How Does Simon Feel?

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Simon continued to text Chloe while they were apart, arranging their next meet up after the holiday. Chloe was due to arrive at their place around 3pm just for hanging out. It had been almost two weeks since they arrived home, today being their first chance to meet. Chloe has been MIA every time Simon was free, always at work or busy with something else. Until today.

Simon pulled on some sidemen black joggers, and a plain white sidemen top, spraying some aftershave to give him a nicer smell. He walked into the lounge and sat nervously for 15 minutes before she arrived.

"Hey." Simon said throwing back the door.

"Hey." Chloe smiled, her grin wider than usual.

"It feels weird seeing you days apart after seeing you every day." Simon laughed as he offered a hug.

"I know!" Chloe agreed as they hugged.

"And sober." Simon laughed as he pulled away.

"Sober is much better. Less messy." Chloe smiled.

"What are we ordering then? I'm starving!" Simon groaned as they walked into the living area of Simon and jjs flat.

"Nandos." Chloe spoke admiringly.

"I probably would've told you to leave if you said anything different." Simon smiled.

"I know you would've." Chloe laughed. Falling back on the sofa she began to stretch her legs out.

"The usual?" Simon asked as he walked into the kitchen on his phone.

"Do you even remember, it's been so long since we ordered nandos?" Chloe mumbled, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Am I really your friend if I don't know your nandos order?" Simon looked at her completely serious causing Chloe to laugh more.

"I'll trust you then."

"Have some faith Chloe." Simon moaned as he loaded up a delivery service best fitted for nandos.

He selected their orders and thought about JJ. He was out for the day, recording some music for a new release. He wouldn't be back for hours meaning there was no reason to order him food.

After paying he put down the phone and sat on the sofa next to Chloe, carefully sitting far enough to ensure she was comfortable but not too far as to make it awkward.

"Netflix?" Chloe suggested.

"Netflix." Simon nodded.

"Ah gavin and Stacy!" Chloe piped up cheerfully. "Did you hear about the Christmas special this year?"

"Of course I heard. And yes put the first episode on." Simon smiled as he rested deeper into the sofa, getting comfortable in the heat.

They sat in silence, their eyes fixed to the screen as they watch this new couple fall in love over the phone. Only to finally meet in person.

"Did you know me, Ethan, and tobi went to where that was filmed. The Wales part." Simon finally piped up.

"Oh was that on your road trip video?" Chloe asked as she turned her head to face him, her body deep into the sofa cushions.

"Yeah." Simon mumbled killing conversation. They returned their attention back to the tv before the door bell rung, Simon jumping up to get the order.

He unpacked the contexts on the table, with plates as options in case they decided to be polite about it. They sat opposite from each other at the table as they selected what was theirs.

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