Don't leave your best buddy

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We were doing crazy dance moves and Will was laughing his ass pff! After that we were tired and fell asleep. I don't remember what place we feel asleep in...*


Chapter 4 ~ Don't leave your best buddy

I woke up to my head on Will's arm. My feet on Kayla's stomach and Lexi's head on my stomach.. Since dad was at work and Caitlynn was shopping.. (They told me yesterday) I decided to wake them up.. I mentally counted to three and screamed bloody murder! Kayla and Lexi both screamed and Will shot up fast and looked around. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing! They all hit me and screamed at me.

"I'm hungry" Will complained. "Of course you are Will" Lexi said. "Alright let's got down stairs and make PANCAKES and BACON!!" I yelled. We all ran down stairs and into the kitchen. "I'll get the pancake mix and eggs" Kayla said. "I'll get the milk and the rest of the stuff we need. And Nikki you can cook the bacon" Lexi suggested. I nodded and got the skillet and sprayed non-stick on it. I got the bacon out and put it on the hot skillet. I saw Will staring into space.. He's in his la-la land! "WILL! You can get the plates and silverware ready." I commanded. I scared him so bad he nearly fell off the chair. He nodded and did as I said.


We got done eating and put the plates in the sink. Will had to go home. So I asked the girls if they could help me pack. As soon as I asked I could see sadness in their eyes but, they agreed and we went up stairs. "Hey after we're done do you want to go to the park?" Kayla asked. "Yeah!" I nodded! We are such kids!

~~~~ 3 Hours Later ~~~~

We started to walk to the park. It was only a 5 minute walk to get there. "I'll race you to the swings" Lexi yelled. "Oh is that a challenge I hear?" I said! "Hell yeah!" Lexi answered! We all started laughing and we raced. Lexi won because she cheated though! We started swinging. "You guys are really childish!" Kayla laughed! "Oh really? Who's idea was it to come to the park Kayla?" I replied. "Whatever!" she said. She sat on the swing and we chit-chatted for a while. Lexi and Kayla both got a Taxi to take them home.

It was starting to get a little dark so I decided to start walking home. I was walking on the sidewalk when I swore I could've heard the bushes behind me move. I started to freak out and walk a little faster. Relax Nikki it's only your imagination. I thought to myself. I started to slow down my speed walk to calm my self down. I heard footsteps behind me so I stopped and turned around. No one was there? What the hell? I almost got to my house when a hand went over my mouth and my reaction is to scream but I couldn't I was so petrified. "Shh Nikki it's only me, Will." I turned around to look at him and his hand was still on my mouth. I removed his hand and whispered-yelled "What the fuck Will you scared the shit out of me. I thought you were some kind of murder. Don't you EVER scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry Nikki.. I just want to talk to you" he replied. "What do you want?" I said slightly annoyed. "You can't leave me! We've been friends for like 11 years and you're gonna leave your best buddy? Please don't leave. Make up an excuse so you can't go!" "Will I'm sorry I have to leave.. It's not my choice. My dad is making me go.. I wish I could stay here but I can't. I go to go Will. Meet me at the airport at 6:30 my plane leaves at 6:55. Bye." I kissed him on the cheek and with that I walked off.

I got into my house and saw that it was about 7:30. I got out my clothes for tomorrow and put my night clothes on. I went down stairs and made me dinner. After I was done it was about an hour later. I decided to got to bed so I wouldn't be tired in the morning.


Y'all I hate this chapter. I'm not going to lie. But I had to put in bestfriend bonding time so..

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