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This Chapter is inspired by a drawing I made three years ago and I still really like it to this day.

Y/n's P.O.V

Alternate dimension

   "RAAWWWRRRR" The beast rawrs with all it's might

   I get a tight grip on my sword and run towards the large red beast jumping up from the mountain I once stood on and swing my sword at it's face.

   You must be wondering where am I and how I got here, well, let's start from the beginning.

Seven years earlier (age 10)

At local park

   I sit on a swing and swing both my feet forward and backwards.

   "Hey, I'm you're mom's friend and she told me to come get you and meet her around that corner"

   "But if she wanted to go there she would have come and get me herself"

   "Yes I know but your mom is feeling dizzy and sick, I told her to wait there and I'll come get you"

   My eyes widen and I jump off the swing running to where the guy pointed.

   "Come on let's go we can't leave her alone if she's feeling sick"

   He runs behind me and when I turn the corner I don't see anyone in sight

   "Wait but my mom isn-"

   I was cut off by the man pressing a cloth up against my mouth and nose. I gasped from shock and right when I did that I instantly felt dizzy and my vision goes black, I was conscious for another couple seconds until my body goes limp and I enter into a state of sleep.

   "Hey, are you alright? Where did you come from?"

   Asked this guy with black hair and a single teal streak running down his bangs, his face seemed to be blacked out I can't make out any features. I looked around and everything around us was black, I then noticed I'm laying down with my head in the guy's stomach

   "W-where am I?" My voice seemed more mature

   "You are in an abandoned building" he replied

   Before I could ask him anything else everything faded away. I woke up i a dimly lit room. I shivered at the cold atmosphere and floor. Where the hell am I?

   "Hey you, new kid, what's your name?" Someone from the distance asked

   "Uh, my n-name is Y/n, where am I?" My voice shakey and hoarse from waking up

   "Well to cut things short you got kidnapped by Voodoo and he brought you to his basement where he keeps all his victims until he decides to sacrifice us to his black magic"

   "Oh my god I'm going to die here I'm only 10 years old I wanna go home, I don't wanna be a sacrifice to some demon, I barely started living" I started hyperventilating and tears streamed down my face

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