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I don't know Zhan Tiri's gender, hell I don't even know of they even have a gender so I'll call Zhan Tiri a she just for the sake of the story. And I'll give you the signal on when to start the song and stop it because there are two parts to it.

   Y/n, the daughter of the most feared villain Zhan Tiri and best friends with the village's leader, Varian. Everyone in Corona knows who she's related to and also fears Y/n. Exept for Varian, he knows how it feels like to be feared and the lack of friends.

   "Hey guys how are you all doing today? It's an amazing day isn't it?" I ask a group of girls that look to be my age

   All four of them look at me with fear in their eyes until one of them has the courage to speak up.

   "Oh- hey uh Y/n, yea it's uhh such a beautiful day today. Uhh Sorry we have to gooo... Help out our family yeah, anyways see you around"

   The girl begins frantically push her friends away from me and I instantly feel sad. As I walk away I can see from the corner of my eyes people stopping dead in their tracts, some whispering things about me and others running away screaming bloody murder, which makes me feel worse.

   I walk to the meeting place Varian and I always go to when we meet up. I walk in the woods and make my way over to a large tree with the moondrop symbol carved in the trunk. (Little teaser for the book in progress stay tuned) I see Varian leaning against it talking to a girl. From the side profile she has pale skin, blonde long hair. I slow my pace down and make my way there as my feelings start going uneasy.

   "Hey Varian, how are you doing today? And who is this?" I ask trying not to sound jealous or anything

   "Oh hey Y/n, I'm doing amazing and this here is Rachael she is m-" he was cut off by the girl talking over him

   "I'm Rachael Gardener, ( from Angel's Of Death I love that anime) Varian's girlfriend and you are Y/n the daughter of the most feared villain Zhan Tiri" she said with a hint of hatred in her tone.

   The word girlfriend echoes through my head a million times hitting my heart like blades on a sword, each one stabbing my heart ripping it up into pieces. I can feel tears threatening to flow out of my eyes and down my cheeks. I swallow the lump in my throat that began forming

   "Oh, how long have you two been dating? Varian never mentioned to me that he liked someone"

   I try sounding happy like it doesn't affect me at all but deep down inside my world is falling apart every second I see them side by side.

   "Oh we jus-" Varian get's interrupted by Rachael

   "We have been dating for almost a month now" Rachael says pretty loudly

   "Oh that's great. Anyways I should get going I don't want to interrupt you two in what you're doing, goodbye"

   And with that I turn around and walk out the forest leaving the two alone.

Third P.O.V
¡Start song!

Laying in my bed that I made all alone
Guess I'm not surprised honestly (she enters the town)
Praying in my head that you stayed and I hoped
You'll miss me eventually
People wanna talk when I'm not around to hear (everyone stops and stares at Y/n whispering something to each other)
Really they don't know what I'm made of
People keep on walking so far away from here
Clearly I'm the one they're afraid of (some people run away from Y/n fearing for their lives)
One after another
They always come and gone
So what if I'm the monster
That's been here all along
They're dropping like flies whenever I'm around
So used to goodbyes there's comfort in the sound
Maybe I'm the monster
That's been here all along (she walks to her little cottage at the other side of town and stares up at it)

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