Chapter 12

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I quickly jogged down the stairs and opened the front door to the hotel. The first thing I noticed was the rain. It was coming down harder than before and was resting on top of car's windshields. It was also pretty dark.

The darkness was consuming everything around it. Absorbing anything that came into it's path and quickly deleted it from this world. If I went in it I probably wouldn't come out safe, but I could get to the hospital if I really tried...

I took my first step out into the dark night. I shoved my hands into my pockets and began to walk to the sidewalk. The rain was pouring down on me but I really didn't mind. All that was on my mind was Bonnie... 

I looked around me and saw nothing. The street lights were not doing a good job of illuminating the night... I stop for a second to think about something. I took my hands out of my pockets and watched the rain fall on top of them, then swirl around my palm.

A small smile started to stretch across my face. It was peaceful in the night... I shook my head, shoving my hands back into my pockets, and kept on walking. My light red hair now fell into my eyes and stuck to the back of my head.

Small lights started to appear in the distance, which meant I was close to the city. How long have I been walking? It didn't see very long and I don't have a phone to check the time...

Knowing the lights were close, I sped up a little bit. I wasn't running yet, but just speed walking. I heard somewhere that if you ran in the rain, you got more wet then when you walk in the rain. It didn't matter at the moment... I invited the small little drops of guilt onto my body, savoring their time there.

The lights got closer, closer, and closer until they were blinding me. I had to hold my hands up in defence but I soon got use to the bright light. 

"Stick to the goal, Foxy..." I mumbled under my breath. I could see the hospital in the distance. The big red letters of the sign in front of it, making all of your attention snap to it. It was only a short walk from here. A couple more blocks and I can be in the safety of the hospital.

I started to run now. Giving it all my might just to inside of the dry building.

I finally reached the hospital. I walked in front of the double glass doors, and let them slide apart for my entrance. A bunch of heads automatically snapped to my position upon my entrance, but I didn't mind. I walked straight forward to the old wood desk with a bunch of different electronics on them.

I put my hands on the desk, letting the water slip through my fingers and sink into the wood. A woman behind it looked up at me with a puzzled face. She had short brown hair and was wearing a white suit. 

"Can I help you?" She said tiredly. I guess she has been working here for a while, I couldn't blame her. I tried to collect my thoughts before I answered, I didn't want to sound stupid.

"I'm h-here to c-check on B-Bonnie..." I said, my voice coming out in a raspy tone. Again she stared up at me with a puzzled look. She put on some tiny, clear, glasses and held up a clipboard. It had the names of a bunch of different people on it.

"Do you know what floor she is on?" She asked, while pointing at the clipboard. I looked at it carefully and noticed the people's names were separated by floors. There was about twenty people per floor, and there was exactly five floors.

I racked my memory to try to find what floor she was on. I think I remember her being on the third floor...

"Third, I think..." I said, my eyes still trained on the clipboard. She took it away from my face and traced her finger along it. Suddenly her face darkened and she put the clipboard down.

"I'm sorry sir, but that Bonnie is in surgery right now. You can either come back later or wait." I sighed, trying to control the anger bubbling up in me. The last thing I needed was to get angry right now. I turned around and went to find a seat, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and the woman was staring at me, her brown eyes squinting at me.

"You look like you are a minor." She said with her hand still on my shoulder. I looked at her hand and her purple colored nails. Can you even paint your nails if you work in a hospital?

"I'm going to have to call your parents." The thought of that instantly made me defensive. I can't have her call my parents! They would kill me...

"Please n-no!" I shouted a bit to loud. Everyone in the immediate area stared at me like I was an outcast, the outsider. She looked at me suspiciously. I guess what I said was kind of sketchy... I had to clean this up quick.

"I live in another state!" I shouted again. Her grip on my shoulder loosened and a look of sympathy spread across her face. 

"Did you come all the way here to see Bonnie?" She asked curiously. What was she... Curious George? I wanted to lie so badly. Maybe if I did she would let me see her earlier...

"Yea, I'm one of her best friends." I said while looking at the floor. I tried to seem as sad as possible, which wasn't really hard because I actually was. She made an "awww" noise and looked back at the clipboard.

"She's actually almost out of surgery..." She said nicely. I noticed that her whole attitude had changed from learning this knowledge. "If you want you can see her in a couple of minutes."

Overwhelming happiness filled my body. Was she really offering me this? And if so why? Not really thinking about it I nodded my head. She smiled and handed me a piece of paper. I didn't have time to look at it because she started to talk to me again.

"Just wait a couple of minutes, then go to her room. Hand the doctors that paper and you will be fine" She gave me a wide grin, showing off her stunning white teeth. Wow... Is every person that works here perfect? 

I waved a thankful goodbye and went to take a seat. I was going to see Bonnie again!

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