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Simon, Harry, JJ, Ethan, and both cals were all sat impatiently by the gates as they waited for their flight to be assigned. With only 10 minutes until gates closing they wondered when it would appear.

As if on cue a voice stretched across the airport.

"Flight 5319 to Ibiza, boarding at gate 9. Flight 5-3-1-9 to Ibiza boarding at gate 9." The robotic voice read

"Come on boys." Harry said excitedly as he jumped up from his seat. His sunglasses already resting on his nose.

"Where's gate 9?" Callum questioned.

"1-10 is over there." Cal pointed out as he read the signs.

Each boy walked with their hand luggage resting on their backs, leaving just as Chloe arrived.

Walking into customs Chloe heard the call for their flight, feeling gutted missing them by a minute. With two hours to kill, Chloe began to search for things to do. Including browsing the perfumes, chocolates, and holiday essentials.

The boys boarded their flight and sat in their assigned seats, first class being void on such a sort journey. The six of them sat in the middle of the plane for extra leg room, across from each other taking up both sides of the isle. Somehow not being noticed by some of the younger teenagers. In some ways you don't expect to be the on the same flight.

"Are we waiting at the airport for Chloe?" Simon asked as he peered across from the window seat.

"Hell no!" JJ said from directly next to Simon. Callum on the isle seat just searched the others for answers.

"If it wasn't two hours maybe. But I'm not standing around like a wally." Cal mumbled from the other isle. Ethan sat in the middle seat with his headphones in. Immediately ignoring us all. "Besides. It'll look a little suspect if we just stand around." Harry said quietly aware we were aboard a plane.

"Fair enough." Simon said retreating back to looking outside the window, this time now the plane was moving towards the runway. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that the boys didn't show the same interest in chloe as he did. This thought lead to the normality of his thoughts about Chloe. We're they just friendly?

It wasn't long before chloe found herself walking towards her gate, about to follow the same steps as the boys. It was weird to think for 30 minutes they would be up in the air together before the boys landed, Chloe having to finish the remaining two hours of her flight before she would reunite with them at the hotel.

After takeoff Chloe switched her phone back on and immediately plugged in her music, letting her chilled music play as she drifted off to sleep. Before she knew it the bump of the plane touching the runaway awoke her from her deep sleep. Sending chilled down her spine as she realised she was now in a much warmer Ibiza. An hour ahead she was now watching the sunset as 9pm was near. With what seemed like forever the plane was finally emptying out, allowing her to rise from her seat, stretching her stiff legs before stepping off into the heat.

The boys arrived at their hotel and grabbed the keys for their rooms. Leaving Chloe to collects hers due to a separate booking.

"313." Harry confirmed.

"215." Cal continued.

"309." I added.

None of them were beside each other however the rooms were close enough for such a late booking.

The boys headed to their rooms in pairs. Harry with Ethan. Cal and Callum. Simon and JJ. Simon couldn't help but think of Chloe and what room she'd be in.

With the unpacking finished the boys decided to head down to the bar, collecting as many drinks as they could carry. It was an all inclusive 5 star hotel, of course they would finish off the cocktails.

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