You're leaving me?

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Hey guys this is my first story! And I've read other stories! They were amazing! So please don't judge it's my first time! :) And the story starts on the 2nd day of summer!(: 


Chapter 1 ~ You're leaving me?

'Beep beep beep beep' 

I slam my hand down hard trying to shut off my annoying alarm clock. It's only Saturday so I get out of bed slowly. I walk to my bathroom at the speed of a grandma with a walker. I grab my towel and look in the mirror. I have wavy blonde hair with natural brown highlights. My eyes are blue with green specks in them. I'm tan because I live in Texas! I have curves that fit me nicely. Not to big nor too small. I turn away from the mirror to turn my shower on.

I get out of the shower and put my high black shorts on with a baby blue shirt. I let my hair dry naturally. I go down stairs and head to the kitchen. I see my father sipping his coffee and reading the daily newspaper. I walk right past him not saying a word. I go into the refrigerator to get me some jam and orange juice. I make me some jam toast with orange juice. I opened the refrigerator to put the jam up and juice. I was about to close the door when I heard her voice. The devil herself. My 'stepmom' Caitlynn. "Hey honey" she said flirty to my father. I could've thrown up right then and there. I glared at her walking past her. I was about to go up stairs with my toast but my father yelled "Nikki come here".

What did I do? I thought.

I sat down at the wooden table where he was sitting at. "Yes dad?" I asked curiously. "I need to tell you something" He said hesitantly. "Spit it out dad!" I yelled. "Me and your stepmom are going to Europe and you can't go...". What? What did he just say?! I was mad and shocked. "WHAT?? Why?" I screamed. I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard me yelling. "Because we don't have enough money for you to go" Caitlynn said while smirking. I looked at dad and he nodded. I could feel tears running down my cheeks. "THAT SHOWS HOW MUCH YOU CARE ABOUT ME!" I yelled with sarcasm. I dropped my toast on the tile floor and I ran up the stairs almost tripping on the last step. I got to my room and slammed my door so hard one of my pictures fell off the wall. I locked the door and slid down on my back against the door. I sat there crying thinking about what I'm going to do. 


Hey guys sorry short chapter. For the characters you can just imagine them because I can't find nobody I'm looking for. Thank you for reading!  

XO- Jymeni <3

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