Chapter 2

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Thomas POV
I open my eyes and all I see is darkness

Where am I?

Suddenly a light consumed the darkness

"Is this how I will meet God!?

Hello Child

What the..... Are you god?

Yes I am

Huh that's cool

So why am I here?

I am here to give you another chance at life because you sacrificed your self to save another life which is honorable

That is cool and all but how will I be reincarnated?

You will see soon enough

Wait wh-

A bright light consumed me and then all I saw was darkness

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt like I got hit by a truck. The first thing I see is a tree. After that I see a lot more trees until I finally notice that I'm in a forest. I attempt to get up but I fell down straight after. I try to get up again but I get on all fours.I get up easily after that. I yawn but it sounds more like a growl than a yawn. I look down at my arms to see many spikes along both of them. I feel something on butt, so I turn around to see a........... Tail!?

Why do I have a tail with spikes on it. This is really weird.

I see a stream of water, so I go over to drink some of it and to look at my reflection. Before I could do that, I hear movement in some bushes. I look to my left to see this creature........

 I try to say something but my voice is just a growl, kinda like a warning to back off

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I try to say something but my voice is just a growl, kinda like a warning to back off. The creature jumps back and it runs away from the area in fear.

Huh that was weird.......

I look at the water to see my reflection and it shows this.......

I look at the water to see my reflection and it shows this

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Reincarnated into Ruiner Nergigante!?   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now