Chapter 5

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*Connor Franta perspective*

I was looking around the store to find the items I needed. Water and fruit. I mean I will eventually have to give Aurelia food and water so she can survive. I was shopping for around a good 5 minutes but then I thought that it wouldn't take that long to use the washroom. I hate the music that plays in the grocery store so I always put in my headphones. I was listening to "Stay with me" by Sam Smith and to me it is a amazing song. While I'm walking around trying to find the washroom a male worker looks at me was I walk by him. After I'm a couple feet away from him I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see the worker who's name tag says his name is Mark.

"Sir are you looking for something?" he asked me.

"Actually yes I am, I need to know where the washroom is please."

"Oh well it's simple, you just go straight until you see the eggs, then make a turn to your left."

" Thanks but how did you know I was looking for something?"

"Well you already went around the whole store a couple of times looking at every door that had a label on it so I thought you needed some help.'

All I did was laugh a little bit because I was probably so into the music I didn't know where I was going. Following what Mark had told me to do, I found the girls washroom. I took out my earphones and knocked on the door while saying "You okay in there Aurelia?" All I got as a response was "Umm yea... Give me a couple more minutes."

I put back in my headphones waiting for her to come out until I got a call. I looked at the caller ID and saw it said "Police station". I hope they didn't figure out what I'm doing to a innocent high school student. I never even wanted to do something as cruel as this to Aurelia, she is the sweetest girl I've ever met. I remember when we were younger in the winter we would always try to build the biggest snowman we could, but always gave up because it was too hard so in the end we always ended up going back inside my house and drinking some hot chocolate while watching "Tom and Jerry". I honestly kinda hated my dad for making me do this because ever since the beginning of high school I started to grow feelings for her, and after each year my feelings grew stronger and stronger. But I'm pretty sure we all know that what I'm doing to her right now, she will never like me. Snapping out of my thoughts I answered the phone.


"Hi is this Connor Franta that I am speaking to?" A deep voice spoke from the other line.

"Yes I am why do you ask?"

"Well Connor your mom,dad,and a girl named Aurelia Goldbergs dad have been released from jail."


"Well we found out that we had mistaken them as another family so we found the real people who did the crime. Oh and tell Aurelia to come to because her parents want to speak with her."

"So when do I come?"

"Now and bring her with you.'

With that, the line went dead. Wait so does that mean I have to leave right now with Aurelia I guess so if that's what the cops want. I gently knock on the door of the washroom. before I could say anything she came out.

"There's some exiting news I got for you."

"What is it?" Aurelia's eyes widened in curiosity.

"Your dad got released from jail and the police department says he wants to talk with you to you know catch up or something I guess."

Her face expression went from normal to super happy in a matter of seconds.

"Connor what are you waiting for let's go!"

I started laughing as I told her we still needed to check out. I guess she REALLY wanted to go because she gave me the saddest puppy dog eyes and I just couldn't resist. I mean if it was my dad who was in jail for a few years I would have the same feelings as her. I left all the groceries I had in the cart at the front of the store and left with Aurelia to walk to my car. It has been starting to get cold in Minnesota so we kind of speed walked to the car because we both weren't dressed properly. We got into the car and I turned on the heater right away. The drive to the police station was quiet and relaxing hearing all the rain slowly roll down the windows looking like they were racing to see which drop could get down the quickest. Once we arrived I got out of my seat closed the door and opened the door for Aurelia too. This place was much more bigger then I expected to be and looking over at Aurelia her face was completely normal. I was walking at a rather slow pace I don't know why but probably because I'm just taking this all in.

"Come on Connor hurry up! I wanna see my daddy!"

With those words she started skipping like a little girl and I just copied her. When we got to the doors Sarah started to look all nervous.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Aurelia.

"Well... yeah I am because I haven't seen my dad in forever and I don't know what he's going to think of me."

"Don't worry I'm sure he'll love you, I mean you are his daughter."

"I hope so...anyways let's go inside and get this over with."

With that me and Aurelia walked into the police station to see her dad and my parents.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a few days but I just wanted to try to make this chapter long. I will try to update as often as I can and that photo is how I imagine Sarah looking😊

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