Corpse bride

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   Yes yes, this story will be similar to the movie "Corpse Bride" my all time favorite movie but I have changed the plot a bit so enjoy also I figured out a way to have wattpad on my computer so I will be using that a lot now which will be more efficent for me to type and get the storys out on either my phone or computer.


   You have been dead for half a decade (which is 5 years for the people who don't know) and Varian never stops visiting your grave, every single day he would walk to your grave that's under a tree and talk to the tree for hours on end about how he misses you and how his day went. One day he came to your grave holding a small black box in his hand. " hey (y/n) I've had this ring for a long time now and I was planning to propose to you when you were alive, but you got taken from I'm giving it to you right now...before I've been longing so say the vows to you, which I will get the chance to right now" He stands up and takes the ring out from the box, he takes a deep breath "with this hand, I will lift your sorrows... your cup will never empty, for I, will be your whine," he starts to tear up but wipes them away "with this candle, I will light your way in darkness, with this ring, I ask be mine" he again kneels down and places the ring on what he thinks is a root protruding from the ground that looks like a hand, he slides the ring on the fourth finger-looking root.

   He stays there for a few more seconds wiping tears away before they escape his eyes. He finally gets up and is ready to leave when he hears this slight pound coming from below, he turns around and he sees the ground close to the hand moving up and down like if something is trying to punch it's way through the ground. He walks to the ground and slightly pushes down on it to see if it would stop which it did, for a second. The root that looks like a hand lunges at him grabbing ahold of his wrist, he gasps loud and tries to pull his arm out of it's grasp but the arm keeps pulling him towards the ground. He manages to break free and gets flung backwards, the tightness around his wrist still lingers. He looks down at his arm and sees the hand has detatched itself from the ground and is now wraped around his wrist, the arm's grip tightens causing Varian to scream in panic and veriously shake his arm in atempts of shaking it off. The arm flings off and falls a few feet away from Varian, all of a sudden he hears this thumping sound coming from in front of him. His eyes land on the ground that is again moving up and down but more viliolently, then a hand springs up from the ground and clings on to the grass while it tries to pull itself up. Varian remains on the ground unable to move out of shock at what is happening right in front of him, He watches as a body slowly rises up from your grave, first he sees the head, than the shoulders, torso, and lastly you fully emerge from underground. For Varian It oddly looks like you. You move your long(sorry if your hair is not actually long but let's just pretend cause mine isn't either), frizzy, tangled hair out of your face to reveal your face and to get a better view of who brought you from the dead, but something was different your skin tone is blue and her once h/c hair is now a couple shades darker than your skin tone, your once innocent, beautiful, e/c that once held life and joy has washed away, your eyes look dull and emotionless. "I do" you whisper loud enough for Varian to hear, you then extend your right hand out towards Varian to take. He finally snaps out of his shocked trans and gasps getting up and his adrenaline making him run away from you thinking you are a zombie or a vampire or something coming to get ravenge. 

    He looks behind him and sees that the corpse is still following him. He ends up slipping on loose rocks and rolls down hill nearly avoiding every tree. When he got to the bottom his back and head both slam against a tree trunk and he begins to get dizzy. Seeing double now he looks up and sees you still walking towards him, he gasps and stumbles to his feet and starts running towards the village. He gets to the bridge that leads to Old Corona and before he could get on it he trips causing him to fall again and hit the top of his head on the stones of the bridge. He groans in pain but nonetheless forces himself up with the remaining strength he has and tries to ignore the incoming immense pain on his head. He limps on the bridge and looks behind him one last time which to his surprise nothing was there, everything stands still as if he wasn't being chased by a walking corpse. All he could hear is the light breeze blowing through leaves and his quick breathing, everything gives off an eerie vibe. Varian looks around one last time before starting walk backwards a little and turning his heels to face forward only to stop in his tracks inches away from your face, he lets out a small gasp and starts backing up only to be restricted by the bridge's stone railing. You slowly but surely get closer to Varian reaching your hands out. Once you get close enough you rest your hands on his chest feeling his heart race under your touch. You inch closer to his face as he leans back "You may kiss the bride"  You whisper and lean in towards his lips conecting your cold ones to his soft and warm lips. 


ahaha part two will come out someday don't know when but someday it will come out.

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