Meeting Mrs.Smith and the boys

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I got out my clothes for tomorrow and put my night clothes on. I went down stairs and made me dinner. After I was done it was about an hour later. I decided to got to bed so I wouldn't be tired in the morning.*


Chapter 5 ~ Meeting Mrs.Smith

I woke up at 5:00 am and walked to my dresser I pulled out my Chi and plugged it in the wall. While I waited for the straightener to heat up I went downstairs to wake up dad. I made me some coffee and put 4 spoons of sugar and some French Vanilla creamer. I walked up the stairs sipping my coffee. I sat my mug down on my dresser and started to straighten my hair.

When my hair was perfectly straight I got up and realized I was still in my pajamas. i took a sip of my coffee before I went to get my clothes from my nightstand that I put there last night. Black skinny jeans, bright baby blue vans, and a white and blue striped shirt! Dad knocks on the door. "Hurry up. We're about to leave in 15 minutes". I said okay and put on my makeup. I only put on a little make-up to cover my sleepiness.

We got to the airport and I saw my bestfriends already there. Once I saw them I dropped my stuff and ran to them. We all grouped hugged and they all cried well except for Will, but I could see he was trying to hold it back. I hugged Will and said I was sorry. He kissed me on the cheek and told me to be safe. "Guys we're going to Skype tomorrow don't forget!" They all nodded. After that I heard my flight being called. We all hugged and said goodbye. I can't believe I'm leaving.. "Look for a brown haired lady with hazel eyes. She tall and slender" My father told me and I gave him a hug and a kiss. "I love you guys" I said while walking off. I gave my plane ticket to the ticket lady. I boarded and got ready for a long flight.(By the way I don't how long it is to Texas to California.)


I woke up and the plane was about to land. When the plane landed I got my stuff and headed quickly to the lobby. I stand there looking around until I hear "Nikki!!! Oh my gosh you've grown so much!" The girl that dad explained hugged me. I tried to think of her name... OH YEAH... But I couldn't say anything because she was cutting off my air flow. "Can't....... Breathe.." I choked out. "I'm sorry Hun." She said. "it's okay Mrs.Smith. Can we start to go to your house please? I'm really tired." She gladly accepted. We got into her 2013 silver land rover range rover. "I love your car Mrs.Smith!" I said. "Thank you Honey and please don't call me Mrs.Smith, it makes me feel old! Call me Carmen!" She replied. She's really peppy. I put my bags in the trunk and got in the front seat. I sat there looking out the window. It was beautiful in California! When we finally got to her house I was amazed and shocked. Her house was three stories with about one big balcony on the 2nd story connected to all the rooms on the second floor in the front. The house was a beige color with rose bushes along the front of windows. I got out and just stood there and admired the beautiful house. I looked at one of the windows and I swore I saw the curtains move. "Come on honey let's go get your bags and meet the boys". "Yes ma'- wait what?" I didn't know she had kids. "Yes sweetie I said boys. I have seven boys. WHAT?!? Dad didn't tell me this..


Hehe! I love you guys!

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<3 Jymeni

Okay so I accidentally deleted chapter 6 so I'm putting it on here.


"Come on honey let's go get your bags and meet the boys". "Yes ma'- wait what?" I didn't know she had kids. "Yes sweetie I said boys. I have seven boys". WHAT?!? Dad didn't tell me this..

Chapter 6 ~ Meeting the Smith boys

My dad had probably forgot about her boys because he wouldn't have sent me here with all this testosterone in the house. We reached the front door and Carmen was about to open it when this amazingly sexy boy opens the door.. Of course he didn't have a shirt on. He had an 8 pack with nice muscles. He had dirty blonde hair but the blonde was a light blonde. He had green eyes. Why does he have green eyes and Carmen had brown? "Who are you sexy?" His voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Vincent Smith go get a shirt on now. We have company, and this is Nikki. She is going to stay with us for a while." Carmen demanded slightly annoyed. He rolled his eyes and ran upstairs. Carmen sighed and shook her head. " Sorry for Vincent, darling let me show you to your room".

I nodded and we went to the second floor and walked to the second door to the left. I walked in and the room had baby blue walls and a tan carpet. I love my room already! There was a flat screen TV beside the bed on the wall. In front of the TV was a glass table and a soft black couch. I look around and saw the closet. YES! It's a walk-in closet! "Thank you Carmen for taking me in! I really appreciate it." I told her while still looking at my room. "No problem darling. Me and your mom were close friends. So I would do anything for you"! Just the thought of my mom made me want to lay down on the floor and cry. I nodded and laid on the bed. It only had a sheet on it. Thank goodness I brought my bed needs. "Dinners going to be ready at 7. You can come down and meet the rest of the boys at dinner". "Yes ma'am". She left and I got my suitcase and went to the closet.

After my closet I pulled out all of my bed needs out of my suitcase along with my pillow. My comforter is zebra print and it's so soft! My pillow case is also zebra striped but my sheet is baby blue. Goes with the room pretty well! I laid down on my bed and found tons of messages on my phone. I texted my friends back and told then I was okay. I told Kayla and Lexi that I'm living with 7 guys and I've only met one and his is sexy! They flipped out. I was about to text back when I heard a knock on my balcony door. I got up and another guy that looked just like Vincent except for he had crystal blue eyes. What in the world? Maybe their dad had different color eyes? "Hi I'm Levi. I heard you just moved in with us. Vincent told me and I just wanted to see if I could help with anything?" I shook my head no and then looked at my phone and saw it was 6:55. "Actually I do need help. I need help finding the kitchen". He nodded and went through my room.

I shut the door and followed Levi to the kitchen. When I got into the kitchen I saw these amazingly fine boys at the table. They all started to stare at me. I looked at Carmen and she was making dinner. "Do you mind if I help Carmen?" She accepted. I made the salad and put the silverware on the table. While I was putting the silverware on the table the boys started staring at my boobs. I rolled my eyes and hit Levi and Vincent upside their head. "Ow" they both said at the same time. I shake my head and I put the food on the table. They boys were midway in the air when Carmen yelled "STOP! Sit!" They all groaned. "Now introduce yourselves!" They groaned again. Typical boys.

One guy got up and he was tan with brown hair and had hazel eyes like Carmen's. "I'm Zayn Smith, 18, nice to meet you"! He held out his hands and I shook it. There was a tingling sensation when I touched his hand. He sat down and Levi... I think.. I don't know it's hard to tell. "Sup I'm Vincent Smith 17". I just smiled and Levi got up. I knew it was him this time. "Hi I'm Levi, sorry for my brother. I'm also 17, Vincent and I are twins if you haven't noticed" I smiled and said "It's okay Levi". He sat down and another guy got up. He looked a year younger than me. He had brown hair and green eyes. "Hello I'm Alexander but you can call me Alex, and I'm 16". "Okay Alex". I shook his hand and a boy with brown hair blue eyes stood up. "Hi I'm Logan Smith and I'm 14". I smiled at him. A boy with a book up his nose didn't get up, until Alex nudged him. He look and said "Sorry I was busy reading my book. I'm Jesse Smith 12, I like to read" I laughed and noticed that he had blonde hair and brown eyes. Just then a little boy came up and hugged me and told me that his name was Tommy age 4. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. Just like his mom! "Wow he must really like you for him to hug you!" Levi told me. He saw that I was confused so he added.. "He's really shy around new people. He never does that to new people". I'm already loving Tommy! He is so adorable! "Alright now you boys can eat." Carmen said. They all cheered even Tommy! I sat between Levi and Vincent since I met them first.

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