The Football Accident

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Chloe joined Harry as they decided to film a football video for more-sidemen. The seven boys gathering together in the February chills, just entering March. The sun was shinning but it didn't stop the shivers. The boys wore thermals under their football clothes, the classic legging showing through under their shorts. A black long sleeve poking through their charity match black shirts. Their breath visible in the air.

They each took it in turns attempting to hit the cross bar, each celebrating when they successfully did so. Each laughing when vik would miss kicking the ball, complaining it wasn't his fault, that it was cold.

"This one is for simons mum." Harry smiled into the camera.

"You what?" Simon laughed in the background.

Harry followed through with his kick and hit the cross bar, running and screaming. "Thank you simons mum." Causing people to laugh, including chloe.

She stood shivering, even in her winter coat. While off camera Harry passed her the hoodie he travelled in to put on under the coat.

"I love you." She shivered as she pressed her cold lips against his.

"I love you too." He said rubbing her arms trying to warm her up. "We'll cosy up under some blankets when we get home. Warm up a little bit."

"Sounds like heaven." She smiled. "Go score me a goal."

"You really have no football knowledge do you."

"Nope." She smiled. "Cross bar then or whatever you're doing."

"I'll get you that goal." He smirked.

He reappeared on camera and announced they would be moving on to free kicks, each in goal to defend.

As promised Harry scored the goal for Chloe against JJ in goal, he winked off to the side of the camera to chloe while she pretended to clap, avoiding making sound.

Harry took his turn in goal as Tobi lined up to take his shot. Tobi was known for being one of the best footballers in the group so Harry psyched himself up to stop him getting the goal.

Tobi took his kick, aiming for the left top corner. Harry took a small run and jump to stop the ball with his hands, wrapped in goalie gloves. While stopping the goal, the angle pushed him a little, taking his stepping. With force he knocked himself into the goalpost. His head meeting the frozen metal bar with a clunk. Harry fell to the floor immediately, blacking out for a moment.

"Oh shit." Tobi shouted as he started running over. The boys following up ahead. Chloe didn't care about the cameras as she rushed over to see if he was okay. "Harry?" She called as she crouched on the floor beside him. A small cut on the right side of his forehead.

"Ugh." Harry grunted as he came to.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked worried.

"Who are you?" Harry asked. "Where am I? Who are all of you?" He continued.

"Oh my god." Tobi muttered.

"Harry?" Chloe whispered, the sadness plain in her voice.

"I'm just fucking with you." He laughed.

"Fuck sake." Chloe laughed. The boys all sighing with relief. JJ letting out a laugh.

"Did I at least stop the goal?" Harry said as he began to sit up, touching his head to feel the impact.

"Yeah nicely done Harold." Tobi smiled.

"Very elegant." Simon laughed. Harry's smile began to fade as his facial expressions flipped.

"I actually don't feel too good." Harry commented after a long pause.

"What's wrong-" chloe attempted to asked before Harry leaned over and vomited on the grass.

"Jesus. He might have a concussion. We should get him to the hospital."

"I feel a little dizzy." Harry moaned as the boys lifted him to stand. He passed in and out of consciousness while wrapped around their arms.

"What's wrong with him?" Ethan asked chloe.

"I don't know. I don't deal with head injuries often. We better get there quick. He'll probably need an MRI or CT."

Kon and Ethan were the only ones who drove so the boys spread out between the cars, some taking an Uber. Chloe and Harry climbed in the back of Ethan's car, Chloe attempting to keep Harry's head up straight incase he needed to throw up again.

"We're nearly there baby." She whispered.

"I really don't feel too good." Harry mumbled as he seemed more alert. Chloe felt his forehead, beads of sweat began to run.

"Harry can you look at me please." She said picking up her phone and turning on her phone torch, shining it in his eyes.

"Oh fuck!" She said shocked.

"What?" Ethan asked as he began to park in the hospital emergency parking outside the A&E.

"His pupils have blown."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure. I think he's internally bleeding."

"In his head?" Ethan asked as the car came to a stop.

"Yeah we need to get him in there quick." Chloe panicked knowing this could be a fatal condition if not fixed immediately.

Ethan and Chloe helped Harry out of the car. Tobi who sat in the front took Harry's arm while Ethan took the other, carrying him into the hospital doors while chloe ran ahead to get someone's attention.

A bed was pulled out for Harry to lay on while a nurse checked over his vitals. "We're going to send him to the MRI to see what's going on and we'll let you know as soon as." She said.

"I'll see you on the other side okay." Chloe said leaning over, placing a kiss on his forehead, holding his hand tight in hers. Harry's eyelids flickered, Chloe felt a small grip in her hand as Harry squeezed.

The nurse lifted the bed rails and turned off the bed brakes. Her and a few other members of staff took the bed off through separate doors. Taking Harry out of sight. Dragging Harry's hand out of chloes.

"He's in the best place. It'll be fine." Chloe said the to the boys who all gathered in the waiting room. She took on her job role to comfort others like she would with patients families, ignoring the fact that in this position she was the family.

"This is my fault." Tobi spoke up after being silent for so long.

"What?" Ethan asked confused.

"I kicked the's my fault." Tobi said as he teared up. Rubbing his eyes with his fingers. Taking deep breaths, refusing to cry.

"It was a video. It's not your fault. It's no ones fault. Just a freak accident." Chloe said, trying to calm him as she crouched down in front of him while he took a seat. Her hands on his put together knees.

"I'm so sorry chloe. I can't imagine how you must be feeling." Tobi moaned.

"Tobi stop blaming yourself. Harry will be fine. You know Harry."

"Didn't he once go without shitting for 12 days?" JJ commented. All eyes turned to him. "I just mean. Harry's an odd ball, he'll walk out of here with some medication or something. He'll be fine."

"Exactly." Chloe agreed.

Chloe excused herself as she walked off to the toilet, taking the moment to herself. Once she reached her stall, she locked the door and leaned against the wall. She gasped with shocked and covered her mouth to mute her moans.

She knew Harry would be okay but it didn't stop the shock of seeing him like that. To see someone she loved hurting so much, to not be okay.

She calmed herself down before splashing her face with water and making her way back to the group, waiting for an update from the doctors.

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