My little flower

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   The reader aka you and Varian are dating in this oneshot, just wanted to point that out before to not confuse anyone. Also I'm sorry it's a little short I just wanted to get something else before my semester finals began, anyways enjoy!

(Modern AU)


   I was laying on my bed reading a book about romance to give me more knowledge on dating since it was all new to me. I was so caught up in reading I didn't know someone walked in and sat in front of me at the foot of my bed. When I felt my bed sink down I look up to see Varian looking down and smiling at me "whatcha reading there?" He asks trying to read the cover of the book, I swished it away before he could get a chance to see the title "oh nothing, just a dumb book I found interest in" I say moving the title from him so he doesn't see it "come on let me see the name of it cause whatever it's about it won't be dumb if you find interest in it" he says as he begins to lundge at me trying to take the book away "No it's embarrassing" I whine trying to dodge his arms.

   After a minute of struggling (insert winky face and smirk emoji here) He finally gets ahold of the book and reads the title not realizing he's basically laying on top of me, my face turns beetroot red

   "twilight huh, it's not a dumb book I- are you ok you seem really red, is it THAT embarrassing cause if it is for you you shouldn't be"

  "N-no, no it's not t-that embarrassing i-it's just um your, um on top o-of me" I turn away from him and if my face could get any darker red it would "o-oh, I- I'm so s-sorry" he stutters as he quickly gets off of me and the bed, he stands up and I notice his face has also turned red "anyways I want to show you something I know you'll like" Varian says as he take hold of my hand intertwining his fingers with mine and pulling me off of the bed and dragging me outside into the warm summer air.

   He doesn't stop running and I nearly trip 3 times. "Ok, I want you to close your eyes for a moment" I close my eyes and we begin walking making a few turns here and there, I stay as close as I can to him with one hand holding his and the other grabbing the back of his shirt. Suddenly I feel him stop so I follow "alright we are here" I slowly open my eyes and walk to Varian's side to get a better view of the surprise.

   My eyes widen in awe as I take in the scenery, a huge field of many flowers of different kinds and colors, at the end of the field is a beautiful view of the sparkling blue ocean, the sound of waves filled my ears and the smell of salt crept into my nose "w-wow, Varian i-it's beautiful, I love it" I twirl into the field not noticing that Varian is staring at me smiling and blushing. I bend down to sniff the flowers and admire their beauty "these flowers are so beautiful, so many different colors and scents" Varian walks beside me and takes my hand in his, light redish pinkish blush forms on my cheeks. I look up and Varian is also blushing, with his other hand he takes my free hand and we stand up straight facing each other and looking into one another's eyes "the flowers are beautiful but you are the most beautiful out of all these, your my beautiful little flower" I blush a darker shade, we start to lean close to each other as we let go of our hands and I wrap my arms around his neck and he snakes his hands around my waist, the gap between our lips slowly gets closed, our eyes shut and I feel soft, warm lips against mine, the wind slightly picks up and our kiss deepens.


I am sorry if the ending isn't good and if the story is bad, I'm on a time crunch here and had to quickly write something during my study period and I don't know when I'll upload another chapter but I'll try my best to get one out as soon as I can

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