Room 224

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"Harry?" Chloe asked confused.

"I can't stop thinking about you." He claimed.

"What?" She replied just as shocked as seemed.

"Just kiss me." He said, a slight vulnerability in his voice.

Chloe's heart raced in the moment, the slight innocence in his voice striking down her guard.

She stepped closer to him, now standing in the doorway, hovering in the hallway. She took Harry's in her own, slowly caressing her fingers  along his. The spark between them only grew the longer they resisted. Harry remained still, allowing Chloe to take over. She leaned up on her tiptoes, wrapping her hand around his neck, teasing him. Her lips were so close to his, hovering for his movement, pulling back a little. She looked up into his eyes to find him staring down at her. Their eyes connected closely.

Harry moved in quickly, shutting his eyes as their lips hit, softening at each other's touch. He moved her backwards into her room, kicking the door shut behind him.

Chloe turned them around, pushing Harry down on the bed. Breathing heavy as she climbed on top of him. Laying him down while she straddled him fully clothed. The kissing returned, hands exploring each other wildly. It was only when another knock came to the door did they stop for more than a moment.

Simon waited patiently outside Chloe's room, wondering if she was still awake. It was only when no sound emerged from the room did he decide to leave. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Simon decided until there was reasonable belief she liked him, he'd keep his mouth shut. After all, she was his friend. She wasn't going anywhere. So with that he left, heading back to his room where JJ slept.

Chloe listened as the footsteps walked away from the door. She looked back at Harry and removed her hand from his mouth, allowing him to freely laugh. "Who was that?" He questioned.

"I have no idea." Chloe laughed.

"Anyway..." Harry began as he reached up and behind chloes neck, pulling her down towards him slowly.

"Anyway..." she whisper just before their lips met again, this time there was no rush. It was delicate and romantic.

Chloe climbed out of bed, wrapping the purple throw around her naked body. She turned to see Harry laying in the bed. His arm bent to support his head, his arm reached out where Chloe had been laying. His eyes firmly on her as he smiled.

Chloe said nothing as she walked into the bathroom and ran and bath, pouring in the bubble bath to create a floral smell.

She hummed along to the song she was previously singing. Glancing back at Harry every now and then. After a few minutes she walked back into the bathroom, Harry could see her blurred figure through the foggy glass. He watched as the purple throw dropped to the floor, exposing a tanned body.

Chloe climbed into the bath and relaxed, washing off the previous day. Harry climbed out of bed and followed her. She turned around, slightly startled by his presence, she wasn't quite used to seeing him without clothes. He climbed in the bath, laying between Chloe's legs, resting his back on her chest. His head laying just below hers allowing her to rest on him as well.

"Carry on singing." He mumbled as he leaned on her shoulder. Chloe moved her hands over his upper chest, slowly rubbing in the bubbles.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes." He hummed.

"Okay." She smiled.

"I wear your winter coat
The one you love to wear
So I keep feeling close
To us beyond compare
The moment we can have
You catch me in your eyes
That beauty on my pillow
That holds me in the night
And I will find my strength to untame my mouth
When I used to be afraid of the words
But with you I've learned just to let it out
Now my heart is ready to burst"

"It's beautiful." He whispered.

"Why thank you." Chloe laughed.

"The song, you idiot." He laughed as he splashed his hand lightly in the water.

"I know." Chloe smiled as she kissed the top of his head.

"Although you're really good." He said rubbing her knees.

"Thank you." Chloe nestled her head into his hair.

Harry's phone began to ring, disrupting the peace. Causing him to turn his head.

"Ignore it." Chloe mumbled.

"It might be my family back home." He said hoping out the bath, the water dripping off him, splashing on chloes skin.

He grabbed a towel and wrapped it round his waist as he walked to the phone.

"Ethan?" He picked up.

"Jesus I thought you were dead. The shop is ten minutes away what's taken you so long."

"How long have I been?" Harry checked his phone time to answer his own question. "Fuck almost two hours I'm sorry, I'm on my way back now anyway." He replied.

"Alright see you soon."

Harry ended the call and began to get dressed.

Chloe leaned over the side of the bathtub. "Do you really have to go?" She questioned while she watched him pull up his short and put on his shirt.

"Yeah, text me tomorrow though." He said before rushing out the door, leaving Chloe in a now luke warm bath.

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