Chapter 7

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Once I saw Zach I got a little scared. Especially if he is here with kyra.

I finish my share of the beast and I start to walk past the hunters until one of them hit me with a long sword. I growl in annoyance and a little pain the scraped my tail. That's when I square up with that hunter while the other hunters are just watching until someone speaks up.

Zach: Jimmy, leave the Nergigante alone.

Jimmy: Why!? We could have more materials from him. Plus I kinda need a a horn and gem for my long sword.

Zach: If you haven't noticed it helped us take down the behemoth that has destroyed many hunting squads.

Jimmy: *sigh* Fine, but we will hunt a Nargacuga.

Zach: Ok fine. Let's go get the other two and report back to Astera.

That's when they both walked away without looking back. I make a sigh as I looked down at the smoking corpse. I decided to bring the body with me. I locked all four of my legs on him and I slowly fly up to go back to my temporary home.

The sky seems to have got darker and I was tired from the battle. I almost fell asleep in the air until a loud roar caused some birds to fly and have me snap awake. I slowly start gaining speed to get away from whatever that was.

I fly down into my base with smoking behemoth on the ground. I decide I would eat it when I wake back up.

I slowly fall asleep not even feeling something small hide under my wing.

Reincarnated into Ruiner Nergigante!?   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now