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Heh as you can tell this mini story will be about Varian being a Vampire. Also this contains some (NSFW) moments not too much though also if you are my friend please don't read this. Thanks!


   One night I had so much troubles sleeping, just tossing and turning and trying to force myself to sleep with no such luck. I sit up in bed looking around to see what I can find to do so I could get tired. My eyes wonder around and land on my window. Hmm a walk in the woods wouldn't hurt right I think to myself. I make my way to the window unlocking it and sliding it open wide enough to fit my body through.

   Five minutes pass and I finally get out of my window from a long process of trying to not get caught by the curtains and trying to find the best position to climb out so I don't end up falling. I walk towards the woods and plan walking around the edge so I don't get lost or something. Before I enter the forest I begin to hear wolves howling and the sound of footsteps behind me. My heart starts to race in fear of who or what is following me, So I take the dumbest decision possible and slowly look back. My eyes widen in fear and O freeze. Behind me stands three huge wolves with saliva dripping from their mouths. My adrenaline hits and I run as fast as I could into the woods and zig zag around trees trying my hardest to stay alive and lose them. I feel a sharp pain across my back then I feel liquid begin to drip from the pain. That's when I know they are closer and one of them has scratched or bit my back.

   I get thrown to the ground and the wolves start clawing at me and biting my arms and torso. Just when I was about to accept my fate one by one the wolves get thrown off of me by someone or something. I didn't want to see any of what was going on so I tried turning to my side, I close my eyes in pain giving up on moving and just laid there. Soon everything went silent and a person comes to my peripheral vision and I only get to see glowing red eyes. And just like that they are gone. I sit there for a little longer baffled at what just happened. I shake my head back to reality and try my hardest to get up but the gashes on my arms and legs makes it almost impossible to stand up. I try not to think too much of the pain and focus on standing up and finding shelter.

   After a few excruciating minutes I manage to stand up leaning against a tree behind me. I soon begin to realize that I am lost "shit!" I whisper to myself. I decide to walk to the right side in hopes I'm leaving the forest and make it back to Corona in time to get medical help. Limping from tree to tree and leaning against them to avoid falling I keep grunting and whimpering in pain as I feel my legs wanting to give out. I look ahead and faintly see what looks like a house. I begin to feel relieved then quicken my pace towards the house.

   I ball my fists up and start pounding on the door in hopes someone lives there "HELP, I'VE BEEN ATTACKED BY WOLVES AND I'M INJURED, PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream and beg, the screaming starts making me feel dizzy which only makes me pound louder against the door. Finally the door is flung open and I see a woman with short black hair standing at the door before everything around me goes completely black.

Third P.O.V

   When your body stumbles to the ground the woman quickly catches you "Your lucky that we live in this house and that no one would want to drink your blood" she mumbles to herself, your limp body gets picked up and taken inside. She takes you to a extra bedroom gently laying you on the bed and leaving for a second to get a rag, warm water, and bandages. While she goes and gets the supplies she warns the others that live with her "Raps, Eugene, Lance, Varian, I have to tell you all something!" All four of them instantly show up in front of her "What is it Cass?" asks Rapunzel in her usual enthusiastic tone "Well, not to long ago I heard pounding and screaming at the door so I went to go see who it was and I found this girl, she was badly injured blood all over her arms, legs and clothes, right when I open the door she passes out and I brought her inside to help her get cleaned up" Everyone's faces became shocked "I actually saved a girl from being mulled by a pack of wolves I don't know if it's the same girl though" Varian replies raising his hand a little. Everyone's attention went from Cass' to his "So that's why we all smelled blood, it was because of this girl you are talking about" Lance says turning his attention back to Cass "Yeah, anyways I will need all your help, Lance and Eugene, you two go out and try to find food for the human girl, Raps and I will attend her wounds" Cass orders and the three nod in determination except Varian "What about me? what do I do?" he asks "Youuu, can come with us and keep watch, also you can hold her down while we clean up her wounds and stitched them up." he gives her a look of disappointment but hides it with a nod and a look of determination. 

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