Chapter 13

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After a couple of minutes I got up and decided to look for Bonnie's room. All I remembered was that she was on the fourth floor..

I got up slowly from the comfy chair, and walked down the hallway to the stairwell. I would have to run up four flights of stairs, but nothing cross country couldn't handle!

Once I reached the fourth floor, I pushed open the door slowly like I was expecting something to jump scare me. To my actual surprise, nothing was behind the door, only another white hallway. Down the hallway I could see a nurse's desk where a bunch of people were working. I just stood in the doorway for a couple of seconds. Taking everything in.

Every once in a while a small buzzer rang and someone rushed over to a different room. I just hope one of those rooms weren't Bonnie's. To be honest if she was in surgery, she would already have a bunch of doctors in her room.

I shook my head and continued to walk down the lit hallway. I still didn't know what time it is...

"Really, Foxy? That's what you're thinking at a time like this..." I shrugged to myself and kept walking. A couple doors appeared on my right with the patient's name on a silver plaque. I looked around for Bonnie's name, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I could always go to that nurse's desk...

I finally decided that that was the best idea. I turned around slowly and instead of my feet hitting the marble floor, they landed on to of someone's foot.

"AHHH!" The person screamed. There was the sound of something hitting the ground, and I automatically bent down to pick them up.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I mumbled while shoving papers into my hands. The strange thing was... They were all in Braille. 

I looked up at the stranger to really get a good look at them. It was a man with a doctor's coat on. He wore black rimmed sunglasses that covered his eyes. He also wore jeans instead of the rest of the uniform.

This man couldn't be trustworthy. Why would this hospital have a blind doctor? 

"Can I have my papers back?" He asked in a hushed tone. His words flew through the air, landed in my left ear, and flew out the right. I wasn't even paying attention anymore.

I stood up and started walking away, leaving the man left in the dust. It was rude... And he was blind... So he couldn't have known if I left.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Suddenly there was a hand gripping my shoulders. This time it was my turn to drop the papers and ask a question.

"How come you knew I was leaving?" I asked slowly, turning my head to look at him even though he couldn't see the gesture.

Instead of answering my question, he bent down and started to pick up the papers himself. His hands were delicately skimming  around the floor, searching for every last one.

"I have good hearing." He answered nonchalantly then stared to walk away, his fingers slowly rubbing over the bumps on the paper.

"Strange..." I muttered and began to search for more rooms. I took a right once I had a decision to make. It ended up being the right one because the third door was labeled "Bonnie Simmonds".

"So that's her last name..." I said then opened the door quickly. There was Bonnie. She was surrounded by a bunch of doctors but what surprised me was, she was awake!

As soon as the doors opened her eyes darted to mine, and a small smile tugged at her lips. She had bandages that stretched from one side of her stomach to the other. Her electric purple hair was now cut short around her like, like you would expect a boy's.

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