Blow out!!

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When Levi came in she was crying and just went out the door. He looked at her then me and yelled "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MAKE HER FUCKING CRY"? Woah he never cusses. She's really important to him I can tell. He stomped out and to find that beautiful girl that I hurt..

Chapter 13 ~ Blow out

Nikki's POV

I don't know where to run to so I run to the cafe. I look around and spot her. "Krista! Are you off" I asked her. "Oh my goodness. What happened? And yes I am just getting off right now". She said while taking her apron off. "I'll tell you later. Come on we have to get out of here"! She gave me a look and grabbed my hand and lead me out of the cafe. I was about to ask her something when I hear Levi say "Babe where are you going"? "I'm going somewhere with Krista. I need to be with a girl to talk with right now". He gave me a hurt expression and then said "Okay but please be careful and I need to talk to you when you get back. Oh and here is your phone please take it and contact me in a few hours so I know you are alright". I nodded and took my phone. I kissed him on the lips and walked away with Krista. We got outside and Krista said "Hey is it alright if I go pick up one of my friends? You can tell me what happened on the way". I nodded and we got into her car.


I told her everything since I got to the Smith's house. She looked at me and her eyes where wide open. I gave her a confused looked and she said "hunny I think Zayn likes you. Judging by his actions". I laughed and said "boo he DOES NOT like me"!!! She rolled her eyes and we pulled up to a house that was just as pretty as the Smith's except they had only two stories and no balcony. A girl with light brown wavy hair that goes a little past her shoulders came out. She was a little pale but it went good with her hair. She got in the back and said "hello i'm Julia and you are"? She stuck her hand out and I shook it. "My name is Nikki. Nice to meet you Julia"! She smiled and shook her head.

Levi's POV ~ By the way there is going to be a lot of cursing in here so you've been warned

I kissed her and watched her walk away. I'm so pissed at Zayn! I walk back to his room and see him laying there looking at the wall. "What the hell did you do"? I screamed. He looked at me and he could tell that I was beyond pissed. He sighed and looked at me and I could tell he was pissed to. "You want to fucking know why she was crying? Why don't you fucking ask her. She is your girlfriend! She is your problem NOT mine". I was about to blow my top. "Well she wouldn't be crying if YOU didn't do whatever you did to her. And what the fuck did you do to her"? I screamed. "I told her to don't ever fucking worry or talk to me EVER"! If I was a cartoon steam would come out of my ears and my face would be red! "Listen up Zayn! You fucking think that you're all top shit cause you are the older brother in the house. Well listen up mother fucker i'm tired of you treating girls like just a fucking mat on the ground. I am sick of you being a fucking snob trying to impress girls when you just look like a dumb-ass trying too. Now I understand why Brandon had fucking left the house in such a hurry. Because he couldn't take any more of YOUR shit"! A nurse came in and told us to calm down before she calls security. "How about you stay away from Nikki. You know what? She stayed here waiting for you to get out of your fucking coma. She stayed in that hard ass hospital chair night and day. I was with her for that and I can't believe that you treated her like that when she stayed here for YOU! Fuck you"! He was just laying there with his mouth opened. I grabbed mine and Nikki's stuff and walked out.


Love you guys!! and Brandon is the OLDEST brother. He is the first child. Well comment/vote/fan


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