up?" He said stretching, and yawing at the same time.

I quickly shook my head, signifying I didn't want to wake her up. Freddy sighed and walked into the room. I heard screaming, then Freddy apologizing, and shortly Freddy ran out of the room. There was no way anyone else is still asleep, I thought to myself.

"Bonnie..." Freddy was panting. "Is...." His hand went over his heart. "Awake..." Then he flopped down onto the floor still breathing heavily. I wondered what happened in there...

I decided to check if Gold was still sleeping. I ran down the stairs once again, but this time walked into the Family room. Gold was sitting on a long black couch clutching a ps4 controller. Bags were under his almost black eyes, and his fingers were moving rapidly over the controller. He looked like he stayed up all night...

"Get any sleep lad?" I decided to ask. He just shook his head, his concentration fully on the tv. "Well... Breakfast is ready... Want to get something to eat?" I said my voice slightly wavering as I talked. He reminded me of a zombie. Just sitting there... Never moving or talking...

"I'm not hungry..." He grunted quietly, almost mute to the human ear. I shrugged, kids will be kids anyways.

I walked into the kitchen. The sweet smell of crispy bacon reaching my nose. It smelled and looked delicious. I looked over at the table. There sat an annoyed looking Bonnie, picking at her food, and a tired looking Freddy, almost falling asleep in his chair. Chica was still standing up, handling a pan of "done" looking bacon strips. The sizzling sound coming from it was almost enough to make my mouth water.

"Good morning Bonnie!" I decided to greet the one person I technically didn't today. Her head lifted up to look at me, her crimson read eyes staring me down.

"Hello..." She said then went back to poking her food. I decided to take a seat next to her, as I knew Chica would probably want to sit next to Freddy.

We were all sitting at a "wood" table, even though it wasn't real wood. Bonnie was sitting to my right and Freddy was sitting straight across from me. Chica suddenly came over and put down a big plate of eggs and pancakes.

Bonnie, while still picking at her bacon, stabbed a pancake and put it on her plate. Freddy on the other hand looked like he wanted to eat all the food. Like I thought Chica took the seat to my left, which was also next to Freddy.

Freddy's mom suddenly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, pulling up a seat between Bonnie and Freddy.

"Hello team! Today is Saturday, so are goal is to make Gold get off his video games!" She said excitedly. Team? What are we, playing soccer? I looked around the table, none of us really looked "athletic".

Gold apparently heard her say that and rushed into the room. His blonde hair whizzing around his head as he ran.

"What's in it for me?" He said with a devilish smile. I looked at Freddy's mom, wondering what she had in mind for this little rascal.

"Don't worry! I have that all planned out!" She said getting up and hugging Gold. He tried to wiggle out of her grasp, which he succeeded, and ran back to the Family Room. Wow this kid had energy!

Now in a whisper she continued. "I have a plan to take you all to Disney Land today!" She said clapping her hands excitedly. "We need to somehow get Gold in the car though..." She said in a hushed tone.

Hmm... How are we going to get him into the car? He didn't really seem excited to go anyways. Also what will I tell me parents if the find me.... The thought crossed my mind. NO. Today is the day to have fun! Don't worry about all of that stuff. Today just have fun with your friends!

The time rolled on slowly as we thought up an elaborate trap to get Gold in the car. Her car was a mini van, so it had eight seats in it.

We all slowly filed into the Family Room, and waited for Gold to notice us. As soon as he looked over at us, Freddy shuffled over to the tv and unplugged the Playstation. The ultimate trap for Gold!

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