War (part 1)

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   This is a little idea I got during school so why not write it down
   I'm also sorry the beginning of the book is depressing I just didn't know what to put for the first story
   This is also my first oneshot so I may not know what to write but bare with me


   You and Varian are walking through the streets of Corona enjoying the perfect weather for a little walk. Both of you walk so close to each other that once in a while your shoulders would bump into each other. You distract youself by looking at the green grass and leaves, the bright blue sky with a few puffy clouds visible, the children chasing each other around and laughing. Varian's pinky wrapped around yours causing you to slightly jump at his actions "oh I-I'm so sorry I didn't m-mean to" he stutters taking his pinky away "no no, it's fine I was just caught off guard" you chuckle, you turn away from Varian and slowly interwine your fingers with his. Your cheeks start feeling very warm and a smile forms on your lips,

   "Attention all citizens of Corona, I have an announcement to make!" A voice echos throughout catching everyone's attention including yours and Varian's, you both stop walking to listen what the captain of the soldiers has to say " Our home is currently going into war with a neighboring kingdom and we need every soldier or fighter to join us in this war to protect Corona and our future!" Everyone starts mumbling to each other, You and Varian look at each other with worried expressions "Your not going with them are you?" Varian asks his voice starting to crack up, you give him a reassuring look " I won't go with them I'd rather stay here and protect you and our family" yes your a soldier in training but you don't want to leave everyone behind. After the little meeting both you and Varian start heading back home, "Ah, (y/n) there you are I need to discuss about something important" the captain said, You started to get nervous about what he wanted to talk to you about " oh, uh, yea sure what is it?" Your anticipation grew with every second " we need you to come join us in the war, we will be leaving at dawn to give the soldiers time to pack their things before the journey" your heart begins to sink

   "uh I-I'm sorry captin but I don't want to leave everyone behind can't I just stay here?"

    "Sorry (y/n) you don't have a choice we need you to come with us, you are one of my good soldiers and I want all of my soldiers to come and fight, you should head home and start packing alright, don't forget we leave at dawn"

   The Captain turns his heal and walks away leaving you and Varian in tears.

   "N-no, I don't want to leave you or my family behind, what if I get badly hurt in the battle? What if I never return home because I got captured by the enemy? What If I die during war?" Your breathing starts to pick up and more tears fall down your cheeks, Varian raps his arm around your shoulder and wipes his tears away before doing the same to you " I don't think any of that will happen, (y/n) you are the toughest, bravest, most badass person I have ever met, I know you won't let anyone hurt you or the people you care about, I know you don't want to go and I don't want you going either but if It means to protect Corona and our future generations you should go, I promise I will wait til the day you come back home to m- us" you let out a weak, small, smile and hug Varian tight.

   You hold your satchel with clothes and a couple of drawings close to your body waiting for the carriage to arrive. Tears were slowly falling down your face as varian raps his arm around your shoulder " I don't want to go" you sob on Varian's shoulder while he holds you tighter "It's going to be Ok (y/n) I'll wait for you right here til the day you come back" The carriage pulled up and soldiers started hoping on and saying there goodbyes to their families. You turn to Varian and give him one last big, hug " oh I wanna tell you something before I leave" he let's go and faces you humming in response "um I-.. I've always h-had feelings f-for you, I know it's a really bad time to tell you this but I wanted to let you know in case I never come back" his eyes widened and he stared at you in disbelief which made you regret it "I-I'm sorry I have to go now" you say running into the carriage not looking back, "does he not feel the same towards me? Judging by the expression he made I don't think so" you think, tears roll down your face as you look towards Varian who is just staring at you with a sad expression. The carriage started moving and you turn your gaze up ahead because you became too embarrassed to look at Varian. He just watched you in tears as you rode away for who knows how long.

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