Chapter 16

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Damon's POV

I wake up inside a cage once again.

I sigh in the border waiting for the handler to come and see me. I see a few hunters look at me in interest as they walk by.

???: Damon!!!

I look over to see the handler walking towards me with a random hunter walking by her side. The hunter seems to be a female from where I'm standing.

Handler: This is the hunter I told you about.

I tilt my head in confusion.

Handler: You know, the one who met the talking Nergigante.

Oh yeah! Wait............. Doesn't Nergi talk? Does that mean she met Nergi?

Nah, not possible.

Damon: What's your name human?

She seems surprised by me talking.

???: It's K-Kyra

Kyra huh? Interesting......... I'm pretty hungry

Damon: I want meat........

Nergi POV

Right now, I am inside the interrogation with Xen while tied to a chair. I take the moment to look at Xen. Gotta say I raised her right. She really looks like a woman honestly.

 She really looks like a woman honestly

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I gotta come up with a name now. A name that can easily be said.

How about Beatrice.........

Beatrice sounds good.

The door opens as someone walks in with some silver wings. They look naturally aggressive.

???: Let's get this over with. I have to get back to my golden bride.

"Golden Bride"

???: My wife, you peasant.

"Ok, chill"

???: *Ahem* Let's start the interrogation. First question, Where did you live?

"In a Forest"

???: Where in the forest.

"In the forest"

???: What forest region

"Ummmmmm.........the forest region."

???: Ugh......... What about you young lady.

Xen: Huh?

???: Where are your parents?

She points at me.

???: Ummmmmmm............ I'm not talking about your little sister.

Xen: He's not my sister. That's my Papa.

???: He!? Papa!? Tell the truth!!!

Xen: I am!!

The dude rubs his eyes in stress.

???: Ok fine. I'm done. I can't do this.

He then walks out with his hands in the air.

Someone walks in after he was out.

???: We are gonna need your help.

Xen and Nergi: Eh?


The man opens a large door to show a woman sitting on a throne.

???: My lady, I brought the girls you requested for.

Queen: Interesting.

She is looking us up and down. I'm a little creeped out.

Queen: Leave us.

The guard speedily walks out and closes the door.

The Queen then points at me.

Queen: You, come over here.


I start to walk towards her until I'm a few feet away. She gets off her chair and walks towards me slowly. I start to sweat a little from the aura around her.

Once she stops she then pinches my cheeks.

Queen: Oh my God your cute! Your really an elder dragon!? No way! What's your name!? Who is that girl behind you!? Wanna live with me!?

"Stahp pls"

Queen: Oh sorry.

She quickly lets go of my cheeks.

I start to rub them from the soreness.

"My name is Beatrice and the girl behind me is Xen."

Queen: Well I'm Queen Doara. The Queen of this city.


Queen: Correct. Each city has a queen. There is also a King of this entire continent.


Queen: I'm an elder dragon species called 'Kushala Doara'. You smell of an elder dragon, but not one I recognize.

I start picking my ear as I say........

"I'm a Nergigante, eater of elder dragons!"

Queen: W-w-what!?

She instantly takes a step back.

"I have a question"

Queen: Y-yes?

"Do you have any meat?"

To Be Continued.................

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602 Words boi.

Reincarnated into Ruiner Nergigante!?   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now