Chapter 8

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*Aurelia Goldberg perspective*

So many emotions were running through my head right now. One thing I haven't said yet is that in the first year of high school Connor was my bully. He had his own 'gang' as people would like to call it and they were the most popular in the school. They'd get everything they wanted because they basically ran the school. Now you may ask why was he so popular? Well Connor and his other two friend Aaron and Corbin had the looks every girl died for. One day at lunch Chloe told me she liked Aaron and the news reporter girl heard what she said and put it in the school news. Everybody soon found out including Corbin and Chloe was absolutely humiliated. I felt bad for the poor girl. She ran out of school all the way back to her house, She was a much faster runner then me so I couldn't catch up. Ever since that day Chloe and Corbin had never spoken. Connor bullied me because his friends dared him too the first couple of times but then he got used to it and kept on doing it.

He called me words like fat, ugly, worthless, stupid, loser, weirdo, selfish, and useless. Tears started to burn in my eyes. No I can not cry and I will not. I quickly wiped my tears away and listened to the conversation.

After Connors mom asked the question it was quite for a while maybe because Connor was thinking? I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the answer.

"I do mom and I don't know what to do about it. I've fallen desperately in love with this girl but the honest truth is I don't think she likes me back one bit."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well it's because of something I did in high school to her but please promise me you won't get mad?"


"Okay... I bullied her. Badly. I would call her words that would make me even cringe that the thought of saying that to such a beautiful girl. I'm the one who sabotaged her and ruined her high school year. I feel so guilty. More then you could ever imagine. S-she never deserved what happened to her. I shouldn't have ever listened to my "friends" when I knew what I was doing was wrong. All the words I said were lies but because of those words Aurelia became depressed and cut. Just because of me."I heard Connor... Sniffle? Was he about to cry?

"Oh my poor little boy. Once we get home I'll give you some advice but Sarah's family is probably already done speaking so we have to leave."

"Okay thanks mom."

I heard them getting out of there chairs so I quickly backed away from the door. The door knob turned and Connors mom looked absolutely fine but Connor seemed a bit upset and I know why. I guess he really did feel bad for bullying me. Just to make sure he was okay I wanted to ask him. He had his head down when he came out of the room and before he left I caught up to him.

"Hey Connor, you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He smiled a small smile after he said that, but I could tell it was fake. To see him like this is sad. I want to make him happy. I don't like seeing him in this state. I barely know this guy so I don't know what I can do to make him happy.

"Oh and Connor?" His mom called before she was leaving.

"Yes mom."

"We're going to Hollywood in two days with Aurelia's family so you need to pack today."

"That's not fair!" Why isn't this fair to Connor?

"Why isn't this fair?" Connors mom replied sharply.

"Because Faith can't come and I'll miss her." woah... Who's Faith?

"Well you have Aurelia and I told Corbin and Aaron could come too."

"Fine." He dramatically sighed and walked away from me to go God knows where. Would it be weird if I asked him who that Faith girl was? Of course it would be. I need to learn to give him privacy. If he wanted to tell me he would of told me already. I really wanted to talk to him even if it's not about that girl I want to know if he is okay because that's all that matters to me. I start walking in his direction and he was walking quite fast so I kind of had to jog to keep up to him.

"Connor wait up!" He turned around and gave me the what-do-you-want kind of look. "Yeah?" He replies back.

"Um...If you feel comfortable can you tell me who Faith is? I mean if you don't want to tell me you don't have to."

"No no Faith girlfriend." Right now my head is saying "who cares if he has a girlfriend?" But my heart is saying "you do stupid"

*Connor Franta Perspective*

Did I really just say that. No no no. Just incase you couldn't notice I don't have a girlfriend. I just screwed this up so much. I know there's a really tiny chance of Aurelia liking me but if she does then now we don't even a 1% chance of dating because she knows I'm already "taken" by someone else. I just said that because...because I know she'll never want me to be her boyfriend. I'm not even good enough for her. She is like royalty she deserves the best, and only that. I can't give her that if I was someone who bullied her, lowered her confidence, and make her depressed.

All she replied was a simple "Oh. Ok thanks for telling me." and with that she walked away to where ever she was going. She didn't look like she was happy when I told her. Why? Faith is just some girl who I met about a month ago and I guess you could say she is pretty but not Sarah's type of pretty. I screwed up. But I know I will find a way to make this better and if I don't then I don't know what I'll do to win Sarah back. What am I even saying to myself. It's not like we broke up or something I guess I just don't want to lose what we have right now. It's not exactly a friendship and not exactly love, but I will fight for it.

Hey guys! I hope this chapter was long enough for you to cover up for more then a week for not updating. Today was the day my winter break started so I will obviously update more because there's gonna be no school btw that's just a little manip of Sarah and Connor. What should there ship name be? Carah? Sonnor? Comment down below👽


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