Chapter 3

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Thomas POV
(All pictures belong to their respective owners)

I open my eyes to see the sun shooting at my skin like it is trying to annoy me. Over the few weeks, after I got used to being killed and being reincarnated into a monster, I was able to learn what I can do and where in the food chain I am at. I seem to be a monster who eat monsters called "Elder Dragons" which are like old mythical creatures. I killed a Elder Dragon that was pretty creepy looking after Zach and Kyra killed it but it came back to life for some reason. Here is what the Elder Dragon looked like.........

Yea he was pretty weird, but hey he looked kinda cool in my book

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Yea he was pretty weird, but hey he looked kinda cool in my book. Anyways, I have found out the spikes on my body protects me from getting harmed, kinda like a shield on my skin. When they become black, that means I am at my deadliest form I guess. So far, life is pretty great. Me and Zach are like brothers but a different species, or what me and him like to call it "Brother from another Mother" type of relationship. You know? Me and Kyra are like best friends. She always needs help with her hunts, so I help her out.

Now that I think about it, there was this monster that reminds me of a monkey. Kyra called it a Rajang, and it did some damage to me. He really packs a punch. Man it is like him and Savage Deviljho, who is a Deviljho on steroids pretty much, are brothers to the end. They both have anger issues as well, which makes them a power house if they would of worked together. Here's what they look like........

 Here's what they look like

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Deviljho is much bigger than Rajang, but they are equal in terms of strength somehow

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Deviljho is much bigger than Rajang, but they are equal in terms of strength somehow.

Anyways, I'm gonna stop talking about the past and focus on the future for now.

I hear footsteps coming my way so I make my spikes harden, just invade a minster or hunter is trying to kill me. I get relived by seeing Kyra coming towards me.

Kyra: "Nergi!!!!" She said with enthusiasm as she ran towards me to hug my snout.

If I wasn't a monster, I would be blushing up a storm because my face feels real hot.

H-h-hi Ky-Kyra

I sounded like a shy Middle schooler. I can't breathe right now. I feel like God is laughing at me right now.

Kyra:"Why is your face so hot!? Are you okay Nergi!?" She says with concern

Y- Yea I'm f- f-fine

Calm down Thomas, Calm dowwwwnnn.

I hear laughing and I look to see Zach laughing in the background. I sigh in embarrassment for this moment.

I see Zach walk over to Kyra and he told her something. I could not really hear because I was still thinking of how I'm gonna live with this.

Suddenly, I feel something soft on my cheek so I look to my side to see Kyra kissing my cheek. My face goes completely red and I faint.

Zach POV ( A POV pther than Thomas guys)
I am literally laughing my but off. A monster fainting from a human is uncalled for and hilarious!!!

I take a swig of a energy drink to keep my stamina up. I look at Kyra who is very confused. I start to chuckle at this.

"Alright Kyra, lets wait until this Nergi wakes up alright?" I say out loud to her to snapping her out of her thoughts

Kyra:"O-ok" she says still pretty confused.

Back at the village, Kyra is known as the prettiest girl. All the boys swoon over her except me of course. It is pretty funny to see her reject them with no emotion. I start feeling a little sleepy so I lay on Nergi to sleep. Kyra lays right next me as I let the darkness consume me.

Thomas POV
I wake up to see Kyra and Zach sleeping on my side. I sigh as I get up causing them to fall over. They wake up instantly and they look like they just fell asleep too.. That is when I start busting out laughing. They look at me in anger and it is comedy gold bars.

Zach: I'm about to beat you up Nergi!?

Wait wh-

Before I could process what he said, he just jumps on my back surprising me. My eyes start turning red and I lose control and everything goes dark.

No ones POV

Thomas or Nergi suddenly starts trying to get Zach off of him aggressively.

Nergi is able to get Zach off of himself and then he slams Zach into the ground, causing the ground to shake. Nergi gets his hand off of Zach who is in a mini crater right now.

Nergi then sets his eyes on Kyra.

Kyra: N-N-Nergi? Calm d-d-down will you?

Nergi jumps towards her and goes to slam his hand onto her. Kyra rolls to the left dodging it, but what she didn't know was that Nergi was able to shoot spikes out of his hands which fly towards Kyra. Kyra doesn't see it coming and two were able to pierce her body. One in the leg and one in the thigh. She grunts in pain as she sees Nergi standing over her. It goes to finish her off until it's eyes become green again.

Nergi: Huh? What happened?!

He looks around to see the destruction he caused. His eyes widen. He jumps up as he starts flying away from the area.

Kyra: Nergi come back!!!

But her voice went deaf on his ears.

Reincarnated into Ruiner Nergigante!?   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now