Chapter 2

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I start out my day with the alarm clock waking me up, I get up slightly only to turn my clock off and lay back down. Five minutes later my alarm clock turns on again. I open my eyes and lean over the edge of my bed. Blindly searching for a hammer. Once it's in my hand, I take it and smash the clock. I sigh in relief. Which didn't last long as the clock continues to play once more.

In a fit of anger, I take my hammer and repeatedly bash the clock, didn't work. Frustration gets to me as I stomp over to the window and chuck it out the window as it rings.

"Stupid clock...Sigh...."

I close the window just as my (Horrible) neighbor curses at me for throwing a clock at him, totally incidental by the way. After changing into some day clothes, I go into the kitchen.

In the fridge I see that I'm low on cola. 

"I need to restock.....", I murmur.

I know I don't have enough money on me, but there's a rich guy near the end of the block that want a pet dear. So if I can snag one in Diga Nia Forest, then I can by a five year supply.

With that in mind, I smile and prepare. I check off the list.   

Carrots? Check!

Deer's like carrots right?

Net? Check!

Rope? Check!

Cage? Check!

Backpack of food? Check!

"I'm ready to go! Just one more thing and I'll head out.", I say out loud to myself.

When I got everything packed, I walk out my door and lock it. When I get to my old rusty pickup truck, I start to run the car. I pack everything in the back and head off to the forest. I notice that I'm running low on gas and make a stop.

Something just occurred to me...I never called Matt to see if he wanted the deer now or if he wants it as a surprise. So while my truck is parked, I call Matt.

"Hey Matt, it's me! Edd? Do you want the deer to be a gift or what?"

"Edd! I can hear you through this oddly shaped device. How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"What did you ask?"

"I'm just calling to tell you, I have a surprise for you!"

"A surprise! What is it?"

"I can't tell you. It's a secret."

"A secret surprise! But it's not my birthday yet."

"I know, but I'm just preparing for later, okay?"


With a light chuckle, I end the call and get back on the road. When I get to the entrance, I walk up to the ranger station.

"Hello! I would like to know if it's okay if I can take a deer?"

"It's not hunting season yet."

"I'm not going to kill it! I just want a gift for my friend. He's not the smartest, but I'm sure he can take care of one pet. I don't know how you feel about it, but can I at least try? I don't have any guns or anything sharp, please? I'll only catch one."

"Sir, I'll have to ask you to leave."


I went a round the back and hid my truck.

-And that's how I got here.", I finish my story as we drove to my house.

"You are illegal."

"You are too."

I laugh and Tom smiles.



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