Chapter 9

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We all got into the car, sitting in the same seats as before. We set off to our now twenty minute trip to Disney Land. I could see that Bonnie was peeking at me from time to time, but I didn't take any of it to heart. She hates you... My mind told me.

I sighed hoping that the voice would go away, but it just kept getting stronger. See what you did! You're worthless and you can't do anything right. This is why your parents hate you and nobody will ever love you! It kept telling me that I couldn't do anything. I knew it wasn't true, but it was hard to say no to it.

Before I knew it we were in the parking lot at Disney Land. Bonnie had to shake me awake, a worried look on her face.

"Are you alright Foxy?" She said, putting the back of her hand on my forehead like I had a cold. I just nodded and kept walking, not wanting to be in a conversation. She followed behind me which I thought was weird.

We all walked to the ticket booth and gasped. It looked like this line had 1000 people in it! There was a wait time sign to our right. We all looked at it at the same time and sighed. "Wait time 1 hour 30 minutes" It read.

We got into the the line and began to wait. Occasionally moving a little bit forwards. About half way through the line Bonnie tapped me on the shoulder. What is it with her and tapping!?!? She pointed to my right and a smile appeared on my face.

To our right was another line were you could get your own tickets with a credit card. I had cash, so I wonder if it would accept that...

Bonnie and I sneakily left the line and went over to the other ticket booth. There was still a line but it was much smaller. It looked like an ATM machine. You put the money in a slot, and select tthe kind of pass you wanted. Then it would give you a certain number of tickets!

Bonnie and I waited in that line, which was thankfully only a 10 minute wait. We got our tickets and gave them to the employee waiting at the front gate. He looked at our tickets, inspecting them like he thought they were counterfeit.

He smiled, "Welcome to Disney Land!!!" He said in a cheerful voice. He pushed a small red button and the gate opened. We walked in quickly and stood there for a couple of minutes. It was so beautiful!

As soon as we walked in there was a huge fountain in the middle of the park. It sprayed water in different directions, and also different patterns. To our right was the "newish" minion ride from Dispicable Me. I've heard it was mainly for little kids though. To our left was a dark brown booth with a bunch of maps in it. I took one out and opened it up.

Bonnie looked over my shoulder to see what I was staring at. We both gasped at the same time, I guess none of us have ever been here. The map was huge! There was even another section, which you needed to take an escalator to get to. We would've waited for the others to get through, but I guess we were to excited.

We ran off to try out the different rides. (A/N: I just noticed a lot of this chapter will be inaccurate because I was basing it off of my trip to Universal Studios not Disney Land xD. woops! Well pretend they are at Universal Studious!!!)

"What ride should we go on first?" I asked in a cheerful tone. She starred at me for a couple of seconds then pointed somewhere on the map. I looked to where she pointed and in big green letters it said, "PARK TOUR". Hmmm that sounded fun. It was at the other side of the park though, so it would take a while to get there.

While we walked I noticed more of our surroundings. The sun was beating down on us harshly, but I could also hear the sound of the swaying leaves in the background. Most of the people here were with kids, so I guess it was kind of odd to see two teenagers here without adults.

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