Ocean Beach

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Simon decided not to mention the midnight knocking. It was better unknown so Chloe didn't question it. He tied up his white trainers, matching perfectly with his white shorts. Complimented with a dark navy button up, sleeves rolled above the elbows. JJ went with the classic black and gold shirt with some black shorts. Bandana tied up to cover his hairline.

Simon and JJ grabbed their bum bags and made their way down to the hotel reception to meet the others.

Harry, Ethan, cal, and Callum were already down there, sitting in fancy chairs.

They all looked pretty similar. Everyone wear some colour variation of shorts and a top. Simon checked his phone, they agreed to meet at 2pm, ready for the walk to ocean beach.

Where are you?

Simon text Chloe, only to get a reply a short while after saying she was coming, only 10 minutes late.

As the lifts open Chloe walked out, the gold sparkles dangling from her skirt jingled as she walked.

"Damn!" JJ shouted. Raising a first to his mouth as he over exaggerated his excitement to boost his friends confidence.

Chloe started laughing, spinning around to show off the outfit. Both her hair and skirt tassels fanned out with momentum.

Simon could help but stare as she walked over. Her brown hair was straightened, reaching her mid abdomen, where she wore a black leather body accessory, reaching round her waist and up to her neck. Covering a black bikini top with white writing across the band. She complimented it was a gold skirt overlapping her bikini bottoms. The gold strings hung down, just about reaching her upper thigh, on which her left she wore a black elastic thigh gripper. The outfit complimented with gold jewellery and black sandals.

"It's not too much?" She asked innocently.

"No." Simons voice croaked, causing him to immediately heat up with embarrassment.

"JJ we can match." Chloe pointed out with their similar themes.

"Aye aye, lets go." JJ said reaching his arm over her shoulder pulling her in close for a hug.

Chloe gave JJ a quick squeeze before pulling away. She gave a quick look over to Harry, smiling when she noticed him looking at her, his eyes lit up.

"Simon?" Chloe began.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Do you mind if I leave my key and phone in your bad. It's just this outfit doesn't come with pockets." She laughed.

"Yeah of course." Simon agreed, taking the objects out of chloes hands. Their skin touching again, sending chills down simons body.

After a scorching 30 minute walk across the coast, they finally reached ocean beach. Half way through their best event. Banners reading kisstory hung everywhere, advertising the big party.

They walked straight through the vip entrance, avoiding queues. Immediately greeted by palm trees, and tropical flowers. the colour scheme was orange and white, highlighting colours all over the place. It truly was a one of a kind place.

The song turned over, the DJ spinning the remix of do you really like it?

immediately the group began to nod their heads to the beat, reminiscing on the old songs.

They made their ways over to their reserved spots. A member of staff guided them over to the lounge area, a row of orange super king sized beds, cushioned with orange pillows. Cal and Ethan immediately flopped on the bed, luckily they reserved two. Chloe walked over to the more central bed, taking a seat gently, watching the others pile on top of each other.

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