Chapter 4

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I looked back at Bonnie, who was frowning deeply and... Growling? I wonder why? All that I have noticed is when anything about her personal life comes up, she tries to forget it like it never happened.

Freddy and Chica were worried about her too. Both of them were looking at her worriedly, with their jaws wide open.

"Hi Bonnie!...." Freddy's mom and Gold suddenly walk out of the kitchen "Gold and I were mak-.... What's wrong?" She was looking at Bonnie with a worried glare, and Gold looked he just wanted to fade into the darkness.

I was going to try to help in some way, when she pushed passed us and stomped upstairs rudely. I started to chase after her, when I heard a knock on the door. Freddy walked up to the old wood door and turned the knob slowly. The two people I didn't want to see there were standing right in front of Freddy.

"Hello Freddy!" my mom exclaimed happily, a fake smile plastered onto her face. "Have you seen Foxy?" she said trying to sound innocent.

Freddy was about to respond, when of all people, Gold interrupted. "Hello Foxy's mother! I haven't seen him today...." He looked at her while flailing his hands around, trying to make it realistic. "Did you check Mike's house?" Gold said, surprisingly making my mom do a double take.

"Uh...No I haven't" she said quietly. "But that's a great idea!" she face palmed herself for not thinking of that and left the house. The whole time my father saying nothing, just smoking in the background.

I didn't really want to talk about what just happened, so I walked quickly up the stairs and opened the door to Freddy's room.

I was so angry at my parents that I didn't hear the sobs coming from the other side of the door. When I went inside, I didn't noticed anything changed until I decided to sit on Freddy's bed.

There was another figure in the room, crying. Her tears rolling down her cheeks onto her bright red guitar. I looked over at her guitar and gasped. A couple of the strings were snapped, and were lying haphazardly on the floor.

I decided to sit next to her and try to cheer her up. I really didn't know what to say though, so we ended up sitting like this for a while.

I wanted to do something, anything, to make her feel better. I wanted to at least say

something. "What's wrong?" I asked. she lifted her head up finally noticing me.

She opened her mouth like she was about to say something, but quickly closed it starting to cry again. She was looking at her beaten up guitar, holding it tighter in her hand. Man.... She really loved that thing.

I decided to try to start a conversation, even though I knew the attempt would be fruitless.

"Bonnie.... I'm sorry for anything I might have done to you." I said. She lightly picked her head up, and stared me right in the eyes. Her bright purple hair getting in the way of her crimson colored eyes.

"But... I need to know what we did wrong, so I can make sure that no one will ever hurt you again." As soon as I said that, she looked down at her feet, ashamed. I wanted to do something to help her, but at the same time I just met her.

She finally got the courage to talk and said, "My parents are abusive." she started crying again, but I didn't know what to do. "On my birthdays were when they beat me the most." she said choking back a sob.

I could tell she hated crying in front of me, but she couldn't help it. "They said it was to remind me of how painful my birth was.... It almost killed my mom." She looked back up at me, staring into my soul with those crimson eyes.

We sat in silence for a wile, just sitting on Freddy's old bed. Since she told me about her life, I decided to tell her a little about mine.

"My parents hate me...." I started off slowly, getting her attention. "I recently got expelled from school, so i decided to hide here..." She was staring at me in interest.

"They would beat me whenever I didn't listen to them." I continued getting nods from her, telling me that she was listening. "Then one day my dad came home with a gun. He shot me in the shoulder." She suddenly looked really apologetic.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't know..." She said softly. I just waved it of and said it was ok.

She looked back at her guitar, and tears started to form in her eyes again. When some of them started to fall, I snapped. I put my hands around her and hugged her as tight as I could. She let out a little gasp of surprise, but ended up just sitting there.

"T-Thank y-you..." She said and I pulled away. My heart was beating faster and faster, as I smiled at her. It seems like my heart and body have made up their minds.

I sighed, "Today was really weird huh?" I asked the purple haired girl sitting to my left. She nodded, and I found myself getting really drowsy. I ended up drifting off into the world of sleep right next to her, but what I didn't know was that she was smiling the whole entire time.

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