War (part 2)

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   My publishing schedule may be affected due to school starting again but I will try my hardest to stay on schedule anyways enjoy


Third P.O.V

   It's been a full year since you left for war leaving Varian behind knowing that you are in love with him. You sit there in the caravan looking out the window feeling a little anxious seeing your family again, especally Varian, how would your relationship be now that he knows. You lean your head on your hand and continue staring out the window, You flinch in pain as your wounds start hurting again "Ugh! damn it" you mutter to yourself and hold the right side of your head as your eye begins to hurt. One of your fellow soldiers takes notice of the pain "You still in pain?" You look up to him with your one good eye "heh yeah it keeps hurting like a bitch along with my leg and the stratches on my body hurt, these stupid things haven't healed fast enough" you chuckle, after that small talk with him you focus your vision on the moving horrizon. Soon enough sleep gets the better of you and fall asleep for the rest of the ride back home. 

First P.O.V

   I wake up to the caravan coming to a halt and many people chatting. I sit up straight and wait until everyone else gets off before I grab my crutches (I know crutches didn't exist back then but just pretend they do) and slowly make my way out of the caravan. I hear people laughing, crying, and screaming coming from the crowd and the soldiers. The sunlight begins to blind me as I step out.

Varian's P.O.V

   I impatiently wait for (___) to hopefully jump out of the caravan perfectly healthy, I've missed her so much and when she confessed to me I was so shocked that I didn't respond and she might have taken that in a bad way and I feel bad. The last soldier came out and I couldn't find (___), I began to get worried until I saw one more person try to leave. They were being helped by one of the guards, when they put them down I saw who it was and immediately my eyes teared up. (___) was alive but in bad condition, she had an old bandage around her right eye, her left leg also badly bandaged up, she has scars and cuts and bruises all over her arms, face, and legs. Some look infected. I was about to run up to her but she was already engulfed in many hugs from her family. I waited a few seconds before jogging towards her "(___)! Oh god your back! And your hurt" I exclaim tackling her in a hug and crying on her shoulder. "I didn't want you seeing me like this" she says above a whisper.

Third P.O.V

   (___) sits on a chair in Varian's lab looking down at her folded hands. He shuffles around his viles trying to find Hydrogen Peroxide to disinfect her wounds. Once he finds the vile he walks over to (___) with a couple of clean cloths and sits down in the seat in front of her "I'm so glad your back and alive" he says trying to break the awkward silence, all (___) could do is slightly nod and press her hands against her stomach. Varian opens the vile and damps it in a cloth looking at her as if asking for permission ( that last word reminded me of nurse's office by Melanie Martinez and now it's stuck in my head) "Um, may I s-see you arm for a- bit?" He asks as he realizes you won't look up at him. Hesitantly you give him your left arm, when he grabs it she flinches a bit making the tiniest squeak she had evee made. "S-sorry..." He apologizes "also this may hurt because the cuts look infected so just grab onto my shoulder and you can squeeze it when it hurts ok?" She slightly nods again, (___) then looks up and slowly places her right hand on Varian's shoulder. Varian looks up at her and locks his bright blue eyes with her (E/C) eye, the look of sorrow and hurt is plastered in her once curious and carefree eye. He begins to dap (hehe dap hehehe) the Hydrogen Peroxide on the cuts and she hisses and whines in pain, the grip of Varian's shoulder tightens each time.

   Soon after, Varian finishes with the arms, legs, and face the last thing he needs to disinfect is her right eye. "Ok, now the last thing I need to disinfect is your eye, may I see how bad it is?" The (H/C) hair colored girl looks down and reaches her arms behind her head undoing the knot on her "homemade" eyepatch, she slowly removes the bandage from her eye revealing the not yet healed cut. ( it kinda look like dis but imagine it as freshly cut and sort of infected I'm sorry for putting that image in your head)

   She keeps her eye closed and looks up at Varian who keeps staring "Um, your making me feel insecure when your staring at me like that" she mumbles loud enough for Varian to hear he slightly shakes his head regaining his focus

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   She keeps her eye closed and looks up at Varian who keeps staring "Um, your making me feel insecure when your staring at me like that" she mumbles loud enough for Varian to hear he slightly shakes his head regaining his focus. "I-I'm so- so sorry I promise I won't s-stare" he stutters causing (___) to chuckle a little, Varian looks up at her with a shocked face "I made you laugh! Oh my gods I'm so happy you smiled and laughed!" His remark causes her to chuckle again "yep you did" she replied.

   He leans in a bit closer to (___) to clean her deep cut. She felt his light breaths brush apon her lips and chin. They lock eyes for a couple of seconds admiring each other's small features and their faces slowly blushing. "You know, before you left for war.. You told me you have feelings for me" he says slightly whispering "oh god" she blurts out looking away from Varian and down at the wood floor. He lifts his hand up and places his thumb and index finger on her chin forcing her to look at his beautiful blue eyes. "That day you made me realize how much I love you also and while you were away I couldn't sleep at night worried if you were alright and alive. I tried writing letters to you but I didn't know were you were being held at, I desperately wanted to tell you how much I love you"

(___)'s P.O.V

   My eyes filled with tears of joy. I felt relieved and happy that he returns my feelings for him. " oh Varian, you don't know how many times I've hoped and prayed that you would say those words when I returned" I say as tears slowly stream down my face. Varian wipes them away and begins to lean in closing the gap between our lips...

   "Eewwww no please stop I don't like kissing" a young boy with (h/c) hair yells covering his ears "well I think she should keep going it's a good story like one of those fairytales" a small black haired girl with a blue streak going through her bangs says causing me to giggle "It is like a fairytale Gulie" I pat her head, Varian soon walks in the room with a tray of chocolate chip cookies "So what are you three talking about?" He walks over and sets the tray down on the table as the two kids immediately jump up from their sitting positions to take the cookies "Oh I'm just telling them how we got together when we were younger" I reply and Varian sits down beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulder "Oh that one story were you had to go to war for a year" I nod I was about to speak when Varian beat me to it "Hey, Gulie, Flynn, don't eat all the cookies you must save some for your little brother or sister" he says rubbing my swelled stomach "They need to eat too" his voice becomes soft but high as we leans in on my stomach lightly placing his ear against it. I start playing with his hair "Mommy, what happens next in the story?" Asks Gulie scooting closer "Well, after that me and your mom became boyfriend and girlfriend for about two years and then we got married and had two beautiful children about to be three" Varian explains "Yea we formed the perfect family we've always dreamed of" I say looking down at Varian and my stomach. "Yea the perfect family" He repeats.


The end...

The name Gulie is inspired by my baby sister's name Gulietta and I wanted to use it because it's such a cute name.

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