a near death fight

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Dis oneshot is a modern AU! Along with Big hero 6 characters. Oh and just a little warning this chapter has lots of cussing and blood and this chapter is pretty long and happy new decade!


   I drag my feet down the school hallways still very sleepy.  still can't get used to this waking up early and getting to school 20 minutes early schedule even though I've been in school for two months now. I make my way towards my locker listening to music to avoid any conversations because socializing with people is not my thing I'd rather stay with my four bestest friends Brayden, Hiro, Mari, and Yesenia. And just a little bit about them, first of all Brayden and Mari, those two have been dating since 8th grade. Hiro and senia they have been dating for 5 months and although senia wasn't a fan of dating she somehow accepted and ended up dating Hiro and they seem very happy together... As for me well I'm the 5th wheel always going on their double dates because they feel bad leaving me behind and to be honest it does get pretty lonely being the 5th wheel.

   I turn a corner but get knocked down by someone running. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" I look up to see who is responsible for knocking me down but my eyes laid upon ones I've never seen before. Beautiful blue eyes like the ocean, his freckles sprinkled across his rosey pink cheeks and his slightly messy, shaggy, Raven black hair with a teal streak running through his bangs that flop on one side of his face. He holds a hand out to me with a look of worry, me being the all to kind person I accepted his hand and he pulled me up. I dust my clothing off and hear him clear his throat "my name is Varian, and I'm new to this school so I hope we could be friends. Anyways what's your name?" He holds out his hand for me to shake.

   Who knew that accidentally bumping into this cute guy would turn into a big friendship and soon have me develop feelings for him. When I introduced him to my four best friends they immediately accepted him into our group and soon their double dates and me being the 5th wheel turned into almost a triple date, I mean they called it a triple date but me and Varian would always say they are just hanging out as friends. Even though  I wish it would be as more than friends hanging out but I don't think he has feelings for me. One day Varian began hanging around a girl more and that girl is none other than Gabby, the school's thot, I started feeling very jealous that he is hanging out with a thot that will only use him for her pleasure and end up breaking his heart. I have to do something about it and fast before she hurts him.

   "Guys I need your help with bringing Varian back to us and away from Gabby I don't want her hurting Varian I can't bear the thought of seeing him heartbroken because of that whore" I explain to my four best friends, they all listen attentively and giving suggestions until Hiro raises his hand "Are you doing this because you have feelings for Varian?" My eyes slightly widen and I feel my cheeks begin to warm up "uh...h-howw do you..know?" Everyone laughs "Oh (____) it's obvious you have feelings for him since the first day you met him don't act like we don't know" Senia smirks, I grab the colar of my hoodie and pull it up above my nose and hide my flustered face causing everyone to laugh again.

   After talking and giving each other ideas on how to get Varian back I think I got a pretty good idea. When the bell rings for everyone to head to their next class I stand up and quickly make my way towards Varian which he has just said goodbye to Gabby. I stand in front of him with a face of determination. "Oh, hey (____) it's been a while how have you been?" he asks in his cheerful tone "Varian, look, I don't know if you know this but Gabby she isn't a good person to hang around, I know you got here a couple of months ago and you need to know that Gabby isn't a good person she manipulates people to get what she wants and will stop at nothing until she gets it and I can tell she is using you I don't know your relationship with her but I'm warning you to not hang around her she will end up hurting you like she did with so many other guys at this school. trust me on this one I have been here longer than you have and I know how she is"I was going to say something else but I was interupted by Gabby "Ohhh Varian, I change my mind can you please walk me to my next class the guys won't stop calling me mean names and I want you here to protect me" She says wraping her arm around Varian's, I start feeling mad at her "oh (___), nice to see you again" I glare daggers at her "Likewise" I reply sassy-like crossing my arms, she also begins to glare at me "What are you talking about with Varian?"  I chuckle a little before glaring at her again "Like I'd tell you, it's none of your busincess" I spat, Gabby just glares at me a bit more and pulls on Varian's arm walking away with him leaving me on my own. 

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