The Sea

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"Can we keep our keys here." Harry asked the receptionist as they prepared themselves for a late night dip.

"Yes, can I just take your names." The receptionist replied.

"Harry Lewis, I'm in 313. And she's Chloe Miller, staying in 224, isn't it?" Harry said turning to Chloe. "Yeah 224." Chloe smiled.

With the keys secured with reception Harry and Chloe were free to explore Ibiza.

"So why are we doing this." Chloe asked whilst grabbing her towel under her arm.

"Because why not. I can't drink so I've got to do something."

"Oh yeah, why have I only just realise you're not out with the others?" Chloe laughed.

"Wow you're a bit slow." Harry said with shock.

"Oi." Chloe hit him with her towel as they walked closer to the beach which was now in sight. Harry laughed and pulled his arms close to his chest in defence.

"Are you excited, it's going to be so cold." He said.

"I haven't been in the sea in years. I'm so excited." Chloe said jumping down for the meter tall wall from the pavement to the dip of the sand. She let out a oof as her feet hit the sand. Harry doing the same.

Harry started jogging towards the sea, giving Chloe a moment of shock before she started laughing and joined in. The both of them running behind each other to reach the sea. Harry stopped at a fair distance and began to strip off his top giving Chloe the chance to catch up. She huffed her breaths as she stood beside Harry, pulling her own top off and pushing her shorts to the ground, stomping them off quickly with her feet.

The music from clubs near by could be heard even from their distance, the lights across the curvature of the bay sparkled into the sea, highlighting how dark it was.

Harry gave a brief look at chloes body, only momentarily before he began to run into the sea, shouting "fuck" as the water hit his knees in the first few steps. Chloe followed in running in before immediately running out.

"It's cold!" She screamed.

"No shit." Harry said grabbing his upper arms shivering as he waddled in the water at thigh height. Scared to drop any further.

Chloe tried again, slower this time as she tried to get as deep as Harry. A splash soon met chloes skin as Harry couldn't help but be an arse.

"Fuck you!" Chloe shouted.

"Get in then." Harry mocked as he grew more comfortable around Chloe. The two of them never spending time one on one.

Chloe soon splashed Harry back causing a battle of shouting and splashing. It wasn't long before they were each crotch height and Chloe had enough of the waiting, she charged towards Harry, taking him by surprise. She jumped and pushed her body against his, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and her legs knocking against his. He stumbled and dropped into the water, fully submerging them both into the salty water.

They re-emerged in a slightly deeper area, now waist height. Chloe came up first followed by Harry, both coughing and gasping for air whilst wiping their now stinging eyes.

"Well that's one way to do it." Harry laughed, his voice hoarse from coughing.

"That was funny." Chloe laughed back.

Harry smiled and swam out deeper until he was using movement to float, enjoying the peace of being alone, even if Chloe was there too.

Chloe floated on her back for a while, before the silence became too much of a void for her. She looked up to see Harry doing the same. They must've looked crazy. Chloe swam over to Harry quietly, her chin bobbing in and out of the water.

"Hey." She mumbled as water splashed around her. Harry dipped his feet back into the water, rotating his body upright to see Chloe, his head bobbing under slightly. Water dripped off his lips and chin as he stood in the water, now at neck height. "Hey." He smiled. Chloe bounced off her tiptoes as she tried not to let the water push her away.

"Are you alright there." Harry laughed as he noticed Chloe dipping into the water every few seconds.

"I can't stand." She said bouncing up with the tip of her toes, kicking sand backwards underneath her.

"Come here." Harry said, grabbing her arm and dragging her into shallows water, just enough for her to stand. Her body light crashed into Harry's as he pulled to a stop, her arm reaching and over his shoulder and neck to stop herself from going over with the wave. Harry placed his hand on her back in response.

"Thanks." Chloe smiled her wet hair pulled perfectly back by the water. Their eyes connected, the light reflecting off the water and into their own.

The silence between them was electric, sparked by the touching of their wet skin. It wasn't a surprise when Harry lowered his head, in response Chloe pulled on him to raise herself in the water. Their lips connecting in passion.

Chloe lifted her legs around Harry's hips to give herself that extra push, her head now above Harry's, causing him to tilt upwards exposing his neck. Chloes arm remained over his shoulder as the other now caressed his neck and cheek. Harry's hand firmly grasped on chloes thighs, his thumbs stroking her skin under the water.

They gripped each other harder as they knew it was coming to an end. A desperate attempt at soaking up more of each other. Chloe pulled away and stared at Harry, his lips slightly swollen, imagining hers would be the same.

"Shall we go back." Harry mumbled before leaning in placing salty kisses on her neck. Chloes hand reached up into the back of his hair as she gripped, tilting her own head back. "Yeah." She panted, not wanting this to stop.

Harry and Chloe made the awkward waddle out of the water and placed the towels around them, holding their clothes in their hands.

"Just so you know-" Harry started in an awkward manor. Chloe hanging onto his words. "It was cold in there, it's makes it erm- smaller." He said giving her a look, it wasn't long before Chloe caught on.

Chloe laughed, the awkwardness fading away, Harry smiled in response even letting out a small laugh. He threw his arm over her shoulders as they began the walk back to the hotel, often exchanging small looks.

Retrieving their keys, they headed to the lift to their own floor, separating them for the night.

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