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"Honestly, who do you think is in the wrong?" Simon asked to the small group gathering at his flat.

JJ, Ethan, and Tobi exchanges looks as none of them wanted to speak first knowing how stubborn Simon was.

"Guys?" He quizzed.

"I don't know if I should be giving advice, seems like I've played my part in all of this." Ethan half laughed.

"Honestly?" JJ asked Simon.

"Yes just say it."

"I think you're both in the wrong." JJ said almost regretting the words slipping out his mouth. Tobi gave him the side eye nervous of what was coming next. "I think Harry should've given you notice, and I think you should move on. I think you're both idiots for falling out over a girl."

"Right." Simon nodded.

"I can see what JJ means." Tobi piped up.

"If we leave the sidemen out of it and just focus on you and Harry as a friendship. You've got 6 years of friendship behind you. It's just not worth losing. Because we both know in maybe a year or two or even ten. You will look back on it in one of two ways. You'll wonder and regret why you let this come between you or you'll laugh about how you guys almost fell out."

"I just can't think that far ahead." Simon moaned.

"No one can." Tobi agreed. "But what position do you want to be in?"

"Obviously I want to laugh about it. But I can't."

"Right now you can't. The only way you'll be able to is to work through it. It'll be hard. But it'll be worth it. No one wants this especially Harry."

"Have you spoke to him?" Simon frowned.

"Yeah he's not doing to well."

"Fuck. I don't know what to do."

"We can't take sides on this." Ethan joined in.

"I mean I have to." JJ laughed.

"No you don't. There won't be sides. I'll sort this." Simon said taking a deep breathe in.

"Don't rush to do it. Take your time. Everything you do has to be at your own pace. You need to work out how you feel." Tobi smiled.

"Thanks guys." Simon forced a smile.

"Tobi back at it with the advice." Ethan hyped up.

"What can I say." Tobi said smug.

Harry and Chloe cosied up on the sofa as they watched a film, cal and Callum upstairs filming.

It wasn't long after the party before chloe started to intertwine with the two boys, seeing them whenever she met Harry, allowing them to warm back up to her.

"I love this film." Chloe smiled as she flicked through Netflix. Picking a film for Harry to agree with. Her choice being all the bright places.

"Really. A romcom?" He questioned.

"Don't act like you don't love a good romance."

"I can't focus for an hour and a half, let alone on a romcom."

"Shh you'll love it. Besides if it's anything like the book I wouldn't call it a comedy. Better grab some tissues." Chloe said as she shuffled off the sofa and grabbed a box from the kitchen.

"Fine. Don't moan if I zone out though." Harry gave in.

"I won't." Chloe smiled as she jumped back on the sofa, slightly closer to him than she was before. A blanket sat next to them just incase it got cold in the October chills. Chloe couldn't help but eye it up hoping it would be needed, an excuse to get closer.

Even when Chloe saw Harry at the pub she knew her feelings for him hadn't faltered. Then when they kissed, although it was a slip up chloe knew it was right. However since then Harry has been extra careful around her, not even the slightest touch that would suggest a flirty nature. She often pondered why, he kissed her so surely he feels something still. He even admitted it on her birthday. So why so hesitant. Especially now they're out in the open.

"Are you going to play it?" Harry asked, staring at Chloe as she zoned out herself.

"Oh yeah sorry." She laughed.

"Wow. I thought my attention span was bad." He said amazed.

"Shut up." Chloe blushed as she pressed play, relaxing into the sofa as the movie began.

After half an hour Harry began to close his eyes, leaning his head back for a brief moment and huff. "Really?" Chloe said grouchy.

"It's boring." Harry frowned.

"You're boring." Chloe moaned.

"Good one." Harry smiled.

"Shhh you're missing this part." Chloe mumbled.

"Fine." Harry huffed as he raised his head back up and focused on the movie.

As the ending came near chloe was waiting on the dramatically sad scene, she had read the book so many times that she knew exactly what was going to happen. Somehow Harry had managed to stay focused, his eyes glued to the tv not knowing what would happen next.

Chloe watched with tears in her eyes as violet found finches clothes by the lake. The suggestive scene indicating what chloe already knew. Finch took his life in that lake. Violet broke down on screen and cried, screaming out for him to come back.

Chloe let out a little sob as she empathised with violet. Taking in her feelings. Harry turned to catch chloe off guard. In a vulnerable state.

"Don't cry about it." Harry laughed.

"Shut up Harry." Chloe moaned, genuinely annoyed this time.

"What?" Harry said confused.

"Finch is dead and you're telling me not to cry. It's sad. She alone now and he'll never grow old." Chloe let out another sob. "It's just-" chloe couldn't finish as she interrupted herself with a breathless cry.

"Hey." Harry half laughed. "Come on." He smiled as he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it round her, pulling her in, almost cradling her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Chloe sniffed.

"Definitely wasn't a romcom." Harry chuckled making chloe laugh through the pain.

"You're an idiot." Chloe smiled as she closed her eyes resting into him as he held her.

"Maybe it's time for a comedy." Harry said reaching for the remote with his spare hand and changing the movie to a series.

Chloe never pulled away and neither did Harry, leaving them blissfully wrapped in each other's company as they laughed along to the tv. Watching intensely and ignoring the fact that neither of them wanted to move from their spot.

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