An Ex

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Chloe woke up slightly hung over on New Year's Day, Harry completely passed out next to her.

She cringed at the memories of the previous night, the image of JJ in a wig, the confrontation with Quinn, and worst of all Ethan walking in on chloe and Harry in an intoxicated intimate moment in their bedroom. Ethan just wanted to use the bathroom. Walking in to find them half covered by the sheets. Chloe straddling Harry in the act. She let out a breathy laugh as she remembered Harry instantly pulling her down to his chest and tugging the sheets over them as he noticed the intruder. The three of them laughing at the awkwardness. Ethan so intoxicated he just mutter "get in there Boggo." Then proceeding to walk into the bathroom. Leaving them no privacy. "Is he serious?" Chloe laughed. Still pressed against Harry's chest as they waited for him to finish and leave.

"What a bloody moment." Harry chuckled. "I'll kill him later." He smiled, pulling Chloe closer to press their lips together, letting out a small moan as she moved on his hips. Chloe shushed him as she heard the sound of the toilet flushing and the taps turning on then off. Ethan resurfaced and finished off with a comment "Carry on. As you were." He said shutting the door behind him as he left.

"Oh my god." Chloe laughed.

Passing off the memory chloe raised from the bed and grabbed her phone, bringing it into the  bathroom with her as she ran the shower, waiting it to heat up. She checked her notifications, shocked to see an old name in her contacts.

"Johnny." She muttered to herself, rubbing her eyes in disbelief. Her ex boyfriend from university. They dated during first and second year, taking a break which resulted in breaking up in third year, not long after then she met Simon which is when the new chapter in her life began. There was no sore feelings between her and her ex but they never remained friends, so the text was a surprise.

Hey, I know it's been a while but I've been thinking about you recently. It might just be because I'm drunk and it's New Years but I just fancied a catch up, how are you?

Chloe read the text and felt her heart race. She didn't know why. She hadn't thought about him in years, there was no feelings left for this boy but still the text startled her.

Hi, yeah it's definitely been a while. I'm really good thank you. How are you?

She text back attempting to be friendly. She had no reason to bite. He hadn't cheated, he never hurt her. They just grew apart.

Chloe passed it off and climbed into the shower, rinsing off the past night and freshening up for the new day. As she dried herself off she heard her phone ping. She picked it up to see Johnny replied.

I'm really good too. In a much better place than when we last spoke. I was thinking maybe we could get coffee?

Chloe decided not to reply until she spoke to Harry. She knew what getting coffee meant. If she got coffee with him then they'd reminisce about the past, leading him on into the impression that she missed him. Which she didn't.

She got dressed and climbed back into bed with Harry. Attempting to wake him up.

"Harry." She said kissing his bare shoulder.

"Mmm." He mumbled as he came out of his deep sleep.

"I need to talk to you."

"Oh god you're not pregnant are you." He chuckled as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yes...ah no I'm joking. It's actually my ex."

Harry's eyes seem to open wide at the mention of an ex. "You've never told me about your ex."

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