Chapter 17

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3rd Person

We have Xen, Queen Doara, and Beatrice at a big table. I would say this table is 10 feet long or longer.

Beatrice is over here eating like a beast. Xen is eating normally. The Queen is watching Beatrice eat. A little creepyly if I say so myself.

The chandelier above them starts to move from tremor on the ground. A guard burst through the door in a hurry.

Guard: Two half breeds have escaped their cells!

Queen: Which ones!?

Guard: The furious Rajang and Savage Deviljho!

The Queen's face paled.

Beatrice: Did you say Rajang and Deviljho?

The guard looks in confusion and nods.

Beatrice: Where!?

The guard jumps back in fear.

Guard: It's b-below us.

Beatrice nods as she punches a hole in the ground. She then jumps down the said hole.

Everyone looks in confusion and shock. Well except for Xen.

Queen: Don't tell me she is going to fight them.

Xen: She is going to fight them.

Nergi or Beatrice POV

Once I'm down the hole I try to sniff them out. After a few seconds, I am able to find out their location. They are next to each other communicating.

I decide to use a surprise attack on the two.

Rajang POV

"I can't wait to kill these weak half breeds."

Jho: I just want to eat the Queen.

He said while drooling.

"Slow down partner, we have to kill the guards first."

Jho: *Sigh* Fine.......

I start to feel a rumble from under us as something humanoid jumps out of the ground going for an uppercut. I barely dodge to the left as they punch a wall behind me. I jump back to get a better look at them.

They seem to be a girl. The aura they carry is making me a little scared. But I instantly steel my nerves knowing I can beat them.

Jho's spit starts hitting the ground with a loud dripping sound.

Jho: Are you the queen!?

He yells in excitement.

???: No, I'm a hero for fun.

Hero? Whatever, it's her funeral.

"Looks like your the next on my death list."

???: You know, I'm kinda hungry. You guys look like a snack to me.

And Jho looks at each other and start laughing out loud.

"Me a snack!? What a joke!!"

Jho: You will be my snack little girl.

???: Yeah yeah......... My name is Beatrice, what is yours?

"Just call me Raj human."

Jho: And I'm Jho!!!

Beatrice: Let's fight shall we?

"With pleasure"

3rd person view

Raj was the first to strike as he picks up a random cell bar on the ground and throws it like a spear. Beatrice doges and catches the pole using it to wack Jho in the face who got to close.

Jho flies through a wall causing dust to scatter.

Raj: Jho!

Raj looks at Beatrice in rage as his fur starts to turn gold.

Beatrice: Uh oh

With the Queen and Xen

Queen: sure your sister is alright?

Xen: Yes, Pa- I mean my sister will be ok. She is a Nergigante after all.

They feel the ground rumble a little as dust comes from the ceiling.

Xen: Ok, maybe not.

Suddenly, the ceiling explodes as something flys in. After a few minutes, the dust clears to reveal........

 After a few minutes, the dust clears to reveal

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Queen: A-A Seething Bazelgeuse!?

The Bazel roars as the ground shakes from the roar.

Xen smiles and gets in front of the Queen.

Xen: I got this.

Queen: W-What?! Are you crazy!? It's said they hunt elder dragons for sport!

Xen: But I'm better than a elder dragon!

She said in confidence.

Queen: We're doomed.

She says while facepalming.

Xen: You should get out of here! I got this!

Queen: Whatever you say.

The Queen spreads her wings and flies through the ceiling.

Seething and Xen look at each other, then they charge.

With Beatrice


Beatrice: He really packs a punch.

'She' said while getting out of a wall.

Raj flies through a wall going to punch her, only for her to duck under it.

Beatrice: Now I'm Mad!!!


Beatrice's skin starts to turn a dark black as spikes start growing out of her body. Raj can only look in fear.

After a few seconds, our protagonist is now in their true form.

Raj: This isn't good at all.

Nergi: Let's Go!

He said while slapping Raj through five walls.

Nergi: Is that all?

The ground shook as Jho jumped through a wall towards him, only to get slammed into the ground.

Jho jumps back up as Raj jumps to his side.

Nergi: Round Two then!!!

Jho and Raj charge at Nergi.

Reincarnated into Ruiner Nergigante!?   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now