Chapter 12

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We both charge at each other with roars of our own. I jump up to slam them into the ground. I get interrupted from a water ball to the face blinding me for a second.

I open my eyes again only to get slapped in the face from a tail with red lightning. I bite the tail before it could move away. I heard a growl of pain as I pulled with some force bringing it down.

After that, I bite down on one of its horns to break it off.

Before I could, it shoots fire out of its mouth, burning me in the process. I jump back trying to find an opening. While I'm doing that, it starts to do its typical villain monologue.

With Xen and Damon

Damon: Who do you think will win?

Xen: Papa will.

Damon: You sure?

Xen: Yes

Damon: He is at a disadvantage.

Xen makes a confused face.

Xen: How?

Damon: That dragon can use all elements. It is one of the strongest elder dragons in existence. It is not supposed to be here. But for some reason, it's here.


Damon: So yea, I'll be surprised if he can wound it

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Damon: So yea, I'll be surprised if he can wound it.

Back with Thomas and the Alatreon.

Alatreon: It's over. You are clearly at a disadvantage. I have killed monsters that control more than one element. You can't even control one!!

It starts to laugh out loud. You know. The villain kind of laugh.

After a minute, it stops laughing.

Alatreon: So, what makes you think you could defeat me?

"The reason is that I am better than you in every way."

Alatreon growled in annoyance. It ran towards me like a bull. I jumped to the right causing it to slam its head into the wall.

"Are a boy or a girl. Cause I don't like calling you it."

After it gets its head out of the wall, it turns to me with fire coming out its nostrils.

Alatreon: I'm a Female!

Alatreon: What do you mean 'what'?

"It just doesn't match up. Everything you are doing right now is male-like. Actually, I forgot females are more aggressive than males. Especially with monsters. Now that I think about it, why are we even fighting?"

Altreon: You entered my domain.

"And you started the fight"

Alatreon: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........

"Ok look. Me, my daughter and companion will fly out of here. So you can go to sleep or do whatever you do. Sounds good?"

Alatreon: Hurry and leave

To be honest I am really scared right now. Her attacks were powerful. To the point I want to get out of here.

"Alright, goodbye.

I quickly turn around and snatch up Xeno and Damon. Then I fly straight up, like a rocket ship.

Damon: So............. what happened.

"Lets just say, we are not going back there for a long time. Better yet never."

I look at Xen to see she is sleeping in my arms. Wow that is so cute.

I look in the distance to see an area with a bunch of crystals. The crystals look pretty with a shine to it.

After a second, I find out this is the place where I fought that giant bull creature.

It is also the place where I saw Zach...........

Anyways, there should be a place where we can rest. I look around to see a tall mountain. I decide that is where we will sleep. So, I fly towards it.

To be continued

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I have a feeling the fight scene is trash. Or is it just me.

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