Corpse Bride (part 2)

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Third P.O.V

Varian stirs awake expecting to be in an unfamiliar place but to his surprise he woke up back home, on his couch. His mind begins to wonder what happened last night, but, his thoughts cut short to the sound of sizzling food and humming coming from a female. He gets up to see who it was that was singing so beautifuly, he neared the kitchen and begins to notice a figure of a female at the stove cooking something. When he inched closer he notices the cloths are the same that (___) wore when they burried her. At the door frame he could see it resembling (___) so much but he refused to believe it was her because she died five years ago "Uhm, w-who are you and w-why are you in my house?" He stutters a bit afraid of this practically harmless intruder, Thats when the person turnes around revealing (e/c) eyes and the exact face as you "Oh, dear your finally awake, I made breakfast" It felt like Varian couldn't move, he was stuck to the ground in shock, fear, happiness, all these emotions came flooding in confusing him. "(___) I-is that really you but you look d-dead and your skin it's b-blue along with y-your hair" He almost stumbles backwards when she giggles at his remark "Oh, silly I am dead, you just woke me from my grave by saying what I've always wanted you to say" she says twirling around continuously giggling "A-and those words w-were the vows?" Varian chokes out trying to catch his breath "Of course I've waited so many years for you to say the vows under my grave and I would come out and we would be together forever again, now come and eat your breakfast it's getting cold"

He sits down and (___) sits in front of him leaning her head on her hand staring at him lovestruck, he starts eating hesitantly before begining to devour the food. He misses having (___)'s delicious cooking, she giggles at his action "Calm down you'll choke on the food dumby" He stops and looks up with puppy eyes "I haven't had your cooking in five years I almost forgot how it tastes like, I almost forgot I love your cooking so much as much as I love you" He says with a tint of pink spreading across his cheeks but not on (___)'s because she's dead and no blood circlulates through your body therefore you don't blush. "Oh, after you finish eating I'd like to take you to the land of the dead I'd like you to meet a couple of people there they are going to love you I just know it" she says in a cheerful tone jumping up and down in her seat to which he chuckles at how cute it looks. he finishes eating and when he's done he doesn't even get the chance to get up and put the plate in the sink when (___) swoops down and takes the plate right off the table and brings it to the sink.

After you wash the plate and silverware while Varian sits there still pretty confused about everything. "Alright lets go to the land of the dead and meet some of my friends" You say in your cheerful attitude wrapping your arm around his leading him out of the house and towards the woods. You lead him in the woods and crows start appearing all around the both of you "Ok, now stand still this will be fun" you say stopping still having your arm around his. Just then many crows start circling around you and for a second both of you leave the mortal world and are now in the cold, colorful place with many walking corpses and skeletons. "Yay we are here now lets go I'm really excited!" You say with excitment in your tone grabbing his wrist and dragging him around the land of the dead to meet friends and family.

It seemed like Varian has met almost the whole population in the land of the dead, you knew so many people or should I say corpses and he even got to meet his ancestors and yours. While Varian talks to his dead family members you get pulled aside by a hunchback skeleton holding a big book looking concerned. "What's the matter Elder Gutknecht?" You ask with a hint of worry

"(Y/N), I'm afraid theres complications with your marriage."

"Complications, what are you talking about me and Varian are perfectly happy together"

"That's not the problem I'm here to talk to you about, it's something much more serious"

"Than what is it?"

"Varian is still alive and.. Well... You are... Dead"

"I don't understand were this is going"

"It means death has parted both of you"

You gasp at his words. It's true death has already parted you two "There has to be some sort of way to undo this" your voice begins to crack up as tears fight to escape your eyes "There's only one way to fix this and that's if Varian drinks the potion of eternal life which will stop his heart and you two could be together forever" (I think that's what the poison was called I can't remember) he explains opening the book in his hands to a page that has a pice of a bottle with a skull design on the front. You gasp apon looking at the image "Poison!... I can never ask such a thing from him" you collapse to the ground letting tears run down your cold, dead cheeks

"You don't have to, I'll do it" a soothing, familiar voice says behind you causing to lift your head up in surprise "Are you sure? Once you drink from it you could never go back" The elder warns, Varian reaches his hand down to you and you take it, he then pulls you back on your feet both your eyes not leaving each other's gaze "I know, which is why I choose to do it"

"EVERYONE PLEASE GATHER AROUND WE HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT" yells Varian getting everyone's attention "We will be having a wedding and it will take place upstairs, in the land of the living" All the corpses gasp and whisper for a couple of seconds before they all get excited and start running around to get things ready for the wedding.

At the church everyone has filed in and taken their seats, Varian stands at the front facing Elder Gutknecht while they all waited for the bride to show up. The music started and everyone stands up facing the entrance were you walk through. You make it to the front and Varian gives you his hand and helps you up to the platform, then you both face Gutknecht and let him begin "Today we are gathered here to reunite this lovely couple" He then turns to Varian and nods, you both face each other and hold one another's hands "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows, your cup will never empty, for I, will be your whine" he picks up a whine cup and waits for your vows before he drinks the poison "Now you" The elder says motioning to you "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows, your cup will never empty, for I, will be your whine" you pick up the bottle and begin filling the cup with the poison. He drinks it all and everyone waits in anticipation. All of a sudden he bends down and holds his heart, he seems to be having a hard time breathing. You go up to him and with one hand you hold his hand and with the other you rub circles on his back. "Are you alright love?" You ask him in a soothing manner like he's a lost puppy. "Shall we continue our wedding?" He says lifting his head up with a smile on his soft lips. His skin has turned from a soft tan to light blue, his hair remained the same. His eyes no longer showing the life he once had but still showed the spark of love and innocence.

Soon enough you two got married and lived happily in the land of the dead waiting for your family members to come join you.

The End...

Happy late Valentine's I went out of town and I had some time to write unlike during the week because I'm in a crew for the school musical we are doing and I don't get home till 6 or so. Anyways I'll see you all in the next update, BYYEEEEEE!

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